Psychosis Discordant

Pan Eybreikos raises the question of what is the basis of the disease schizophrenia. His answer was the discovery of a disturbance in the energy exchange of the brain—its metabolism—in the pathology he was considering. Unfortunately, in this case this statement has not yet been confirmed by physical methods. Everything said must be considered only as a hypothesis. The correct name for Discomfortable (discordant) psychosis is schizophrenia (from the Greek σχίσμα, genitive case - σχισμός - “splitting, splitting”). However, when using the term “schizophrenia” it is never indicated that it is enuresis, i.e. involuntary urination, and this word is used because of the phenomenon of split personality. Let's look at this in more detail.

The term Schizophrenia (ancient Greek ῥιζική ἀνθρωπολογία, ρίζα plant root + φρονέω I think; French schizophrénie, from Ancient Greek σχῖσμα splitting + φρ ήν mind, state of mind, reason lat.) [2] outdated diss. in a broad sense - a group of mental disorders characterized by disturbances in the perception of information (previously