
Protruding eyes arise from severe swelling of the eyeball and overflow, or due to strong bulging outward, or due to excessive relaxation of the state of suspension and those muscles that carry it out. Bulging, which occurs from severe swelling, from heaviness and fullness, depends on the matter in the eye itself, be it wind, or juice, or moisture. Sometimes this congestion comes from the eye itself, and sometimes the brain and the whole body are involved, as happens when menstruation is delayed. The type of bulging eyes that occurs from the bulging of the eyeball outward occurs with suffocation, with severe headaches, with vomiting, with strong screaming, and in women with strong labor pains and with strong attempts during bowel movements. Sometimes it is also caused by matter that is directed to the eye when the woman has not yet been cleansed after childbirth, or it occurs from a disorder in the nature of the fetus or from its death in the womb and decomposition.

Bulging also occurs from relaxation of the muscle. When relaxation occurs in the muscle surrounding the hollow nerve, it no longer holds the eyeball and allows it to deviate outward. If bulging eyes occur only from muscle relaxation, then vision does not suffer from this. But if bulging eyes are associated with muscle rupture, then vision is impaired. And sometimes both eyes protrude, as, for example, with tonsillitis, inflammation of the membranes of the brain and pneumonia.

The reason for this is bulging, and sometimes overflow, and often bulging eyes occur with severe obesity, as well as due to swelling of the cornea.

Signs. If the protrusion of the eye is caused by the abundance of matter accumulating in it, then it also enlarges. Sometimes no increase occurs.

In both cases, a tension is felt pressing from behind; By this sign they will know the reason. As for the type of bulging eyes that occurs from muscle relaxation, then with it the eyeball does not enlarge, strong tension is not felt from the inside, but the eye moves restlessly and involuntarily.

Treatment. For mild bulging eyes, a bandage that presses in the eyeball, sleeping on the back, light food, little movement and constant squinting of the eyes are sufficient. If you need medicinal help, sumac ointment should be used. As for the severe type of bulging eyes, when matter is involved, then it becomes necessary to cleanse the body and head of it using methods known to you using laxatives, bloodletting, placing blood-sucking cups on the sides of the occipital fossa and a sharp enema. In general, relaxation is one of the most useful remedies for all types of this disease, as well as applying blood-sucking cups to the back of the head. At the beginning of the disease, you need to constantly apply a medicinal bandage with wool soaked in vinegar, pour cold water or cold salt water on your face, and especially the kind in which astringents such as pomegranate peels, blackberries, poppy seeds, chicory and shepherd's staff have been boiled. If the disease does not depend on overflow, then such treatment will always help. And if the disease occurs from overflow, then first you need to dissolve the matter. If the disease arose from relaxation, you need to use large iyarajas, rinsing, odorous substances and known fumigations, and after them astringents and strengthening agents.

As for the bulging eyes that appear during childbirth, if it is caused by minor bleeding in the woman in labor or damage to the fetus, then in this case menstruation should be caused and the fetus should be removed. If the bulging eyes occur only from bulging, then only astringents should be used. Remedies useful for rolling and bulging eyes include a medicinal dressing made with fava bean flour, rose, frankincense and egg white. Burnt date kernels with sumbul have an even stronger effect on these diseases.