Pulmonary (Respiratory) Failure

Pulmonary (respiratory) failure

Pulmonary (respiratory) failure is a condition in which the saturation of tissues with oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide from the body are impaired.

There are two types of pulmonary failure:

  1. Ventilation. Occurs when there is damage to the chest, its muscles, or injury to the lungs.

  2. Parenchymatous. Caused by obstruction of the airways, a decrease in the gas exchange surface or a decrease in blood flow in the lungs.

The main manifestation of pulmonary failure is a decrease in oxygen content in the blood (hypoxemia). There are three degrees of hypoxemia:

  1. Easy. There is no cyanosis, blood oxygen saturation is 80% or more.

  2. Moderate. There is cyanosis, blood oxygen saturation is 60-80%.

  3. Heavy. Severe cyanosis, blood oxygen saturation less than 60%.

In mild cases - agitation, headache, shortness of breath, pale and sweating skin, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.

In moderate cases - confusion, motor agitation, persistent hypertension.

In severe cases - bluish skin, convulsions, dilated pupils, disturbances of consciousness up to coma, a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Treatment of pulmonary failure:

  1. Eliminating the cause

  2. Oxygen inhalation

  3. Artificial ventilation in severe conditions