Pusey cellulite

Cellulite (pousi) is a benign inflammation of the sebaceous glands and excretory ducts. In most cases it occurs as a follicular or perifollicular process. The causative agents of the infection can be staphylococcus, streptococcus and Proteus [1]. According to the classification of K. Anderson (1966), cellulite belongs to the category of Chronic granulomas [2].

The reference in the etiology of cellulite is the presence of previous otitis media (and therefore lymphedema), diabetes mellitus, neuritis with a low pain threshold and nutritional and metabolic disorders, as well as vascular problems. It is observed in elderly people suffering from senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and therefore it is advisable to include the possible teratogenic role of alcohol in the list, given the prevalence of domestic alcohol poisoning and drug addiction. There is a very high percentage of teratogenic effects involving the bones of the skull; very often there are cases of intertwining of the frontal