
Pyarthrosis is an infectious lesion of the joint, leading to its filling with pus.

With pyarthrosis, infection penetrates into the joint cavity, which causes inflammation of the synovial membrane (synovitis) and accumulation of pus inside the joint. The most common causes of pyarthrosis are staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci and other microorganisms.

The main symptoms of pyarthrosis:

  1. pain and swelling in the joint area;

  2. redness and local increase in skin temperature over the joint;

  3. limited mobility and pain when moving the joint;

  4. fever, chills, weakness.

To treat pyarthrosis, urgent drainage of pus accumulated in the joint cavity is necessary in combination with the prescription of antibiotics. If the diagnosis is made late, the damage to the joint can be very serious. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of the disease as early as possible and begin treatment.

The prognosis for pyarthrosis largely depends on the timeliness of starting therapy. With rapid drainage of pus and administration of antibiotics, the prognosis is favorable. However, advanced pyarthrosis can lead to persistent dysfunction of the joint.

Good day to all! Today I want to tell you about such a disease as “Piarthrosis”. This article will contain interesting and useful information for those who care about their health, as well as for doctors and people involved in the medical field.

The beginning of the history of the disease "Piartosis"

The name “pyarthrosis” was established in the course of the practical work of doctors, since without the use of a special instrument it is quite difficult to separate pus from the intra-articular contents, but it is quite distinct to identify the formed purulent “grain” in the cavity of the joint capsule. From the very beginning of the word