Rasskazov's spots

Tales spots, or Paltauff spots, are pseudohyaline (proteinaceous) spots found in the liver, lungs, and brain of children who die of congenital heart defects. Described by V.V. Rasskazov, A.V. Lukomsky and A. Paltauff in 1905. Rasskazov’s spot is represented on the lower pole of the cortex lobule. Consists of the same type of small (from 20 to 50 microns), mostly homogeneous, yellowish-brown nodules of irregular shape, surrounded by a darker stellate rim. The centers of the nodules are filled with foamy colloidal masses. The number of nodules in the field of view reaches 0.3-0.5 thousand, their size is no more than 0-1 mm long and 0.1-0.2 mm wide, their angularity is well expressed.