
Pylorospasm: symptoms, causes and treatment

Pylorospasm is a disease characterized by spasm (contraction) of the muscles in the area of ​​the pyloric sphincter, a narrow area that separates the stomach from the duodenum. This interferes with the passage of food from the stomach to the intestines and can cause vomiting, constipation and other symptoms.

Symptoms of pylorospasm

The main symptom of pylorospasm is vomiting, which can be observed from the moment of birth and be unsystematic. Vomiting may occur in small amounts after feeding. Children with pylorospasm may also have slow gastric motility, which means the movement of food through the stomach is slow. Constipation is not as persistent as with pyloric stenosis.

Causes of pylorospasm

The causes of pylorospasm are not entirely clear. However, it is believed that this may be due to imperfect development of the pyloric sphincter and its insufficient ability to relax during feeding. Therefore, when the stomach becomes full of food, the sphincter may contract, causing difficulty in the passage of food.

Treatment of pylorospasm

Treatment for pylorospasm is aimed at relieving symptoms and improving the passage of food through the stomach. To do this, it is recommended to feed the child more frequently every 2-2.5 hours, as well as supplementary feeding after vomiting. The doctor may prescribe atropine orally (1:1000, 1-2 drops 4 times a day), 2.5% aminazine solution, 3-4 drops per 1 kg of body weight per day in 3 divided doses, cerucal IM 0.1 -0.2 ml.

Before feeding breast milk, it is recommended to give the child 1 teaspoon of 5-10% semolina porridge, and after feeding, the child should be held in an upright position for 30-60 minutes.

In some cases, hospitalization and intravenous infusion of glucose-salt solutions or plasma may be required.

In general, the prognosis for pylorospasm is favorable, and symptoms usually disappear by 3-4 months of the child’s life. However, in some cases additional examination and treatment may be required. If you suspect your child has pylorospasm, contact your pediatrician for diagnosis and treatment.

Pylorospasm is a pathological condition that is characterized by dysfunction of the pylorus of the stomach (pyloric part of the stomach). With pylorospasm, a spasm of the pylorus muscles occurs, which leads to disruption of the passage of food through it. Pylorospasm can be either an independent disease or a symptom of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment for pylorospasm includes medication and lifestyle changes. In this article we will look at the main causes of pylorospasm, its symptoms and treatment methods.