Pyoderma Chancriformis

Pyoderma chancriformis is a form of inflammation of the epidermis that is caused by streptococci. The disease occurs due to exposure to pathogenic microorganisms of human and animal origin. It occurs in children and adults, men and women. Men are most susceptible to the disease.

Pathogenesis Streptococci can enter the body mainly through damaged areas of the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth, throat or nose. In children, transmission through kissing is more common. Due to the rapid proliferation of harmful organisms, an inflammatory process occurs. The main cause of the disease is a violation of the integrity of the skin. As a result of the provoking factor, a wound is formed. Streptococcal infection becomes active immediately after injury (this occurs due to weakened immunity). If the microorganism enters a fresh wound, this leads to the appearance of chancre. Externally