Pyopneumothorax is an accumulation of pus, gases or air in the pleural cavity. This condition can develop if the gas produced by gas-forming bacteria is part of the empyema, or if air gets into the pleural cavity when trying to remove pus from it. Unlike hydropneumothorax, pyopneumothorax causes infection of the pleural cavity.
The main causes of pyopneumothorax are pulmonary tuberculosis, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, and lung cancer. Clinical manifestations include acute chest pain, high fever, chills, shortness of breath, and cough with purulent sputum. To make a diagnosis, chest X-ray, computed tomography, and pleural fluid analysis are performed. Treatment consists of drainage and sanitation of the pleural cavity with the simultaneous administration of antibiotics. Pyopneumothorax is a serious complication of lung diseases and requires urgent treatment.
Pyopneumothorax (Pyopneumothorax)
Pyopneumothorax (or Pyopneumothorax) is a condition in which pus, gases or air accumulate in the pleural cavity. This can happen if the gas produced by gas-forming bacteria is part of the empyema, or if air is introduced into the pleural space when trying to remove pus from it.
Pyopneumothorax differs from hydropneumothorax in that in the first case infection occurs. Hydropneumothorax, in turn, is characterized by the accumulation of air and fluid in the pleural cavity.
Symptoms of pyopneumothorax may vary depending on the degree of accumulation of gases and pus in the pleural cavity. Typically, patients complain of chest pain, difficulty breathing, cough, weakness and fever.
Various methods are used to diagnose pyopneumothorax, including chest x-ray and computed tomography. If infection is suspected, pleural fluid analysis may be required.
Treatment for pyopneumothorax may include antibiotic therapy, chest drainage, and in some cases, surgery may be required.
It is important to note that pyopneumothorax is a serious condition that can lead to complications if not treated promptly. Therefore, if you experience symptoms associated with lung disease, you should consult a doctor for professional help.
Pyopneumothoracus (inflammation of the lungs with the presence of a purulent-air space between the pleura and the lungs) is an acute condition characterized by displacement of the chest organs and accumulation of purulent exudate + air in the pleural cavities. Occurs when affected by infectious agents that penetrate the lungs. The most common causes of damage are Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus, and Legionella. Sometimes pyopneumotarax develops as a complication of the postoperative period after thoracotomy or intensive treatment of acute bronchitis or pneumonia.
Pleurisy can be caused by alcohol, smoking, hypothermia, chest trauma, and viral diseases.