Pyridoxine Hydrochloride

**Pyridoxine** is a water-soluble B vitamin that plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is involved in the synthesis of antibodies, hemoglobin and other biologically active substances. In addition, it has anti-neurotic, anti-atherosclerotic and protective properties. Pyridoxine stimulates the production of adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin, as well as participation in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium.

**Contraindication** for the use of pyridoxine is hypersensitivity and gastrointestinal ulcers, since when used, an allergic reaction may occur and the acidity of gastric juice may increase. **Indications** for the use of pyridoxine: B6-hypovitamin, toxicosis of pregnancy. sideroblastic anemia. leukopenia. central nervous system diseases. sea and air sickness. atherosclerosis. diabetes mellitus. various types of dementia