Radiodermatitis Dry

Dry radiodermatitis is one of the types of skin pathologies that develops due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin. This condition is characterized by peeling and separation of integumentary tissues. Alopecia, acne-like rashes, itching and burning in the area of ​​irritated skin are also observed.

**Radiodermatitis, or psoriasis. how to treat**

As for treatment, the most important and difficult task is to prevent the deterioration of the condition and prevent a possible relapse of the disease. To treat the dry form of the disease, several methods are used: local therapy is used for two weeks - Mometasone cream, which is applied to the affected area in a thin layer. However, the course of treatment for this drug cannot be more than 6 weeks, since sometimes long-term use can lead to drug dependence; The drug Akriderm Gk has the same effect. During the next period, Advantan ointment is prescribed 2 times a day. The course of treatment should also not exceed 3 weeks. This therapy is indicated if the symptoms of the disease are most pronounced. In therapy for the dry type of the disease, Radevit, Rademax or Bepanten ointments are used. The frequency of use is 2-3 times a day, but a long course of treatment should not be continued. Another technique that is suitable for this type of disease is the Vetom Paste cosmetic series based on horsetail extract, which maintains the water-fat balance. The solution of this paste should be wiped over the affected areas in the morning and evening. Hygiene procedures are prohibited. Treatment of radiodermatitis should be carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist. If treated incorrectly, the disease may worsen or its symptoms may worsen.