Radiology Military

Today I would like to talk about military radiology, a field of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the army and other security forces. Military radiology is one of the key elements of national security, as it allows you to quickly and accurately identify diseases and injuries in military personnel.

Radiology is a field of medicine that uses various methods to study the human body using radiation. Military radiology uses a gamma camera, x-ray machine, ultrasound, computed tomography and other techniques to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries in military personnel. Without radiology, military medicine would not be as effective and safe.

However, like any other field of medical science, military radiology has its own characteristics and risks. Firstly, diagnosing diseases in military personnel often requires special knowledge and equipment. In addition, the presence of soldiers on the battlefield can limit access to health care, which can lead to delays in treatment and deterioration in the health of military personnel. Thus, the development and implementation of new diagnostic and treatment methods is very important for military radiology.

One of the most promising areas in the development of military radiology is the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze and interpret research results. This will speed up diagnosis and improve the quality of treatment, as well as reduce the number of doctors’ errors.

It is also important to note that military radiology requires a high level of skill from radiologists and other medical specialists

**Military Radiology** is a discipline that studies methods and applications of radiological methods and devices for the diagnosis and treatment of patients in military medicine, as well as working with radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation. It is a separate section of military medicine, dealing with issues of radiation (radiation-hygienic) safety and protection of troops (forces) from the adverse effects of ionizing radiation as a result of exposure of workers or the population. Radiology is one of the most important areas of modern medical science and practice, therefore its development and dissemination are one of the key goals and objectives of the military department. Radiological monitoring of the body condition of military personnel includes consideration of a number of basic issues that characterize the work characteristics of a military radiologist and the most important problems of radiation safety in the troops. An important condition for the effectiveness of the radiation service in military teams is the training of personnel in radiation biophysics and radiobiology. The success of diagnosis and treatment of diseases is closely related to the improvement and expansion of the arsenal of X-ray diagnostic tools, advanced training of radiologists, and the introduction of new methods of laboratory monitoring of exposure to ionizing radiation.

Although the use of X-rays as a diagnostic tool for more than a century and a half occurred without violating its principles, the systematic study of the properties of X-rays began in the middle of the 19th century, when X-ray tubes began to successfully compete with the technical means of studying the internal structure of the body that existed at that time. However, this application of x-ray examination has not found widespread use in clinical practice. This is explained primarily by the fact that clinical workers of that time knew almost nothing about the properties of X-rays. Their understanding of how an x-ray image appears and how the x-ray image is related to the internal state of the object being studied was very imperfect. This significantly prevented the spread of the method in wide medical practice. On the other hand, the X-ray tube was imperfect, bulky, consumed a significant amount of electricity and did not provide sufficiently clear images. The emergence of atomic and nuclear physics at one time stimulated theoretical and applied research in X-ray radiation. As a result, X-ray examination has moved, without any objections from doctors, from the shadows to a large number of examination methods. We are talking about the effect of X-ray tubes on a photographic emulsion.

*** X-ray photography is the first and historically very important stage in the development of imaging technology in medicine. ***

Medical rays have spread widely among ordinary doctors and have moved far from the highly specialized scope of use only in surgery. The experience of doctors increasingly gave “reasons for the recognition of x-ray diagnostics as an effective means for examining patients with acute and chronic diseases of internal organs” (Esipov N.N., 1962).

Since the beginning of the 20th century. honey. the image becomes an operational method using devices - fluorographs and x-ray plates. To obtain an X-ray image, it is necessary to have “working” X-ray radiation, i.e. a certain number of X-ray quanta re-emitted by the material of the object. One of the ways to register an X-ray image is to obtain an image on a special light-sensitive plate, which is attached to the transilluminated object. In this case, on the plate fixed on the object