
A rickets is a person suffering from rickets. Rickets is a disease characterized by impaired mineral metabolism in the body and, as a consequence, defects in bone tissue and teeth.

Causes of rickets include insufficient intake of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, as well as disturbances in their absorption. Most often, rickets occurs in children aged 6 months to 3 years.

A rachitic child has the following symptoms: curvature of the bones (especially the legs), softening of the skull bones, bloating, sweating of the head, muscle weakness. Rachitic bone changes lead to skeletal deformation.

To prevent and treat rickets, it is necessary to provide the child with a sufficient amount of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, as well as a balanced diet and regular exposure to fresh air. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Rickets (Rachitic) in pediatrics is a childhood disease manifested by bone deformation and impaired mineralization. Children of different ages suffer from rickets, but mainly in the first and second years of life. A number of stages can be distinguished in the development of childhood rickets. The hereditary factor determining the development of rickets. A sign of the severity of the disease is its prevalence in the winter and spring. In children of the first year of life, the symptoms of a rachitic crisis are especially pronounced, manifested by hypochromic anemia, joint pain, skin erythema,