Raihan Sulaimani is a fibrous basil plant

It is found in the mountains near Isfahan and resembles fresh dill. They also say that its leaves are similar to the leaves of marshmallow, and its inflorescences are small. It twines around trees like bindweed. There seems to be some controversy regarding him. Its other name may indicate that this is the plant called jamisfaram, for people believe that Jam is Suleiman.

Rarefied, drying.

Tumors and acne.
They apply it with vinegar to erysipelas, and it helps. It is also used to lubricate mucous tumors.

Apply vinegar to creeping ulcers.

Tools with joints.
They lubricate sore spots with gout, and it helps. This is its special property.

Organs of the head.
It helps against facial paralysis.

Eruption organs.
It is injected with rose oil into the vagina for pain in the uterus.

They lubricate the place bitten by a scorpion.