Rana Rezanaya

An incised wound is an open linear or ellipsoidal defect in the soft tissues of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by a knife blade or some other cutting object. It can be observed during domestic and work injuries; after treating the edges of the wound, it is performed by a doctor. Indications for suturing a cutting wound: venous hemorrhages, superficial wounds with pronounced subcutaneous tissue. The edges of the wound are pulled apart with forceps before the initial suturing. To stop bleeding, electrocoagulation and compression are sometimes used. The need and method of hemostasis mainly depend on the patient's condition. After suturing, the wound is bandaged. In order to quickly restore the integrity of the skin, after two weeks, subcutaneous plastic surgery of the wound is performed (usually above the suture), one plate of split muscles is removed and it is sutured to the edges of the defect. Dressings are carried out every day until the wound is completely healed. If the nerve trunks, skin and muscles are damaged, there is a need for osteosynthesis of a bone fragment.