
**Ranitd** (India, ranitidine) is a drug from the pharmacological group “H2-histamine receptor blockers” and drugs similar in nature of action. The medication is the most important drug in the treatment of complications associated with stomach ulcers, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, bleeding caused by vascular leakage.

**Indications:** - Recommended for use for stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis caused by enterovirus infections, ulcerative colitis, bleeding caused by vascular diseases, stomach cancer; - As one of the replacement components of complex therapy for postoperative ulcers; - Liver pathologies associated with cyclic viral hepatitis; - Used as an effective prophylactic against stress and psychogenic ulcers. **Contraindications:** - hypersensitivity to the active substance or other components of the drug, - cirrhosis with a history of hepatic encephalopathy (risk of confusion), - liver and kidney diseases (the drug may cause deterioration in the function of these organs), - pregnancy, - breastfeeding , age up to 1 month. The use of the drug for children is also not recommended due to the increased risk of intestinal toxicity under the age of 2 years. Side effects (Manifestations are possible only if there is an appropriate list of contraindications): 1. From the central nervous system: drowsiness, headache, impaired consciousness (after excessive dosage), dizziness. 2. Cardiovascular system: heart rhythm disturbance (extrasystole