
Ranoxil In accordance with the instructions, broad-spectrum penicillin antibiotics are considered. The drugs are indicated for the treatment of bacterial infections and diseases caused by drug-sensitive microorganisms. The component of the drug is the antibiotic moxacillin (the international nonproprietary name for amoxicillin). Indications for the use of the drug are diseases and infections of the upper respiratory tract, urinary tract, digestive and skin systems, diseases of the reproductive system, borreliosis, listerioidosis, treatment of meningitis and sepsis. Ranboxil has contraindications: hypersensitivity, bronchial asthma, aleukia, bronchiectasis, eczema, hay fever. The active substance may cause adverse reactions from the digestive tract, such as nausea, diarrhea and rarely allergic reactions. Overdose and complications are undesirable in patients with chronic diseases. It is recommended for severe diseases and conditions; the doctor prescribes the drug depending on the severity of the disease and possible side effects.