Spotted Thistle With Echinacea

Recently, many people have been turning to pharmacy chains. They need high-quality treatment to eliminate various pathologies of the body, for example, colds. **Today we will talk about a herbal preparation** called “Milk Thistle Spots”.

It’s worth noting right away that this drug should be taken strictly as prescribed by your doctor. But some may find it worthwhile to buy this medicine themselves. Let's first consider what this dietary supplement is.

**Milk thistle** is a herb derivative from the Asteraceae family. It must be said that this herb has a rich composition, which allows it to be used as a medicine for many diseases. That is, this dietary supplement contains, in addition to the plant parts themselves, many other substances. The drug contains vitamin A, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Milk thistle also has an extensive list of beneficial properties. Therefore, this herbal preparation is so in demand in medical practice.

Now, let's look at the ***composition of milk thistle*** in more detail. The medicine was created from parts and roots of a plant growing in Russia. Also, this medicine contains many trace elements: copper, manganese, zinc, iron, and others. All these substances activate the work of internal organs and improve blood circulation, and also help increase the body’s defenses. After all, it is the protective forces that serve as the main link of immunity, which everyone would so much like to have. But the presence of immunity plays an important role in our health. The dietary supplement is used for a wide variety of ailments, but it is most effective for herpes, hepatitis, and allergies. The medicine increases the activity of liver cell enzymes, as well as its bile secretion and blood purification.