Smoothing expression lines with hyaluronic acid

Expression wrinkles reflect our emotions. Perhaps the only way to prevent them is to take control of your facial expressions. But a 24-hour poker face is a dubious pleasure, and those around you won’t understand. Let's figure out if there are other ways to remove facial wrinkles.

  1. Causes of wrinkles on the face
  2. Types of facial wrinkles
  3. Is it possible to remove facial wrinkles with cosmetics?
  4. Salon treatments against expression wrinkles
  5. Self-massage and gymnastics
  6. Tools Overview

Causes of wrinkles on the face

To understand how to remove facial wrinkles, you need to understand why they appear. The answer is simple: because man is not an insensitive creature. We smile, frown, widen our eyes in surprise, raise an ironic eyebrow - in general, our emotions are reflected on our face.

Wrinkles form in areas of active facial expression © iStock

It would seem, what's wrong with this? Nothing if the facial muscles were not involved in the process. Every time we change our facial expressions, they move, and the skin is forced to move along with them.

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Types of facial wrinkles

As the name implies, expression wrinkles form in those areas of the face where facial expressions are most involved.

Expression wrinkles on the forehead

The first horizontal wrinkles on the forehead can be noticed already in adolescence due to the habit of raising the eyebrows. If you don’t have enough self-control to get rid of it, and you don’t want to do injections, turn to creams with Botox effect.

It arises as a result of the habit of frowning and is difficult to correct.

Expression wrinkles around the eyes

"Crow's feet." A smile is to blame for their appearance. When we smile, the muscles around the eyes work, and after a while, rays of wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes. If you don't take action, they will become deep.

Wrinkles on the lower eyelid

The thin skin of the eyelids quickly loses its elasticity, and the habit of squinting keeps the muscles in constant tension. So it would not hurt to add vision correction to a cream with an anti-edematous effect (bags speed up the formation of wrinkles) if you squint due to myopia.

A person blinks 15–20 times per minute. Such active facial expressions lead to the formation of “crow’s feet,” which become more noticeable towards the end of the day. In the evening, the eyes look older than in the morning due to more pronounced facial wrinkles.

There are two types of expression lines around the mouth.

Nasolabial folds. True, their formation does not depend on facial expressions, but on heredity, the natural structure of the face, as well as malocclusion.

Wrinkles around the lips are associated with the work of the orbicularis oris muscle © iStock

Perioral folds (purse-string wrinkles) are a consequence of continuous and active work of the orbicularis oris muscle. However, they are formed quite late.

Is it possible to remove facial wrinkles with cosmetics?

Many modern cosmetics begin to work as soon as they enter the skin. But still, don’t expect a Photoshop effect from them, even if the package says “filler” - they won’t be able to erase wrinkles from your face in a minute.

The key to success is regularity and duration of use. If you take a course on rejuvenation, use the product for 3-4 months to count on good and stable results.

Anti-wrinkle creams contain ingredients that can stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin:

retinol and its derivatives.

Also, modern creams have a relaxing Botox-like effect on the skin. The most well-known components are hexapeptide and adenosine.


This is a concentrate that specifically increases skin density. Serums usually contain hyaluronic acid, which improves complexion and smoothes its texture through deep hydration.


A relatively new type of product that borrows wrinkle-filling technology from beauty injections. The principle is the same - to supply the skin cells with hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains water in the skin, straightening wrinkles from the inside. Fillers instantly increase skin tone and hydration, reducing the appearance of wrinkles over time.

Salon treatments against expression wrinkles

There are two radical ways to make wrinkles disappear from your face:

immobilize facial muscles so that the muscles stop moving and wringing the skin;

straighten wrinkles from the inside by filling with filler.

Injection techniques are used to correct wrinkles © iStock

Injection techniques

Botulinum toxin. Botox injections immobilize overactive facial muscles for several months. Together with the relaxed muscle, the skin also rests, ceasing to gather in folds, as a result, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Contour plastic. Wrinkles are filled from the inside by introducing high-molecular hyaluronic acid - a fairly dense but flexible gel, which, when used skillfully, perfectly corrects deep folds.

Hardware techniques. The devices fight wrinkles, trying in one way or another to tighten the collagen-elastin framework or start the process of skin renewal.

Thermolifting. By increasing the temperature in the dermal layer, the “stretched” old collagen is destroyed and the process of forming a new one begins.

Fractional thermolysis. The skin is damaged in a targeted manner under the influence of a fractional laser that stimulates cell renewal. As a result of renewal, the skin becomes more elastic, fine wrinkles disappear.

Galvanization. One type of electrotherapy helps to relax facial muscles. Effective for correcting wrinkles on the forehead.

Iontophoresis. Cosmetic preparations are carried deep into the skin using an electric current, more effectively stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

Self-massage and gymnastics

To get rid of and prevent facial wrinkles, these are the tips from Facebook building supporters.

In the evening, when applying the cream, place your fingers on your forehead and stroke it from the center to the temples, massage the skin in a circular motion to relax the muscles.

Press your fingertips to the corners of your eyes, close your eyes tightly for five seconds and relax - crow's feet will become less pronounced.

Rotate your eyes in different directions under closed eyelids - this is good for vision and the skin around the eyes.

Rub the fold between your eyebrows between your fingers, pinch it with small movements from bottom to top. Apply the cream horizontally, smoothing the wrinkle from the center to the eyebrows.

Place your fingers on the corners of your lips, draw a circle with the tip of your tongue along the inside of your lips: first in one direction, then in the other direction. This is a good prevention of wrinkles around the mouth.

Tools Overview

Anti-wrinkle products can be used for preventive purposes. Focus on the condition of your skin: if you feel that it has lost its tone, and wrinkles are visible not only at the end of the day, but also after a full night’s rest, feel free to open a jar labeled anti-age.


Anti-wrinkle day cream for firming Rénergie, Lancôme

Returns skin tone and elasticity, protects against oxidative stress.

corn extract, wheat proteins, vitamin E


Anti-wrinkle hyaluronic acid, which is included in many anti-aging creams and masks, is especially popular among cosmetic product manufacturers. This substance can slow down the aging process and is considered the elixir of youth, since it is actively involved in cellular metabolism in the epithelium, connective and nervous tissues.

And when its amount decreases with age, this immediately affects the condition of the skin, which becomes flabby, loses elasticity and freshness. As a result, facial features become sagging and sag because the amount of collagen that forms the basis of their framework decreases in skin cells.

Artificial enrichment of the skin with hyaluronic acid comes to the rescue. In cosmetology, this substance is included in skin care cosmetics or used as injections, which are called “beauty injections” because they have a powerful restorative effect on aging skin. Let's take a closer look at the unique substance and talk about how hyaluronic acid is used for rejuvenation.

Hyaluronic acid for wrinkles: properties

Hyaluronic acid is an amazing polysaccharide that has the ability to attract and retain a large number of water molecules (1 molecule of acid can collect 500 molecules of water near itself). This property allows us to consider this substance as the main regulator of water balance in the intercellular space. The acid helps retain moisture in the epidermis, making the skin look young and healthy.


Over the years, hyaluronic acid becomes less and this is contributed not only by age, but also by poor diet, bad habits or poor environment. As a result, the skin loses volume and elasticity, becomes flabby, premature wrinkles and all signs of aging appear on it.

Hyaluronic acid is present in almost all tissues of the human body, but it is especially abundant in biological fluids and connective tissue. As part of the epidermis, it promotes active cell renewal, accelerates tissue regeneration and activates the production of collagen and elastin. That is, it acts as a framework on which the main processes responsible for maintaining the elasticity and youth of the skin are supported.

Hyaluronic acid in cosmetics


The modern beauty industry produces many cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid: masks, creams, gels, balms, lotions, lipsticks. The most popular and inexpensive products with hyaluronic acid are Evelyn, Laura, Libriderm, Cora creams. Average prices for these products range from 200 to 550 rubles per package.

In anti-aging creams, acid acts as a protector, creating an invisible film on the surface of the skin and preventing moisture loss. In most cosmetic products, it is presented in the form of high-molecular compounds that have a positive effect on the condition of the surface layers of the skin, but are not able to penetrate into the depths of the epidermis.

Anti-wrinkle creams with hyaluronic acid, in which it is represented by low-molecular compounds, exist, but the production of such cosmetics requires high costs and unique technologies, so such products are very expensive.

Cosmetologists offer those who wish an effective, alternative option that promotes deep hydration and preservation of youth. This is the correction of wrinkles with hyaluronic acid, performed by subcutaneous injection. Let's take a closer look at this popular method of rejuvenation.

Hyaluronic acid anti-wrinkle injections


The procedure for introducing hyaluronic acid under the skin is called mesotherapy and is carried out in beauty salons by professional cosmetologists. The essence of the procedure is to stimulate the synthesis of substances necessary for the skin (elastin and collagen) and the body’s production of natural hyaluronic acid. The manipulations take about half an hour, during which time hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin with miniature syringes, the required amount of which is calculated depending on the condition of the skin and the age of the patient.

Based on hyaluronic acid, experts have developed effective drugs (Restylane, Perlane), injections of which can fill wrinkles, even out sagging tissues, restore facial contours and get rid of deep wrinkles.

Filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid occurs by introducing the drug through a very thin needle, after which it is independently distributed within the tissues and begins to perform its main functions. That is, it retains moisture, eliminates dehydration and dryness of the skin, restores skin turgor, restoring its elasticity and youth.

The process of injecting hyaluronic acid-based products is slightly painful and is accompanied by redness of the skin and slight swelling. But these phenomena disappear within 24 hours after the procedure. The preparations are thoroughly cleaned of protein impurities, they do not contain toxins or harmful additives, and after introduction into the dermal layer of the skin, they do not cause allergic reactions or other complications.


The risk of transmitting infections is also eliminated; the procedure is completely safe and provides a long-lasting effect that lasts for 12 months. The maximum anti-aging result can be observed after 2-3 days, when the slight swelling and puffiness after the injections finally disappears.

This procedure allows you to remove wrinkles with hyaluronic acid, since penetrating under the skin, it fills all the voids and smoothes out even the deepest wrinkles in the forehead or nasolabial triangle. With the help of beauty injections, you can not only get rid of age-related changes, but also perform non-surgical contouring of the lips, eyebrows, lift the drooping corners of the mouth, and correct the contours of the face.

Another procedure with hyaluronic acid, revitalization, involves saturating the deep layers of the skin with this substance, which stimulates the body’s production of its own collagen and elastin. The result of the procedure resembles a lifting effect, the skin is smoothed, the contours of the face are tightened. Hyaluronic acid is especially effective in this procedure against facial wrinkles, which are noticeably smoothed out due to increased collagen production and restoration of skin elasticity.

How is the procedure performed?

The procedure must be performed by a qualified specialist, this guarantees the absence of complications and side effects.

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    An anesthetic cream is applied to a previously cleansed and prepared face and waited for some time for it to take effect.
  2. Then the treatment of problem areas of the skin begins. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, forehead, and around the eyes using the finest needles.
  3. The procedure is considered painless, but particularly sensitive patients may feel a slight tingling sensation during the injections. You will have to be patient, especially since the procedure does not take much time (20-30 minutes).
  4. After the manipulations are completed, red bumps resembling papules remain at the injection site, and swelling may be present. Injection marks can be lightly massaged, so they will dissolve faster, and swelling and redness will disappear within 2 days.

There are common horror stories among patients that after unsuccessful injections of hyaluronic acid, unevenness and scars may remain on the skin. This is not true, the only side effect if the drug was administered incorrectly will be the appearance of a small bruise, which can be easily disguised with concealer. In isolated cases, painful sensations persist for several days or facial expressions are impaired, but usually within a week everything returns to order and impaired functions are restored.

The complex of anti-aging procedures based on hyaluronic acid includes several sessions (3-4), which are done with a break of 7 days. Positive results can be seen already on the second day after the first session - the skin will be smoothed and rejuvenated, it will look radiant and rested.

There are also non-injection methods of rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid. For this purpose, special ampoule cosmetics are produced. As an alternative, you can use inexpensive pharmaceutical products, in particular, buy the drug Curiosin. It is based on hyaluronic acid and zinc. The drug is able to compensate for the lack of these substances in the body and rejuvenate the skin without the use of injections.

Contraindications and precautions


Hyaluronic acid injections, compared to other anti-aging hardware procedures, are considered the safest, however, they also have a number of contraindications. The use of hyaluronic acid preparations is essentially an intervention in the natural processes of skin aging, so the body can react with hypersensitivity reactions. And although the procedures use the most purified biosynthesized acid, it still cannot be considered completely safe. In exceptional cases, it can give impetus to the development of autoimmune diseases.

To understand why this happens, we need to take a closer look at the production of biosynthesized hyaluronic acid. It is obtained by biofermentation, that is, microorganisms are grown in a special nutrient medium, which during the process of reproduction and growth release hyaluronic acid.

It may contain protein impurities, remnants of toxins and waste products of microorganisms, which are difficult and quite expensive to remove. As a result, along with acid obtained artificially, foreign proteins can enter the human skin, which can lead to the development of unwanted complications.

The percentage of risk is negligible, but it still exists, so if you decide to resort to a rejuvenation procedure in this way, be interested in the quality and degree of purification of the main component - hyaluronic acid.


Injections of hyaluronic acid are not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in case of hypersensitivity reactions and individual intolerance to drugs based on it.

The procedure is contraindicated in cases where there is an inflammatory process in the treated area, or there is damage to the skin after recent cosmetic procedures (laser or chemical peeling). Hyaluronic acid injections should never be given in case of infectious processes, chronic inflammatory diseases, bacterial or fungal skin lesions.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to undergo an examination and consult a specialist, because in the presence of serious internal pathologies (for example, blood clotting disorders), procedures with hyaluronic acid are contraindicated.

Among the side effects after injections of the drug, the appearance of small hematomas, redness and swelling is possible. After a few days, these phenomena disappear. Sometimes minor complications are observed, in the form of impaired facial expressions, some pain and itching. But these unfavorable manifestations soon pass without consequences.

Some recommendations during the recovery period


After the procedure, experts recommend avoiding exposure to direct sunlight and do not advise visiting the beach, bathhouse or sauna, since the skin in such establishments is subject to significant overheating. In addition, heavy physical activity should be avoided for several days after the rejuvenation session.

To reduce possible risks, trust the procedure only to qualified specialists and contact specialized medical centers or licensed beauty salons.


The cost of treatment with hyaluronic acid cannot be cheap, since it consists of the services of a professional, the use of equipment and the price of a high-quality anti-aging drug.

On average, the price range for hyaluronic acid injections used for rejuvenation and wrinkle elimination ranges from 10,000 to 22,000 rubles.

Reviews about the use of drugs based on hyaluronic acid for wrinkles

Review #1

To maintain youthful skin, I use Vichy cream with hyaluronic acid. This is French cosmetics, which is considered one of the highest quality brands in the world. The cream is certainly expensive, but its effectiveness is beyond praise.

This effect is ensured by low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which is able to penetrate to great depths, provide intense skin hydration and promote collagen production. Vichy produces day and night cream; it has a thick, fatty consistency and the color of baked milk.

Fine wrinkles disappear after several uses of the product, complexion improves, swelling and dark circles under the eyes disappear. A very high quality cream, but it is expensive; for a 30 ml jar you will have to pay about 2000 rubles.

Review #2

This year I completed a course of hyaluronic acid injections, which were done at the clinic by an experienced dermatocosmetologist. I should have decided on this procedure a long time ago, since I am already quite advanced in age and the skin on my face has become completely flabby and my complexion has become gray.

The specialist suggested taking a course of biorevitalization based on injections of hyaluronic acid. Due to them, the skin becomes moisturized and young. I agreed, although I am afraid to give injections. It turned out that the procedure was not at all scary and not very painful, it was bearable.

But the result is amazing. I immediately looked 10 years younger, wrinkles smoothed out, contours tightened, a healthy complexion returned, and my skin no longer looked flabby and dry.

Review #3

I recently had hyaluronic acid injections at an expensive beauty salon. The attitude was very attentive, which is not surprising, since the procedure is not cheap. To avoid discomfort and pain, before the manipulations began, my face was treated with a special anesthetic and I did not experience any unpleasant sensations. The session lasted 20 minutes.

After it, red marks remained at the injection site, the skin was slightly swollen and inflamed. But that was not the most unpleasant thing. I felt like my facial muscles were paralyzed. At first I attributed this to the effect of the anesthetic cream, but when this feeling did not disappear by evening, I became seriously worried.

The next day it turned out that such a complication occurs quite often. As they explained to me, I will have to wait a few days and everything will pass. I was not ready for such a turn of events. I had to take a vacation at my own expense and stay at home until everything returned to normal. But otherwise, I’m quite pleased with the result; my skin’s condition has really improved noticeably.

Review #4

I take care of my face using affordable cosmetics. I can't afford salon treatments. I buy inexpensive creams containing hyaluronic acid. I really like our domestic cream Laura. It moisturizes the skin well and makes fine wrinkles invisible.

I recently discovered another remedy. It turns out that you can fight wrinkles with the pharmaceutical drug Curiosin. It also contains hyaluronic acid and perfectly eliminates age-related changes. I tried it on myself and was very pleased with the result. I advise you not to rely on expensive cosmetic procedures, but to take care of your face every day using affordable products.

Absolutely all women face the problem of wrinkles as they age. Of course, this process is individual for each lady, but everyone, without exception, is susceptible to the appearance of facial wrinkles. It is clear that this type of wrinkles is directly related to facial expressions.

With age, all the places where small temporary folds appeared in youth, for example, when smiling, become permanent wrinkles. No one wants this, but this is the natural course of life.

Nowadays, women have found many effective “loopholes” that help fight skin aging; wrinkle correction with hyaluronic acid is now considered the most effective and least harmful. In this article you will learn much more about this procedure.




Why do expression lines form?

In fact, the reasons for the formation of this type of wrinkles are very diverse.

This process is influenced not only by strong expressions of emotions, but also by other important moments in a person’s life:

  1. Many stressful situations;
  2. Frequent facial expressions;
  3. Having dry skin type;
  4. Having thin or sensitive skin.



There are also a number of external factors that seriously influence the appearance of the first signs of aging:

  1. Sun rays in large quantities are indeed very destructive to the dermis. They are capable of destroying the layers of the skin, thereby spoiling it, and accordingly, the skin will age as quickly as possible.
  2. Dry skin is usually caused by wind or extreme cold. Bad weather conditions have a negative effect on the skin, especially if it is not protected with special products.
  3. The use of low-quality cosmetics or even their incorrect use can also lead to the formation of facial wrinkles. It is quite natural that poor quality cosmetics do not have a very good effect on the skin; they can irritate it, dry it out, etc. In general, you should not use cosmetics in immeasurable quantities if you do not want to acquire deep wrinkles in your youth.
  4. Bad habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking have a very, very bad effect on the skin. The substances contained in these things greatly damage the skin, so women who smoke, for example, often look much older than their healthy peers.
  5. Frequent visits to the solarium are similar to the effect of sun rays on the skin, that is, it can also cause the formation of wrinkles.


The principle of action of hyaluronic acid on expression wrinkles

One of the most effective remedies against expression lines is hyaluronic acid, and its injections are more common. This method is the safest of any other chemical interventions in the natural processes of the skin. So, what is the effect of “youth injections”.



This principle is called biorevitalization, when hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin with a small needle. Injections are given directly to places where severe expression wrinkles are observed.

Hyaluronic acid very quickly has a positive effect on the skin, since, penetrating under it, hyaluronic acid fills the space, moisturizes the skin, which allows you to amazingly smooth out any, even the deepest, wrinkles.



After a couple of procedures, you will notice an excellent result, although the injections must be done in a complex manner (usually three or four procedures, the difference between which is approximately seven days).

The cost of this procedure may vary. It depends, for example, on what type of origin you choose for the acid. Here we distinguish between acids of animal and artificial origin.


Pros and cons of correcting expression lines with hyaluronic acid

Below is a list of all the pros and cons of hyaluronic injections, for those who like to sort everything out. This way you can be sure whether this procedure is worth choosing for yourself.



  1. The strong effect of the injection will be visible almost immediately. The effect, of course, is noticeable for everyone at different times, but most often it happens after the first or second procedure, which is very good in comparison with other anti-aging products.
  2. The injection can last for a very long time. The frequency can be 6-18 months, as a rule.
  3. It is possible, unlike other similar procedures, to affect specific areas of the skin that need help.
  4. Safe, relative to other similar methods.
  5. This method has a fairly flexible age limit. Even twenty-five-year-old women with serious problems can try hyaluronic injections.




  1. There is a possibility that you are allergic to hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is better to first consult a doctor about this. Also, in addition to allergies, some unpleasant complications may arise.
  2. Of course, this procedure cannot give you “eternal youth.”
  3. Often women complain of pain during the procedure and sometimes after it.
  4. It is better to get injections long before any important events, as swelling may remain with you for a week.
  5. The biorevitalization procedure is quite expensive.

A selection of videos on the topic: correction of expression wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

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Product name Action Active components
Night intensive lifting care Revitalift, L’Oréal Paris Strengthens elastin fibers and activates cell renewal. proretinol
Anti-glycation cream for mature skin, A.G.E. Interrupter, SkinCeuticals Fights glycation (“sugarification” of collagen fibers), restores tissue elasticity. blueberry extract, proxilan, phytosphingosine
Day cream “Anti-aging care, Active Lifting 45+”, Garnier Visibly strengthens the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity, and reduces wrinkles. plant cells, sea buckthorn oil
Intensive anti-aging care Redermic C10, La Roche-Posay Fills wrinkles, increases elasticity and evens out skin color. vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E