Reaction Hysterical

A hysterical reaction is an uncontrolled response to certain stimuli (usually circumstances, the actions of other people), often accompanied by intense emotions and manic beliefs. According to some experts, such a reaction is associated with adolescence, when the child gradually leaves his father’s home, learns to interact with peers and tries to know himself as an individual. It is this time that is accompanied by increased emotional tension, stress and worries about appearance, behavior or the future. In situations that were provoked by a reason, a person feels uncontrollable irritation, fear, and panic. The reaction is usually accompanied by hysteria and panic, but may not manifest itself outwardly. The emotional and psychological state in this case requires the intervention of a specialist or loved ones who can help the person cope with worries. An example of a tantrum is the offended or aggressive behavior of a child who manipulates an older brother or sister. A child can provoke an older child to commit unacceptable