Reberga-Tareeva Proba

Reberg-Tareev sample: contribution to science

The Reberg-Tareev test, also known as the Reberg-Taneev test, is one of the methods for determining kidney function in patients. This test was developed by Danish physiologist Vladimir Rehberg and Soviet clinician Evgeniy Tareev in 1926.

The purpose of the Reberg-Taneev test is to measure the volume of blood filtered by the kidneys per unit of time. To do this, the patient drinks 500 ml of water, after which changes in urine volume and urea concentration in the blood are measured.

The Reberg-Taneev test is a simple and non-invasive method for determining kidney function. It can be used to diagnose various kidney diseases such as renal failure, glomerulonephritis and others.

In addition, the Reberg-Taneev test allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of kidney diseases and monitor the dynamics of changes during therapy.

Thus, the Reberg-Taneev test plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases.

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* What is the Reberg-Tareev test?

The Reberg-Tarejava test is a test that is used to determine the level of renin in the blood. It is carried out by measuring the level of the hormone renin, which is produced by the zona glomerulosa of the kidneys after an increase in pressure in the bloodstream. Retsergu - Tareyuva sample