
Costal (from Latin costa - rib) - related to the ribs.

The ribs are the long, curved bones that make up the rib cage. A person usually has 12 pairs of ribs, 7 of which are called true, and the remaining 5 are called false.

The adjective "costal" is used to refer to the anatomical structures associated with the ribs. For example:

  1. Costal cartilages are cartilages that connect the ribs to the sternum.

  2. Rib muscles - muscles attached to the ribs and involved in the act of breathing.

  3. Costal nerves are nerves that innervate the intercostal muscles.

  4. Rib hump is a deformation of the chest due to abnormal development of the ribs.

Thus, the term “costal” indicates the connection of a particular anatomical formation with the ribs.