Redecil facial ointment reviews

Redecil ointment for wrinkles for skin regeneration — .

Among the various known methods for wrinkles, anti-wrinkle ointments play a significant role, and in particular, Redecil anti-wrinkle ointment for skin regeneration

Sometimes you can find reviews about the use of redicil ointment for wrinkles. In principle, under the supervision of a doctor, you can conduct a course of skin rejuvenation with redicil.

The active ingredients of redicil ointment are Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine and Retinol.

The ointment stimulates skin regeneration, enhances the division of epithelial cells, inhibits the processes of keratinization of the skin, and prevents the development of excessive skin layering.

Initial tips for using Redecil anti-wrinkle ointment for skin regeneration

Before using any anti-wrinkle ointment, it is necessary to carefully determine the content, because the contained components have different effects on the epidermis. In particular, for dry skin, certain substances are needed, and for skin prone to oiliness, others are needed. An error in choosing an anti-wrinkle ointment can increase dryness or oiliness.

To avoid causing harm, it is imperative that you use Redecil ointment to consult a cosmetologist.

Next, we will explain how wrinkles are eliminated with Redecil ointment. It must be said that, just like Redecil ointment for wrinkles for skin regeneration, Sulfur ointment is used for expression lines around the eyes

The need to eliminate all other causes of wrinkles

Together with the use of redecil ointment, we must not forget the reasons for causing wrinkles:

sudden weight loss improper makeup removal genetic predisposition lack of sleep overwork improper functioning of the endocrine glands incorrectly selected cosmetics lack of teeth in the cheek area poor skin nutrition too frequent washing and degreasing of the face bad mood excessive use of powder sedentary lifestyle weak facial muscles poor nutrition nervous overexertion, stress lack of sleep overwork, physical and mental overload, smoking, alcohol, excessive obesity, lack of fresh air, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, poor ecology, excessive mobility of the face, dehydration of the skin, natural aging, incorrect posture during sleep, cold and wind, excessive facial tension, features of the facial structure

If they are not eliminated, the effect of Redecil ointment will not last long.

More ointments for smoothing wrinkles

Here are other ointments to combat wrinkles:


Redecil ointment for wrinkles is an inexpensive and quite effective pharmaceutical product.

The drug stimulates regeneration processes in the skin, activates cell division of the epithelium, slows down the processes of keratinization and prevents too much layering of the skin.

It is very important to carefully read the instructions before using any anti-wrinkle product.

Some ointments are repurposed for dry skin, others for oily skin.

Only by choosing the right product can you effectively fight wrinkles and other age-related skin changes.

What is Redecil?

Redecil is a dermatoprotective agent that ensures the process of skin regeneration. The drug belongs to the group of antiseptics and has an antiseptic, drying and astringent effect.

Intended exclusively for external use, it has a local effect, the active substances do not enter the systemic bloodstream.

The active component penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and has a therapeutic effect on various skin lesions.

Coming into contact with the skin, it combines with proteins of pathological and conditionally pathological bacteria, thereby forming albuminates.

These substances inhibit inflammatory processes and have a drying effect on the skin.

After denaturation, the proteins form a thin film on the rash or wound surface, which prevents secondary infection and the spread of the inflammatory process to surrounding tissues.

A film of denatured protein compounds acts as an aseptic dressing of biological origin..


Is the ointment effective in treating wrinkles?

The effectiveness of Redecil ointment in the fight against wrinkles is due to its ability to regenerate skin tissue.

Despite the fact that the ointment is not initially intended for treating wrinkles, thanks to the active substances included in its composition, it can help get rid of wrinkles in a fairly short time.

However, Redecil is a medication, and it is better not to use it without consulting a doctor..

In addition, before the first use, it is necessary to conduct a test for individual sensitivity to the components of the product.

To do this, you need to apply a small amount of ointment to the inside of the wrist or the inside of the elbow, wait a few hours, and if no negative reaction is observed, the ointment can be used to eliminate age-related changes in the skin.

Redecil should not be applied under the eyes, since there are no sebaceous glands in this area, and the drug can significantly dry out the skin..


Beneficial features

Redecil has the following effects on the skin::

  1. improves skin restoration;
  2. enhances epithelial cell division;
  3. stops keratinization processes;
  4. prevents the development of hyperkeratosis;
  5. improves the color and appearance of the damaged skin area;
  6. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  7. softens the skin, eliminates peeling;
  8. increases the protective properties of the epidermis.


Composition and brief description of components

The ointment contains two active ingredients:

  1. A derivative of vitamin A is retinol palminate. Retinol takes an active part in redox processes and in cellular metabolism. This ensures the growth of new cells, tissue regeneration, and improvement of their protective functions. In addition, retinol palminate slows down the keratinization of the skin, as a result of which a stratum corneum does not form on the surface of the skin. The substance also normalizes the functionality of the sebaceous glands, which helps prevent the occurrence of acne and the formation of comedones.
  2. Methyluracil - has a therapeutic and preventive effect aimed at healing and strengthening affected tissues. It also stimulates metabolic processes, takes part in the healing of the skin, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of Redecil ointment are:

  1. ichthyosis;
  2. dermatitis of atypical and seborrheic type;
  3. psoriasis;
  4. eczema;
  5. skin ulcers;
  6. hyperkeratosis;
  7. scarring;
  8. scars;
  9. burns;
  10. frostbite;
  11. wounds;
  12. necrotic processes in the skin with long-term use of corticosteroids.

As can be seen from the above, Redecil is used for various skin pathologies and mechanical damage to the skin.

Despite numerous positive reviews from women about the effectiveness of the ointment in the treatment of wrinkles, this product has not been repurposed for this purpose, therefore, it can only be used after consultation with a specialist.


Basic rules of use

The manufacturer does not recommend using the ointment simultaneously with tetracycline antibacterial agents, as well as simultaneously with other vitamin A-based drugs.

While using Redecil ointment, you should not peel or use scrubs, as these products can damage the epidermis. You should also temporarily stop using lotions, tonics and masks based on alcohol or fruit acids.

Instructions for use

The doctor who prescribes this product should tell you in detail how to use Redecil for wrinkles.

According to the instructions for use, the drug must be used twice a day, the duration of use is 1-3 months.

Then pat your face dry with a cotton napkin.. Then apply the ointment to the entire face, excluding the area around the eyes. Within 25 minutes, the ointment will be completely absorbed, and the residue can be removed with a dry cloth.

After the procedure, you can wash your face with warm water and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face.


Side effects

As for side effects, possible:

If adverse reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

Possible contraindications

Redecil is not prescribed:

  1. for acute inflammatory skin diseases;
  2. with hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug;
  3. in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  4. with hypervitaminosis A.


Every woman wants to preserve her beauty by taking care of her skin every day. This desire is especially intensified during age-related changes, when the epidermis loses its healthy, radiant shine, and the first wrinkles appear around the eyes. In this case, proper care is necessary using well-chosen procedures. But cosmetics or manipulations are not always available due to their high cost. Inexpensive pharmaceutical ointment Redecil can come to the rescue. Reviews of Redecil for wrinkles demonstrate its effectiveness, since it contains active substances that act on skin rejuvenation.


Does Redecil help against wrinkles?

Skin aging is characterized by the fact that cellular processes in it slow down and renewal occurs much more slowly. This activates the thickening of the non-living stratum corneum. Because of this, the skin becomes duller and drier, small cracks appear on it, and sensitivity increases. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in the growth of living cells, the surface tissues become less elastic, which over time leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

Cheap pharmaceutical products have been successfully solving issues of anti-aging therapy for a long time. If you compare super-expensive advertised anti-wrinkle products and inexpensive pharmaceutical ointments, you will notice that they consist of the same components. The main differences lie only in the pricing policy. That is why many women prefer to pay much less for the same quality. Redecil ointment was no exception in this matter. This is a Russian-made medicine that is available without a prescription. The basis of Redecil is a derivative of retinol, a component responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and preserving youth.

Useful properties of Redecil in the fight against wrinkles

An undoubted advantage is that Redecil does not contain aggressive or toxic substances, so side effects are extremely rare. The anti-aging effect is due to the actions of the active components of the product. They help reduce the number of wrinkles, replenish the lack of collagen, increase the density of the epidermis and exfoliate the upper stratum corneum. Among other positive qualities of Redecil ointment, the following should be noted:

  1. has a softening effect on the skin;
  2. increases protective properties;
  3. activates cell division, promoting skin regeneration;
  4. tones;
  5. improves complexion;
  6. eliminates pigmentation;
  7. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  8. heals inflammatory processes in the form of pimples and blackheads.

With proper use of Redecil, you can achieve an increase in the number of immune cells, which will help strengthen the barrier properties of the skin.


Composition of Redecil ointment

Redecil is one of those medications that are used only for external use. Therefore, the only form of release of the product is ointment. The consistency of the ointment is uniform, the color can vary from white to slightly yellowish. Redecil is produced in aluminum tubes of 10, 25 and 30 g. Instructions for use are attached to it, and the ointment is packaged in a protective cardboard box.

The rejuvenating effect of Redecil is explained by its composition, which includes only two active components.

  1. Retinol palmitate. In simple terms, it is vitamin A. This component is beneficial in many ways. Its effect on the skin is similar to mechanical peeling, that is, it perfectly exfoliates and renews epidermal cells. The antioxidant effect is also important. The vitamin slows down the breakdown of collagen on the surface of the skin and significantly strengthens it. The vitamin is especially useful for oily skin, when redox processes and metabolism are impaired. It regulates the process of proliferation of sebaceous glands, normalizes the structure of the epidermis, eliminates various inflammations in the form of acne and comedones.
  2. Methyluracil. This component belongs to the pharmacological group of tissue regeneration stimulators. Its action is aimed at healing and strengthening the affected tissues. Therefore, methyluracil is often used to relieve inflammation, heal wounds, cracks, burns, cuts, and eliminate dermatological problems such as lichen, eczema, and trophic ulcers. Due to its nourishing effect and providing a deep level of hydration, methyluracil is often used in home cosmetology as a means to combat wrinkles.

Redecil ointment contains vitamin E, glycerol, petroleum jelly, ethyl alcohol, water, and emulsion wax as additional components. They are necessary to preserve the quality of the drug and better digestibility.

Instructions for use of Redecil ointment for wrinkles

Redecil has fairly simple instructions for use against wrinkles. It is not very different from the instructions for other cosmetics that are suitable for external use. It is recommended to apply the product 2 times a day in courses of 2 weeks for 1 to 3 months. A small amount of ointment should be evenly distributed over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, since the ointment has a drying property, which should absolutely not be experienced by the delicate skin around the eyes.

During the period of using Redecil, it is not recommended to resort to the additional help of peelings, scrubs and exfoliating masks. The drug itself has exfoliating and regenerating properties, which can only aggravate the situation with wrinkles. Also, special attention should be paid to cleansing the face before applying Redecil. To do this, do not use alcohol-based cleansers. This can be soft foam, tonic or plain warm water. If, in addition to Redecil, other anti-wrinkle cosmetics are used, then 25 minutes after applying it, the remaining product can be removed with a napkin, then washed, and then applied a nourishing or moisturizing cream.


Possible side effects

The popularity of Redecil as a remedy for wrinkles is largely due to the combination of effectiveness with low side effects. The main side effects are expressed in individual intolerance to the components. Most often this manifests itself in the form of:

  1. itching;
  2. redness;
  3. local irritation;
  4. rash;
  5. other allergic reactions.

Mostly side effects appear in the places where the ointment was applied. Peeling is also possible with dry or normal skin, since the drug has a drying property. In the absence of contraindications, other side effects are excluded.


Redecil is no exception among other drugs for a number of contraindications. Therefore, they must be taken into account before starting to fight wrinkles. Main contraindications:

  1. hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  2. pregnancy – 1st trimester;
  3. lactation period;
  4. vitamin A hypervitaminosis;
  5. exacerbation of chronic diseases.

During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, it is not recommended to apply Redecil to large areas of skin.



Reviews of Redecil for wrinkles indicate that this ointment is perfect for those with normal to oily skin. For dry or dry skin, the drug may cause itching, flaking or irritation. It is also worth remembering that the product is not directly aimed at combating wrinkles, so it is recommended to use it for no longer than 2 weeks. After this, you definitely need to take a break. To prevent the appearance of age spots and sunburn, anti-aging procedures with Redecil are best carried out in early spring or late autumn.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Redecil for wrinkles