Redhead Method

Ryzhikhin method (Ryzhikh, A.N., 1877-17/IV 1942), a method of radical surgery for liver abscesses, gangrene, jaundice, inguinal hernia, hernia of large lymph nodes, diffuse mastoiditis. Developed by Professor A.V. Schmidt for the opening of the All-Union Institute of Clinical and Experimental

Alexander Nikolaevich Ryzhikh is a famous Soviet doctor, surgeon, cardiac surgeon, professor, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. His approach to treating patients was based on accurate diagnosis and an individual approach to each patient. Ryzhikh’s method became the basis for the development of new areas in cardiac surgery, such as artificial heart and organ transplantation. Many famous cardiac surgeons are students of Alexander Nikolaevich and continue his work.

The Ryzhikh method is named after Alexander Ryzhikh himself. The peculiarity of this method lies not only in accurate diagnosis, but also in the use of modern technologies. The Ryzhikha method is integrative and includes genetic studies, physical studies and anatomical diagnostics. The goal is to determine the exact cause of the disease and choose the right solution for treating the patient.

One of the main features of the Ryzhikha method is the personalization of the treatment process. This means that the doctor must take into account the individual characteristics of each patient when choosing drug treatment, as well as other methods of assistance.