The Ortner reflex

Reflex Ormtvna

The **Ortner** reflex is a protective motor support reflex that occurs when the aorta and its branches are compressed when the head is flexed. It is observed in children aged 2-3 months, and later fades away. In adults, this reflex can persist due to a displacement of the heart axis (insufficiency of the aortic valve or one of its leaflets), as well as in congenital heart defects and aortic insufficiency. Alcoholics may experience loss of the reflex.

This reflex will help the body grow naturally without artificial means, helping to strengthen the vascular system, as well as protecting the body from various heart diseases. At the same time, under normal conditions it is blocked by “adult” body systems, such as the stomach. Their action interferes with it and greatly prevents the detumes from developing.