Reflex Retromalleolar

Retromalleolar reflex: features and significance

The retromalleolar reflex (r. retromalleolaris) is one of many reflexes that arise when various areas of the body are stimulated. It gets its name due to the fact that stimulation is carried out in the area located behind the ankle (retro-) and fibula (malleolus).

This reflex occurs when the fibula is struck in the area of ​​its posterior surface. When performing the reflex, the leg is in a position of flexion at the knee and ankle joints. Stimulation of the posterior surface of the fibula leads to contraction of the muscle that flexes the foot in its previous position.

The significance of the retromalleolar reflex is that it allows you to assess the functional state of the nervous system. If the nerves that innervate the muscles involved in the reflex are damaged, the amplitude and speed of muscle contraction during the reflex may change.

The retromalleolar reflex can also be used as an additional method for diagnosing diseases of the nervous system, such as peripheral neuropathies, myelopathies and others.

In conclusion, the retromalleolar reflex is an important element in a comprehensive assessment of the functional state of the nervous system. Its implementation does not require additional instrumental studies, which makes it an accessible and simple diagnostic method.

The retromalleolar reflex (lat. r. retromalleolaris) is a specific reflex caused by irritation of the posterior surface of the ankle.

During this test, the doctor applies pressure to the skin at the back of the ankle near the fibula bone. This causes contraction of the calf muscle and dorsiflexion of the foot.

The retromalleolar reflex is a deep tendon reflex. Its precipitating stimulus is a stretch of the gastrocnemius tendon innervated by the S1 root.

This reflex is examined to evaluate the function of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves and neuromuscular transmission in the gastrocnemius muscle. Its weakening or absence may indicate damage to the S1 root or peripheral nerve.

The retromalleolar reflex is usually examined in conjunction with other reflexes and neurological tests to clarify the level and nature of damage to the nervous system.