
Reflex is the body’s response to various influences, which is carried out through the nervous system. For example, a painful stimulus in the form of a pin prick will cause a reflexive withdrawal of the finger even before the brain sends a signal about the need for muscle contraction.

There are different types of reflexes:

  1. A conditioned reflex is a reaction of the body developed through repeated repetition of a certain influence.

  2. Patellar reflex - the reflex of leg extension when hitting the quadriceps tendon with a hammer.

  3. Plantar reflex - a reflex of flexion of the toes when the sole is irritated.

Thus, reflexes allow the body to quickly respond to external influences without involving the higher parts of the nervous system. Reflex reactions are vital and are present in all animal organisms.

A reflex is the body’s response to external and internal influences, carried out through the nervous system. It can be both positive and negative. A positive reflex is a reaction that helps the body survive, and a negative one does the opposite.

One example of a positive reflex is the withdrawal of a finger when pricked by a pin. This reflex occurs even before the brain receives a message about the need to participate in this process. This occurs because nerve impulses from the skin of the finger are transmitted to the spinal cord, which then transmits signals to the muscles. These signals cause the muscles to contract and the finger to be pulled away from the pin.

A negative reflex can occur, for example, during a burn. In this case, nerve signals from the skin can lead to muscle paralysis, which can lead to serious health consequences.

Reflexes can also be conditioned or unconditioned. Unconditioned reflexes are those that occur immediately after birth, such as breathing or swallowing. Conditioned reflexes arise throughout life, for example, a reaction to a sound or smell.

Thus, the reflex is an important mechanism that helps the body adapt to the environment and survive. Knowing how reflexes work can help us better understand and control our body.

Man is an amazing creature, capable of instant and accurate reactions to surrounding events, even if they seem absolutely insignificant. This reaction occurs due to a reflex - a natural mechanism that works inside our body and causes a response to any stimulus.

Reflexes affect