Reflex Visceral

Visceral reflex: what is it and how does it work?

The visceral reflex (or visceroreflex) is the body’s reaction to irritation of internal organs, which manifests itself in the form of automatic movements and changes in internal functions. This type of reflexes plays an important role in regulating the functioning of internal organs and maintaining homeostasis in the body.

Visceral reflexes occur in response to various stimuli, for example, changes in temperature, chemical composition of the blood, or mechanical irritation of internal organs. These stimuli are transmitted along the visceral nerves to the corresponding areas of the brain and spinal cord, where a response to the stimulus occurs.

The reaction includes contraction of the smooth muscles of the organs, changes in their blood supply and secretion of glands, as well as changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. For example, when the stomach is irritated, the smooth muscles of the stomach wall contract and the production of gastric juice increases.

Visceral reflexes can be either conditioned or unconditioned. Conditioned reflexes are formed as a result of the repetition of certain stimuli, which allows the body to adapt to a changing environment. For example, when the same allergen is reintroduced, the body may exhibit a stronger reaction than when first exposed to it.

It is important to note that visceral reflexes can be both beneficial and harmful to the body. For example, in the event of an allergic reaction, they can lead to the development of anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening. However, during normal functioning of the body, they help maintain the balance of internal functions and ensure the proper functioning of internal organs.

So, the visceral reflex is an important mechanism for regulating the internal functions of the body, which ensures the proper functioning of the internal organs and maintains homeostasis. It occurs in response to various stimuli and can be either unconditioned or conditioned. Understanding this mechanism allows us to better understand the causes of certain diseases of the internal organs and develop methods for their treatment.

Visceral reflex is a medical term that defines, relatively speaking, a reaction to changes in the visceral (internal) environment - changes in the internal organs of a person. This occurs in normal or pathological conditions.

An important place in the body’s reactions to external influences is played by