
Refortan is a drug that is used to replenish blood loss based on plasma replacement solutions, including hydroethyl starch. Reforms are used for a variety of medical conditions such as burns, trauma, surgery, septic conditions and leukapheresis.

Manufacturer: Berlin-Chemie, Germany

Indications: Hypovolemic shock and hypovolemia, trauma and surgery.

Contraindications: severe bleeding, including coagulopathy, hypervolemia, dehydration, therapy during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 10 years of age.

Side effects: allergic and anaphylactic reactions can cause bronchial asthma, severe pulmonary edema, cardiac decompensation, decreased aspartate aminotransferase - aspartatase ratio.

Interaction: Not identified.

Overdose: No reports.

Special instructions: Caution must be exercised in case of pulmonary diseases, congestive cardiovascular failure,