Regenerating ointment after burns

Every family should have a first aid kit in their home. Some people develop it due to illnesses suffered by family members. Prudent people buy medicines according to the seasons - for colds, diarrhea, for the stomach. First aid kits in families with children are filled with children's medications.

Few people are ready for trouble. Few people know how and what can be done to alleviate the condition in the first minutes after a burn. According to statistics, thermal damage occurs most often in everyday life. You need to know the means that can be used to help the victim, and which ones should absolutely not be used so as not to cause harm.

List of ointments used for burns


A wide selection of drugs is offered by modern pharmacology. They are intended to provide emergency care, protect wounds from infection, cleanse and restore. It is worth paying attention to ointments that are recommended for the treatment of mild thermal injuries of soft tissue:

Preparations recommended after cauterization with chemical reagents:

Creams used for heat injuries:

Remedies for sun injuries:

For oily lesions use:

The list of funds is quite large. Pharmaceutical companies produce many effective drugs. Ointments produce the desired effect faster than tablets, which must dissolve in the blood before they begin to act.

Pain relieving ointments

The use of pain relievers depends on the level of severity and its source. You need to understand that in the first three degrees of damage, the pain especially torments the victim. Superficial burns provoke irritation of nerve endings, thereby causing physical pain. The following ointments are used to relieve it:

  1. "Panthenol". It is recommended for use in the form of a cream and spray, since, in addition to pain relief, the drug relieves inflammation and restores tissue.
  2. "Sulfargin". The product belongs to modern developments. Used as a component in pain-relieving compresses. Effective as an antimicrobial and regenerating substance.
  3. "Bepanten." Moisturizes, relieves pain, removes inflammation and stimulates regeneration.
  4. "Levomekol". Broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Actively protects against most microorganisms. Cellular nutrition is normalized. Stimulates tissue regeneration. Easy to apply and has the ability to penetrate quickly and deeply. Relieves inflammation and has a dehydrating effect.
  5. "Radevit." Reduces swelling, restores epithelium, contains a complex of vitamins.

First aid supplies

It is important to know two rules that can be considered basic. This is mandatory refrigeration and a ban on oil-containing substances. Use only ice wrapped in a sterile cloth and cold water. Thermal burns without open wounds can be treated with antiseptics.

If the damage is superficial, Panthenol is used. Can quickly relieve inflammation and pain. It is applied very thinly. There are no contraindications. At an early stage of damage, other means are used:

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the severity of tissue damage.

Drugs in the regeneration phase

In the case of a normal recovery process, granulation of the wound begins after seven days. The damaged area is filled with new maturing connective tissue, blood vessels and epithelial cells. During this period, the use of ointments with a high fat content is not recommended. For tissue healing at this stage, creams containing silver are needed. There are strict restrictions on the use of these drugs. Therapy should not be carried out longer than two weeks.

To avoid drying out and cracking of the epithelium, and also as antibacterial prophylaxis, the following are used:

"Dermazin" - Apply to the burn wound in the morning and evening. Removes necrotic manifestations. Active against all types of pathogens found in lesions of this type.

The following side effects have been noticed:

  1. the skin acquires a brownish tint;
  2. irritation;
  3. itching

"Agrosulfan" - Has bacteriostatic properties. Removes pain and burning. Able to prepare a wound for tissue transplantation. In some cases, it improves the condition of the affected skin to satisfactory. Eliminates the need for surgery.

  1. infants, less than two months;
  2. patients with liver dysfunction;
  3. during pregnancy.
  4. In rare cases, a rash on the skin may occur.

"Ebermin" — Can be used at any stage of the process. It has proven itself to be an effective remedy. Ensures rapid healing. Has a detrimental effect on fungi, harmful microorganisms, and dermatophytes. Eliminates the dehydrating effect, relieves pain.

  1. during pregnancy;
  2. infants under one year old.

Before use, it is recommended to treat the surface with an antiseptic.

In cases complicated by suppuration, drugs that include an antibiotic are used:

  1. "Streptocinol";
  2. "Methyluracil";
  3. "Miramistin";
  4. "Nitacid";
  5. "Protselan."

At the stage of restoration of the epidermis, you need to use products that moisturize the surface and prevent the formation of scars.

Healing medicines

During regeneration, zinc-based ointments have a greater effect. For poor healing, the following medications are recommended:

  1. "Wundehil." Restores the epidermis. Relieves swelling and relieves pain from burns. Removes suppuration and promotes rapid tissue restoration. The product has no contraindications.
  2. "Timogen." Restores cellular metabolism. Stimulates healing even in immunodeficiency. The affected area should be left open during treatment.
  3. "Baneotsin". Antibacterial ointment for burns. Contains two antibiotics. The product prevents cracking of the new epidermis. Effectively protects against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. It has no contraindications.
  4. "Solcoseryl". Promotes smooth formation of new skin without scars. In gel form it cools the wound.
  5. "Algofin". Recommended for use at the stage of suppuration. Has cleansing and soothing properties. Restores the epidermis.

Any independent use of medications is prohibited. Before starting therapy, you should consult with your doctor regarding the compatibility of medications and home treatment methods.

Folk remedies

Important! Home treatment methods are used only as an aid during the healing stage. Under no circumstances should these methods be used immediately after receiving a burn.

A quick way to relieve pain is to grate a fresh tuber, cool, and apply to the affected area. The compress is tied with a bandage on top. When the potatoes have cooled, add new ones. The procedure is carried out up to 4 times.

Recipes with chicken eggs

  1. Damage without an open wound can be cured by mixing yolk, vegetable oil and sour cream. Apply the mixture in a thick layer. Change the bandage once a day. Use until complete recovery.
  2. The boiled yolk is kept over the fire. When burned, a fatty substance is released, which is collected in a spoon and applied to the burns.
  3. The protein is mixed with creamy margarine until smooth. Used on the affected area until complete healing.

Oil based recipes

  1. St. John's wort flowers are poured with any fat-containing liquid and left for 3 weeks in a dark place. For treatment, a bandage or napkin is moistened with infusion and applied to the burn. The compress is changed after six hours.
  2. Beat butter with eggs until smooth. The dressing is changed frequently.
  3. Vegetable fats are mixed with propolis and heated in a water bath until smooth (then cool). The compress is changed once a day.

The leaf of the plant is kneaded until the juice appears and applied to the burn. Replace the used flower with a fresh one every eight hours.

Burns are injuries caused by exposure to heat, chemicals, electrical energy, or radiation. Treatment regimen such injury selected depending on the area and depth of damage received.


Photo 1. The skin has the ability to regenerate, but this ability depends on the severity of the burn. Source: Flickr (Eugene Evehealth).

Features of the rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after burns depends on the depth, degree of damage, area of ​​affected tissue, features of treatment in the acute period, and the presence of post-burn pathologies.

In severe cases, it is important not only to eliminate the local consequences of burns, but also to correct the changes that have occurred in organs and systems. When burns occur loss of restorative, protective, thermoregulatory and metabolic, metabolic and receptor functions of the skin. In this case, changes in the properties of the skin affect the dysfunction of external respiration and the associated circulatory system. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore these adaptation functions.

At the initial stage, conservative treatment is carried out in order to prevent tissue deformation and restore functions affected by the burn. Of primary importance during this period is physiotherapy, nutrition, physiotherapy And psychotherapy.

In the presence of post-burn scars and tissue deformation, it is indicated as rehabilitation surgical correction.

Note! Rehabilitation after a burn disease will only be effective when it takes place under constant close medical supervision and constant correction, if necessary, of rehabilitation methods.

Medicines for accelerated healing

A number of requirements are imposed on medications intended to accelerate the healing of burn surfaces. When choosing a medication you need focus on the phase features of the wound process:

  1. inflammatory a process involving melting of the necrotic mass and removal of decay products;
  2. regenerating a process with proliferation and formation of young, vascular-rich granulation tissues;
  3. epithelial process, with the formation of scars and final healing of the wound surface.

Thus, the rehabilitation period takes place in three stages:

  1. relieving inflammation,
  2. exfoliation of dead skin cells,
  3. hydration,
  4. protection of restored skin.

If there are burn surfaces with signs of suppuration, the wounds are treated antibacterial means: chlorhexidine, miramistin, etc.

Drying agents are used to relieve inflammation. anti-inflammatory products: Zinc ointment, Levomekol, Ebermin, Ichthyol ointment, Calendula ointment.

Ointments with healing and regenerating effect are used after the inflammatory process has been eliminated, at the stage of skin regeneration and healing of burn wounds.


Means based on dexpanthenol and B vitamins, stimulates tissue regeneration, has metabolic and anti-inflammatory effects. Apply to affected surfaces several times during the day.

Prescribed for 1st degree burns in the first phase. Actively prevents the formation of scars and cicatrices, therefore it is also used as a prophylaxis for burns. The product is well absorbed due to its foam structure.


Combination drug based on chloramphenicol and dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, has anti-inflammatory (dehydrating) and antimicrobial effects, and also stimulates regeneration processes. The antibiotic included in the drug prevents suppuration of the wound, so the product is indicated for burns of 2-3 degrees and for application on the first day after receiving a burn.


The ointment has a very high antimicrobial level and has a wound healing effect. The use prevents drying out of the skin and provides antimicrobial protection at the stage of the epithelial process, for 2-3 degree burns.

Zinc ointment

Means based on zinc oxide has a drying, adsorbing, astringent and disinfecting effect, helps reduce exudation and weeping, eliminates inflammation and irritation. The drug is indicated for any type of burn and is prescribed in the phase of tissue regeneration.

Ichthyol ointment

Antiseptic, keratoplasty and disinfectant drug based on ichthammol, used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the skin of varying severity. Re-epithelialization of the skin is observed during the treatment of first and second degree burns.

Calendula ointment

Herbal medicine, high in triterpene saponins, triterpene alcohols and flavonoids, is characterized by a wound-healing and disinfecting effect, and also has a powerful antiseptic effect. The drug is indicated for the treatment of mild injuries, including sunburn.


The balm has a regenerative effect thanks to sea ​​buckthorn oil, and also has a calming, protective, healing, antibacterial, absorbable and mild analgesic effect, which is due to the presence of oils in the composition plant extracts. Used to treat mild burn injuries.


Photo 2. Sea buckthorn oil is used to heal mucous and burn wounds. Source: Flickr (Riviera Wellness Spa).


Pharmaceutical drug based on dexpanthenol or provitamin “B5”, with a regenerating effect, widely used in the prevention and treatment of dry skin in cases of integrity damage caused by chemical and thermal burns. The drug is indicated for the treatment of 1st degree burns. Suitable for eliminating light burns, including those on children's skin.

Rules for using healing ointments

The rate of regeneration of tissues damaged as a result of burns directly depends not only on the individual restorative properties of a particular patient, but also on compliance with the rules for using healing medicinal compositions.

Rules for the use of anti-burn external agents:

  1. medicinal composition applied to cleaned from dirt and dust surface burn;
  2. the optimal treatment option can be considered applying a sterile bandage impregnated with medicine to the wound for burns, which must be changed twice a day;
  3. before processing affected skin, burn site many times washed cool water.

Anti-burn cream or gel is used on moist burn areas, while ointments are more effective on dry skin.

If you strictly follow the rules for using medications for burns, the likelihood of complications will be minimal, and the healing process will be quick.

Measures for skin restoration

Cleansing procedures are carried out using peeling: chemical, mechanical or hardware.

You can moisturize restored skin using various cosmetics, as well as by including foods rich in vitamins in your diet.

Causes of dry and tight skin after a burn

The skin at the burn site, although restored, cannot be called complete. Due to the loss of its functions, the damaged the skin loses its ability to carry out metabolic processes, because of which it becomes dry and thin, easily injured, constantly peeling and itching.

After removing inflammation and exfoliating dead skin particles (post-burn crust), moisturizing the skin becomes an important step. For this purpose, absolutely any fortified moisturizing compound, with the exception of petroleum-based creams. Products that effectively prevent dry skin and also have pronounced antimicrobial protective properties:

  1. Bepanten cream or ointment
  2. Radevit
  3. Baby cream.

Note! Experts do not recommend using regular nourishing cream for this purpose. Special moisturizers with a softening effect are suitable.

It is important not only to nourish the restored skin daily, but also to moisturize it from the inside; for this you need to include in your diet include foods high in vitamins A, E, B. They are found in sufficient quantities in nuts, seafood, liver, tomatoes and black bread.

Restored skin needs increased protection, so after the recovery period it requires the use of high-level UV protection products.



How does burn cream work?

Dermatologists claim that it is possible to achieve significant improvements in restoring the epidermis after burns, acne and pigmentation and subsequent skin regeneration using not only medications that fight the original sources of the problem, but also treating the skin with regenerating creams that accelerate the recovery process.

High-quality products from this pharmaceutical group activate the production of new cells, as a result of which the healing process is accelerated and tissues are rejuvenated.

For burn cream to work properly, it must contain vitamins that stimulate tissue renewal:

  1. Vitamin A (also known throughout the world as retinol);
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  3. B vitamins;
  4. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).


Why does regeneration slow down?

Regeneration is a natural process during which old cells are replaced by new ones. The basis for the formation of new tissues are vitamins and various microelements supplied to the body with food. However, with age or due to other reasons, these processes slow down, so dermatologists advise stimulating them with the help of ointments.

Reasons for slowing down the regeneration process:

  1. Weakening of protective properties. If a person is often sick, his immunity decreases, and many metabolic processes are inhibited;
  2. Excessive passion for sports. Increased physical activity takes a lot of strength and energy from a person; if the losses are not replenished, exhaustion occurs;
  3. Frequent stress and nervous experiences;
  4. Poor nutrition. If the diet is based on unhealthy foods that are oversaturated with carcinogens, the body will not receive vitamins and minerals;
  5. Dermatitis and infectious skin diseases.
  6. Age-related changes

The best burn creams for skin regeneration


This product appeared on the market several decades ago, but still does not lose its relevance:


  1. The components included in Badyagi irritate the skin, as a result of which the capillaries expand and blood flow increases.
  2. Thanks to this effect, scars begin to dissolve, and painful sensations weaken.
  3. If you regularly treat the affected area with Badyaga, the scars will become less noticeable, and the skin will gradually begin to renew itself.
The undoubted advantage of the product is that it strengthens local immunity and stimulates protective functions. But it is necessary to remember that Badyaga is not recommended for use if the skin is inflamed.


  1. One of the most popular products that not only regenerates and rejuvenates tissue, but also eliminates severe peeling in the shortest possible time.


  2. If you apply the drug to the epidermis after a burn, the redness will begin to subside within 2-3 days, and the tightness will disappear literally immediately.
  3. The problem area should be treated with Dexapanthenol 4 times a day.
  4. Thanks to the components included in the composition, the elasticity of collagen fibers will increase, and the skin will become more resistant to negative environmental influences.

Sea buckthorn oil



Aloe vera

  1. Thanks to its healing properties, this plant is known throughout the world. If you get a skin burn, you can treat the wound with juice in its pure form or combine it with other drugs.


  2. Aloe is an excellent stimulator of tissue regeneration, which simultaneously activates protective properties and fights inflammation.
  3. The juice of the plant can also be used to rejuvenate tissues, as it increases elasticity and has an antioxidant effect. The undoubted advantage is that the juice has no contraindications and is not addictive.

It is impossible to say which particular remedy for burns is the best, since each drug acts individually. In any case, to find the ideal regeneration cream for yourself, you will have to experiment.

5 tips for natural skin regeneration

  1. The key to glowing skin, no matter your age, is staying hydrated. When the dermis lacks water, the skin's barrier function is impaired and epidermal renewal is compromised. The result is a lack of elasticity, dull skin, a feeling of discomfort and the appearance of fine wrinkles.
    In order to satisfy the body's needs for water, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters. water both in winter and summer, not forgetting to apply moisturizer. Result: the skin becomes elastic and smooth, fine wrinkles disappear.
    Attention! Even oily skin can be dehydrated!

The scrub cleanses the skin of dead cells and impurities on its surface, preventing the premature formation of wrinkles, and also, thanks to the micro-grains in it, accelerates the microcirculation of blood cells and subsequent regeneration.

To increase cell regeneration, skin nutrition is necessary, and there is no better source for this than applying a good nourishing mask after peeling.

Our skin acts as a protection against pollution and sun damage during the day, but after sunset it activates cellular regeneration. As a result of many studies, it was noticed that the peak of regeneration of our skin is 1 am, at this time cell renewal is three times more intense compared to 1 pm. Therefore, healthy sleep has a beneficial effect on our face.

Foods rich in vitamin C greatly promote natural cell regeneration. By stimulating collagen synthesis, they thus give our skin elasticity and vitality, preventing the formation of wrinkles. To do this, you need to add foods rich in vitamin C to your daily diet - citrus fruits, kiwi, bell peppers, cereal or Brussels sprouts.


Ointment after burns for skin regeneration

However, an interesting fact is that many women use the ointment after burns to regenerate the skin and fight wrinkles and aging in general. And quite effective. More details about anti-wrinkle facial ointments in the pharmacy
And the top 6 best pharmaceutical preparations and ointments after burns for skin regeneration and rejuvenation:

Hydrogen peroxide
If blackheads are your number one problem, treat your skin with peroxide before removing them. The topmost layer of skin will soften and it will become easier to get rid of them.

After the procedure, moisten the skin with peroxide again, the pores will close and the next morning the skin will become smooth and clean.

It happens that deodorant runs out unexpectedly. Peroxide will come to the rescue, just anoint your armpits with it, it will help with the smell. This method will also help to enhance the effect of the antiperspirant; an additional 2-3 hours of freshness are guaranteed. Apply deodorant to dry skin after peroxide.

Badyaga is a sponge growing in fresh waters. Sold in powder form in pharmacies. Replaces salon peeling without being inferior in effect. True, it provokes hair growth, so it is not recommended for use in areas where excessive hair growth is of no use to you.


Polishes the skin to perfect condition, removing the top layer. Pimples, comedones, blackheads disappear along with these dead cells. Be prepared to see the leader of the Redskins in the mirror after using such a mask. But don’t worry, the redness will go away within 12 hours.

Mix the powder with peroxide and apply to damp skin. Peeling is possible for several days after use. If necessary, the mask can be repeated.

Tincture of calendula
Heals wounds, accelerates tissue regeneration. Boils, ulcers, and acne are afraid of this tincture and disappear without a trace. Can be used as a lotion, pure or diluted with water.

Dries the scalp, a salvation for hair that gets dirty quickly. Rubbing calendula tincture with castor oil into the scalp strengthens hair and helps with seborrhea.

Salicylic ointment
Any acne and seborrhea remedy contains salicylic acid. Salicylic alcohol solution can be easily found in pharmacies. Will help with oily skin, back acne, acne.

The Americans conducted research, the results of which suggest that this acid is the best remedy for all skin problems, but it dries it out very much, apply locally. It also helps with calluses and rough skin, I recommend using it after a pedicure.

Apilak (ointments, suppositories, dietary supplement)
"Apilak" is recommended for children with lack of appetite, people after operations and during stress, for infertility. Ointment and dietary supplement treat neurodermatitis and seborrhea.

"Apilak" should be used on problematic oily skin, preferably in a thick layer. With great mental and physical stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, "Appilak" will help to cheer up.