Rating of foundation for face

In the cosmetic arsenal of a modern woman, as a rule, there are many products for creating the perfect makeup. However, among all this variety, it is foundation that, as if by magic, can transform your appearance in a matter of minutes, hiding small wrinkles or masking skin imperfections. That is why special attention should be paid to its acquisition, so that instead of a wonderful transformation, you do not turn your face into a mask.
In this article we:

Basic criteria for choosing the best foundation

When choosing a foundation, you should be guided not by its cost, although this is an important detail, but first of all by the main characteristics of the product.

  1. Individual skin type

This principle should be decisive when purchasing. It turns out that the composition of any foundation is focused primarily not on the shade of the skin of the face, but on its tendency to be oily or, conversely, dry. For example, in a cream for oily skin types you will not find oils, and a product for dry skin excludes alcohol among its ingredients.

  1. Color palette

Of course, the color scheme of the chosen foundation should be based on your skin tone. According to the basic rules of cosmetology, you should choose a tone slightly lighter than natural to avoid unnaturalness. Although now “smart” tint products that independently adapt to skin color are very popular.

The consistency of foundation creams can be light, perfect for the summer season, or denser, with a high camouflage effect. Most often, manufacturers produce this product in the form of a liquid fluid, airy mousse or stick. The thicker the texture of the cream, the more coloring pigment it contains.

  1. Additional features

Quite often, foundation has a wider range of capabilities than just masking or matting. You can, for example, find creams labeled “SPF” that protect against the harmful effects of sunlight. It is not uncommon now to find “foundations” with a lifting effect that tighten wrinkles.

Which brand of foundation should I choose?

Ubiquitous advertising has long penetrated the cosmetology market, stubbornly dictating which brand should be preferred. However, everything here is purely individual, because we are all different. According to the results of the popular vote, the majority of women highlight the high quality of foundations Sisley (France), Max factor (USA), L'Oreal (France). They are not inferior to them in their characteristics and Maybelline (USA), Bourjois (France) or Revlon (USA).
However, in the budget price category the domestic brand is in the lead "Freedom", which many women also highly rated in reviews and are not going to change it to Western brands.

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Choosing a foundation for dry skin so that it does not emphasize its main problems - dryness, flaking, irritation, and also cares for it, moisturizes, distributes well and is long-lasting - is not an easy task. The well-groomed beauty portal has set itself the goal of finding the ideal product for dry skin. What came out of this is in the next review.


Photo from website: 10wallpaper.com

So, rating foundations for dry skin, we are looking for the best product.

Foundation for dry and sensitive skin. Basic product requirements

Dry skin is very capricious, but if you satisfy all its “whims”, you can achieve an ideal result. So, what should you pay attention to when choosing a foundation for dry skin:


Photo from the site: kira-beauty.ru

  1. First and most importantly, dry skin literally cries out for hydration. When choosing a foundation for dry skin, look for products labeled “Moisturizing”!
  2. Dry skin is very thin and delicate, one might say almost transparent. You will never see enlarged pores on her, but expression lines are very obvious. To avoid the “bakery apple” effect of a generously flavored cosmetic glaze of foundation pigment, choose light, breathable consistencies that lie on the skin like a weightless veil. Thick foundation for dry skin is an absolute evil. It will highlight all the wrinkles and, moreover, visually enhance their appearance.

Those with dry skin require not only light textures, but also weightless coverage. It is best to use a brush to apply the cream, or apply the foundation with a damp sponge, this is how you can achieve a light tone without layering.

  1. Dry skin is prone to flaking. The most problematic areas are the forehead, wings of the nose, and the triangle between the eyes and nose. To hide annoying flakes, look for creams containing caring oils. Don't forget about a moisturizing makeup base. Moisturizer under foundation for dry skin is a MUST!
  2. Dry skin often shows irritation in the form of red spots. This means that owners of this skin type are faced with the task of finding a product that will ideally even out the overall skin tone. Well, and, of course, don’t forget about products such as corrector and concealer, which will help cover up color imperfections in the skin.
  3. Dry skin rarely boasts radiance and is usually dull and sallow. To add shine, choose products that contain luminous elements or light shimmer. They will add a delicate glow and revitalize the skin. And, of course, don’t forget about such a beauty product as highlighter, which will help create the effect of dewy skin.

In general, we can say that the foundation is simply created for dry skin, it helps to revitalize and moisturize it. The main thing is to choose the right product. We tried to find the best foundation for dry skin, but more on that below.

Which foundation is best for dry skin? Rating from "Groomed"

Many makeup artists, and women themselves, have noted that foundation for dry skin is the best product from the entire series of toning products. For example, mousse emphasizes dryness even more, powder treacherously indicates flaking, BB cream does not provide sufficient nutrition. The foundation, naturally, correctly selected both in its tone and, most importantly, type, transforms dry skin, giving it radiance and softness.


Photo from the site: bahroma.com.ua

However, to ensure that your foundation blends completely with your skin, it is important to choose a good product. “Groomed” has compiled its own rating. Naturally, it would be biased to compare products from different price segments, and therefore we have selected the best products in each price range.

So, the best foundation for dry skin.

Foundation for dry skin: reviews of mass market cosmetics

You shouldn’t be dismissive of the mass market segment. Yes, they do not contain that rich base as luxury cosmetics, but it also happens that the covering abilities of budget line foundations even exceed those of more elite products.

We've rounded up three of the best budget foundations for dry skin.

Voile Hydratant from L'ETOILE


Photo from website: talkyland.com

Ambiguous product. The foundation has excellent moisturizing properties, perfectly evens out the tone and even copes with minor skin imperfections, such as redness, spider veins, and dark circles under the eyes. Naturally, such an effect is achieved for a reason - by choosing the camouflage properties of the product, the manufacturer sacrificed ease of application. The foundation has a rather dense consistency, which mercilessly emphasizes facial wrinkles. The brush that comes with the tube is also not good for the product; it makes the makeup even heavier.

However, it's not all bad. It is enough to mix the foundation with a regular moisturizer or emulsion, and the excessive density of the product will be overcome. Do not pay attention to the brush that comes with the kit; it is better to use your usual thin makeup brush. Using this advice, you will become the owner of a beautiful tone, moisturized skin, and most importantly, this effect will last a long time. Well, the durability of the product is excellent.

Dream Satin Fluid from MAYBELLINE


Photo from the site: lars.in.ua

Again, an unexpected variation for dry skin types is the thick texture. Manufacturers have recently begun to ignore the characteristics of dry skin, highlighting the camouflage component of the product. The foundation from a well-known brand really perfectly covers all the color imperfections of the face, but at the same time shamelessly reveals the age of its owner. If you are still a very young lady, then there is nothing to be afraid of - Dream Satin Fluid will look good on your skin. Well, if you can no longer boast of absolute smoothness of your skin, then again use the advice offered earlier - mix the foundation product with your regular moisturizer, so you will achieve the necessary lightness of coverage. And yes, apply only with a brush or damp sponge.

But what is really great about this product is the satin skin effect that Dream Satin Fluid gives to its users. The face seems to be illuminated from the inside, and most importantly, there is no hint of dryness.

Unfortunately, the staying power of Dream Satin Fluid is slightly lower than the previous product, so be sure to use setting powder. But don’t be overzealous, 2 - 3 strokes of the brush will be enough.

Those with dry skin should not be afraid of powder at all. Yes, it can highlight expression lines and age wrinkles, but this is only possible if the powder is used as the main foundation, and even then on unprepared skin. So make it a rule to always moisturize your skin before applying decorative cosmetics, and most importantly, use products that are suitable exclusively for your skin type.

Healthy Mix from BOURJOIS PARIS


Photo from website: tokobranded.com

An excellent product - it both tones and cares for the skin, and all because it contains a real vitamin cocktail. There are also extracts of melon, apricot, ginger, apple - they all perfectly moisturize dry skin. And most importantly, Healthy Mix, unlike its predecessors, is a really easy product. The manufacturer did not pay increased attention to camouflage properties, and rightly so! Corrective products can also correct color imperfections, and the cream will give you a light glow of freshness and the perfect tone.

But even in this beauty miracle there was room for a small fly in the ointment - the product has the lowest stability rating among all foundations presented in the rating. But I think a good powder will help correct this defect.

Choosing a good foundation for dry skin in the medium segment

Cosmetics in the medium category are also called intermediate. In terms of pricing policy, it is classified as conditionally affordable, but its higher cost is justified by the content of caring ingredients. In other words, when purchasing such products, you can be sure that in addition to high-quality “scenery” you will receive proper care.

Let's look at the best moisturizing foundations for dry skin in this price segment.

Teint Divin by CAUDALIE


Photo from website: mysconto.it

An ultra-light product ideal for dry and sensitive skin. In addition, the cream contains minerals that tone the skin and give it a rested appearance. Teint Divin contains a lot of useful substances, which are primarily aimed at solving the main task - moisturizing the skin.

In addition, Teint Divin contains whitening components. Those. The cream not only covers skin imperfections, but also fights pigmentation.

The only negative is the excessive yellowness of the pigment, but if you shade everything thoroughly and quickly, without letting the cream dry out, the transition boundaries will be invisible.

High Performance, IsaDor from ISA DORA


Photo from the site: starstore.ru

Another representative in the line of foundation products, where the manufacturer relied on camouflage properties. High Performance covers not only color flaws, but also relief errors - acne, rashes, pimples. But for this opportunity you have to sacrifice age. Due to the rather dense texture, after a while wrinkles begin to appear treacherously. However, if immediately after applying the product you blot the excess cream with a cotton pad, you can somewhat minimize this effect without losing the perfectly smooth skin texture.

Longevity without complaints - 6 hours without makeup correction are guaranteed.

The best luxury moisturizing foundation for dry skin

The high cost is not just an overpayment for the brand, it is justified. All self-respecting brands with a high reputation constantly conduct laboratory and clinical research in search of the best formula. By purchasing a product from the Luxury segment, you can be sure of its high quality, and most importantly, impeccable care, because all Luxury cosmetics first of all strive for competent care and maintenance of beauty, and only then pays attention to decorative characteristics. Moreover, these same decorative characteristics are still among the leaders, because all Lux products are based on innovative technologies.

We can say that cosmetics in this class will be considered ideal, but we still tried to find the best of the best foundations for very dry skin.

Luminous Moisturizing Foundation by BOBBI BROWN


Photo from website: wr2buy.com

A truly magical product. It lays down like a thin, weightless veil, but at the same time perfectly evens out the tone, creating a velvety texture, and completely hides wrinkles. The cream has a fluid consistency, due to which it creates a uniform coating without transitions.

The product is very comfortable to wear, does not weigh down the face and allows the skin to breathe. In other words, with Luminous Moisturizing Foundation, your skin will look like there is no makeup on, except even better...

Repairwear Laser Focus All-Smooth Makeup SPF15 from CLINIQUE


Photo from website: temaquillo.com

It has an unusually light, almost weightless texture. The entire line is presented in a version with a delicate pink pigment, which intelligently adapts to the natural skin tone, creating a “naked face” effect. Despite its weightless texture, the cream perfectly covers color imperfections - closely spaced blood vessels and dark circles under the eyes, so no additional help from corrective products is needed.

The moisturizing properties are excellent, thanks to which not only are wrinkles not noticeable, but they will disappear over time. As for the durability of the product, there are no complaints here - 8 hours of guaranteed results, and this without additional fixation with powder!

Skin Caviar Foundation, Concealer from “La Prairie”


Photo from the site: modmod.ru

According to the Skin Caviar Foundation portal, Concealer is the best foundation product for dry skin. This is a truly luxurious product - light texture, moisturizing complex, powerful protection against adverse external influences, support for the skin in the form of antioxidants that slow down aging.

Creates a weightless coating on the face, but for this reason does not cover color imperfections. But it doesn’t matter – the Skin Caviar Foundation and Concealer kit comes with a corrector with a special brush. So an even tone without flaws is guaranteed. Durability – over 8 hours, without additional fixation.
The product has only one drawback - a very high price, but it is compensated by its flawless skin tone and powerful caring composition.

These are the best options at the moment. Which foundation is suitable for dry skin in your particular case is up to you to decide. We just tried to help in this difficult choice.


Every woman or girl strives to maintain her attractiveness for as long as possible. Achieving a perfectly smooth texture and uniform skin color is not so easy; not everyone can do this using natural resources and vegetable masks; cosmetic products such as foundations come to their aid. It is important not only to choose the right cream, but also to be able to use it correctly.

Brief summary of the rating:

How to choose the right foundation?

We decided to start our review of the best creams for evening out skin color with the rules for their selection. Skin type greatly influences this factor. If a woman has oily or mixed skin type, then she should purchase a cream containing zinc, sulfur, and vitamins belonging to group A and B. With their help, you can get rid of unpleasant shine and reduce the secretion of sebum. If the cream has a dense structure, then in this case its use should be abandoned. To correct certain areas of the face, use a special matting pencil.


For girls with dry skin, the ideal products are moisturizing foundations that can be used year-round. They contain hyaluronic acid, aloe extract and a number of other components that will help retain moisture in the skin. In addition, they contain oils, proteins and a complex of vitamins that make the skin elastic and very soft. One of the best options for dry skin is BB cream - one of the latest developments by cosmetologists. It provides good skin care, makes it smooth and resistant to ultraviolet radiation. It is produced on a water-gel base, due to which it will fit perfectly onto the surface of the skin.

Mature skin will feel great under a layer of cream with a lifting effect. Such compositions easily mask small wrinkles, remove uneven areas and quickly cope with various types of inflammation. They additionally moisturize the skin and make the facial texture more even, and also protect it from various kinds of negative external influences.

You should also choose the right foundation by color - professional makeup artists say that it should strictly match the color of your skin. The cream should give the face a natural and healthy shade. Before purchasing the product, you should definitely test the device on your skin.

When developing our rating of the best foundations, we took into account all the factors listed above, took into account the price-quality ratio, as well as reviews from users and professional cosmetologists. For each product included in our review, we have collected all possible information that we hope will be useful to you and will greatly ease the problem of choosing a foundation.

The best foundations of 2018

10. Clarins Teint Pores & Matite


Our review opens with a product that can provide a very long-lasting mattifying effect; in addition, it allows you to almost perfectly even out the skin tone. The composition contains active components of acacia and red clay, which allows you to successfully hide even serious facial imperfections and give it a natural and beautiful tone. The texture is quite thick, but the cream itself is airy and velvety. The product adheres well to the skin and is also suitable for oily skin, but in the latter case, a barely noticeable shine may appear after a few hours. For this reason, this product is well suited for normal to dry skin.

With the help of this cream it is possible to mask even serious redness and get rid of minor defects, the finish is matte and looks very attractive. The cream is not suitable for skin with large or enlarged pores - it will sink into them and make them very noticeable. It is easy to apply and absorbs within a couple of minutes. The smell does not stand out, it is characterized by a weak powdery aroma.

  1. Excellent structure that fits easily on the skin and does not clog pores;
  2. Covers wrinkles and flaky areas simply perfectly;
  3. One application is enough to hide all facial imperfections.
  1. Not suitable for oily skin;
  2. It is also undesirable to use on skin with enlarged pores.

9. Bobbi Brown Moisture Rich Foundation


This foundation contains the latest moisturizing formula. In addition, it has excellent sun protection characteristics, which can significantly reduce the negative impact of the environment. After application, the face feels comfortable. The structure is not particularly dense; it can provide both dense and medium coverage. First of all, this product is designed for normal or dry skin. The cream is available in 19 shades, so you can choose the perfect option for yourself.

It withstands low temperatures well, so it can be used in the cold season: the cream will not slide, does not provoke an increase in oil content, and still moisturizes well. Makeup artists recommend adding a certain amount of powder after applying the cream, since an excessively high content of moisturizing components can cause some shine. It is distributed over the face almost instantly, the consumption is economical.

  1. Quickly copes with any shortcomings;
  2. Very well nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  3. Makes the complexion even out.
  1. Quite a high price for a cosmetic product.

8. Maybelline Super Stay 24 Cream


This is one of the most long-lasting products among all included in our review of the best foundations of 2018. Its texture is dense, even a fairly large drop perfectly retains its original shape. The cream is applied quite simply and there is no discomfort during the procedure. The manufacturer says that you can apply several layers of this product. The cream perfectly evens out complexion, removing even fairly large inflammations. It withstands strong winds and frosty weather well, and it also protects the skin from chapping and redness. The finish has a matte tint, there is no feeling of static, the face is alive. You don't even have to use powder.

Throughout the day, a feeling of comfort is maintained, the skin retains its original velvety, and there is no feeling of heaviness or tightness. The staying power is good, but it comes off surprisingly easily with any makeup remover.

  1. Fits well and tightly on the skin;
  2. Additionally nourishes;
  3. The tone is even.
  1. It does not cope with peeling very well, so it is advisable to pre-moisturize your face before applying.

7. Max Factor Color Adapt


This is one of the newest makeup products launched by the famous American company. This product contains adapting particles that take on the natural color of the skin, making the cream itself completely invisible on its surface. Efficiency and versatility are among the highest. The bottle has a simple and uncomplicated design, has a pump and a thin spout, which allows you to use the cream quite economically.

The formula of the product has a slightly runny consistency, due to which the cream lies on the face in a thin layer, and for application it does not require the use of various types of cosmetic tools - it is very convenient to apply it with your fingers. It feels light to the touch and has a slightly velvety surface that slightly resembles powder. The cream does not clog pores and gives the skin a healthy glow; it hides minor imperfections, small pimples, and areas of reddened skin well. The composition contains so-called elastomers, which allow the skin to be velvety and healthy. The product is perfect for sensitive skin and does not cause allergic reactions.

  1. Acceptable price;
  2. Versatility;
  3. Convenient and economical packaging;
  4. High durability.
  1. May focus attention on flaky areas of skin.

6. L’OREAL Alliance Perfect Perfect Merger


These are products from another very well-known and widespread brand, and they have a low price, which will be affordable for most representatives of the fair sex. The manufacturing company says that the cream is well suited for all skin types and colors, removes imperfections well, while maintaining a natural shade to the face. The cream is very pleasant to the touch, the structure is slightly liquid, silky after application. It is most convenient to apply with your hands, but you need to do this quickly, as the cream quickly hardens and begins to be absorbed. There is a convenient dispenser that ensures high efficiency - one tube can be enough for several months of daily use. The cream quickly penetrates the pores, fills them and hides even obvious imperfections.

Redness and pimples disappear instantly, the cream blends well with the skin, imitating its color and structure. There is no feeling at all that the face is covered with something. Accordingly, it does not catch the eye, and observers will have the feeling that the skin is simply well-groomed. This cream has no age restrictions - it is perfect for both young girls and older women, it can be used for any skin type. It does not protect the skin from the sun very well, but at least some level of UV protection is present.

  1. A large number of shades;
  2. Does not leak even in strong sun;
  3. Lies on the skin almost unnoticeably;
  4. With its help you can quickly hide circles under the eyes.
  1. Weak UV protection.

5. Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Gel


This is the latest development of French cosmetologists. The cream includes a large number of natural products - apricot extract (allows you to give the skin a healthy appearance and natural glow), melon extract (provides a high level of hydration), apple extract (keeps the skin youthful for a long time). In addition to them, the composition contains vitamin E, which perfectly protects the face from a number of harmful environmental influences. This cream has quite a few shades, making this product suitable for girls of any skin color.

The texture of the cream is light and delicate, it will be evenly distributed over the face, does not create the feeling of a mask, and does not provoke increased secretion of sebum. You can apply it in different ways - with your fingers, a brush or a special sponge. This cream will be an excellent base even for quite complex makeup. It is quite acceptable to use this product separately, but you can also powder it lightly. The cream copes well with serious redness, masks dilated facial vessels and other defects, giving the skin a natural and healthy appearance and additionally nourishing it.

  1. Convenient dispenser;
  2. Excellent qualities;
  3. Good economy;
  4. There are many shades;
  5. Nourishes the skin.
  1. Peelings are not hidden very well;
  2. At high temperatures it may leak a little.

4. Revlon 24 HR. Colorstay Liquid Makeup Combination/Oily

h3> <p


One of the most expensive products among all included in our review of the best foundation creams of 2018 today. The high cost is completely justified, since the skin will be transformed literally in a matter of seconds after applying the cream. It has a weightless structure, is absorbed quickly and becomes completely invisible. The product is universal, well suited for any skin type, cares and looks after it throughout the day. All the flaws of the face are carefully hidden, and the advantages, on the contrary, are put on display. The skin becomes radiant and gains an additional layer of UV protection. The cream has nine main and four additional shades.

The composition contains biocomposites, which are made from both synthetic and natural materials. An intangible micronetwork is created on the face, which contains silk threads invisible to the eye, with the help of which the skin acquires shine and natural radiance. This product not only removes all visible imperfections, but also fights them well, helping to take care of the skin; after application, there are absolutely no visible marks left. The cream does not completely hide wrinkles, but does not expose them, which makes them less noticeable.

  1. Easy to apply;
  2. Adapts to skin tone, making it look completely unnoticeable on the face;
  3. Evens out color and hides imperfections, correcting them at the same time.
  1. Very dry skin cannot be sufficiently moisturized;
  2. High price.

2. Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation


This is an improved version of the foundation that was released a couple of years ago. The product is in a glass bottle, has an affordable price, and has a convenient dispenser, thanks to which this cream lasts for a very long time. On sale you can find 11 shades of this product - quite enough for every girl to be able to choose a cream with a suitable tone for herself. These products are manufactured using the latest Rimmel Smart-Tone technology. Due to this, it is possible to ensure a quick adjustment to the natural skin tone - literally a few minutes after applying this product, the difference becomes minimal and then disappears altogether.

The texture of the cream is fluid, it evens out the skin and gives a healthy and natural glow. The manufacturer notes that several layers of the product can be applied at once, due to which even very serious imperfections can be successfully hidden. It’s easiest to apply with your hands; it doesn’t cause the slightest trouble during the day; if you want, you can set the shade with powder, but this is not at all necessary. If a girl has dry skin, then it is advisable to avoid using it.

  1. Wide range of colors;
  2. One of the highest levels of UV protection;
  3. With all the advantages, a very modest price.
  1. Peeling skin cannot be hidden, but will only emphasize it.

1. Dior Diorskin Forever


This is truly the best foundation of 2018, both according to user reviews and recommendations from professionals. The product is perfect for normal skin; it interacts somewhat worse with dry or oily skin, but can be used. The manufacturing company claims that with the help of this cosmetic product you can get professional makeup yourself at home without the use of special equipment. The cream spreads in a fairly thin layer, creating the effect of velvety skin. It looks almost imperceptible and natural on the face, the texture of the product is quite liquid, and after application it acquires a matte sheen. The product lasts for quite a long time - about 16 hours.

The cream perfectly hides minor imperfections, but it will not be able to cope with large defects, like other similar cosmetics. It comes in glass bottles and is economical to use. The aroma is weak, has a perfume scent.

  1. The coating is completely invisible and light;
  2. High degree of protection against ultraviolet rays.
  1. Belongs to the luxury category, which is why the cost is quite high;
  2. It will not be possible to hide flaky areas and large imperfections.

In conclusion, a useful video

As you can see, choosing a foundation is not very easy; you need to take into account a huge number of factors, due to which a large number of questions may arise when purchasing a similar product. We tried to analyze in detail the most popular types of these products among girls, without missing anything significant. If you still have any questions, are interested in this or that product, and want to learn about it in more detail, and also if you decide to share your own experience of using foundation, then the comments to this article are at your complete disposal.
