
Recapitulation is a phenomenon that is observed in the embryonic development of some animals when they go through developmental stages that are similar to the embryonic development of their ancestral forms. This phenomenon was first described by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel at the end of the 19th century.

Haeckel suggested that recapitulation was evidence of evolution and supported the idea of ​​a common origin for living organisms. He believed that embryonic development repeats the stages of evolution that were passed through by the ancestors of a given organism.

However, over time, Haeckel's ideas turned out to be wrong, and the scientific community rejected his theory. Modern research shows that recapitulation is not a complete repetition of the embryonic development of ancestral forms. Some stages of development may be absent or changed during evolution, and different organisms may undergo different stages of development.

However, recapitulation remains an interesting area of ​​research in biology and evolutionary biology. Scientists continue to explore the mechanisms that determine the development of embryos and how these mechanisms influence the evolution of organisms.

In conclusion, recapitulation is an important phenomenon in the embryonic development of some animals, which allows us to better understand the evolutionary history of living organisms. Even though Haeckel's ideas were proven wrong, recapitulation is still an interesting and debated topic in biology.


Recapsulation is a practice that involves repeating certain ideas or information concisely and concisely. Simply put, it is a summary and reframing of the material.

Recapsulation is a powerful tool for improving memory, concentration and learning speed. It allows you to quickly and efficiently absorb a large amount of information and remember it for a long time. How it works?

Typically, when learning new materials, we pay more attention to remembering specific facts and details. However, in order to retain and use knowledge, a deeper understanding and connections between them is required. Recapsulation helps