
Sanas: a homeopathic remedy for combating alcohol addiction

Sanas is a homeopathic remedy produced in Russia by the company Homeopharm. It is intended to combat alcohol dependence, including alcohol intoxication, hangover, domestic drunkenness and chronic alcohol dependence.

The composition of the product includes Asarum 3 CH, Nux vom. 3 CH, Acidum sulf. 3 CH, Quercus 3 CH, Lachesis 6 CH. Each of these components has its own homeopathic properties that help cope with alcohol addiction.

The use of Sanas is not recommended for people who have hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug. No side effects have been identified from the use of Sanas.

Sanas is presented in the form of granules, which are packaged in 15 gram bottles. The use of Sanas must comply with the rules of homeopathic use and can be combined with other known medications.

Overall, Sanas is an effective homeopathic remedy for combating alcohol addiction. However, before starting to use Sanas, you must consult your doctor to assess the indications for use and possible risks.