Does burdock oil help?



Burdock oil has long been in great demand among women seeking luxurious, long hair. It attracts with its low price, as well as its natural composition. But is it justified that this remedy has been used for centuries?

Does burdock oil help hair growth?

To understand this issue, you should list what this product consists of. So this is:

  1. stearic acid,
  2. calcium,
  3. inulin,
  4. chromium,
  5. palmitic acid,
  6. iron,
  7. remedies from the pharmacy may include bee glue, tea tree.

Thanks to these substances, the hair is saturated with moisture and receives good nutrition, which eliminates split ends and accelerates the increase in length. Therefore, the statement that burdock oil helps hair growth is completely reliable and truthful. However, the positive aspects of using burdock oil do not end here.

All properties of burdock oil

  1. The answer to the question, does burdock oil help hair growth? was positive, however, burdock extract not only lengthens hair, it also increases its thickness and volume.
  2. Using this natural product over a long period of time will improve the quality of your hair in a number of ways, it will make your hair stronger, more manageable, looser and brighter than before. Moreover, this effect will be valid both during the break and after the end of using burdock oil.
  3. This natural elixir is also used if the scalp is dry. The product copes well with itching (but for these purposes you should carefully study the composition and do not use products containing red pepper)
  4. Burdock extract helps normalize sebum production, making hair less oily.

How to apply?

Having learned about the benefits of burdock oil, many will most likely want to try it. Because of this, it is a good idea to read the instructions for applying this product.


  1. Before use, the composition must be heated using a water bath.
  2. Next, use a hair coloring brush to apply the oil as close to the base as possible.
  3. After this, use a comb to evenly distribute the mixture between all the hair.
  4. Then rub the product into the scalp using massaging movements.
  5. Next, to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is advisable to put a warming cap on your head.
  6. You need to keep the composition for about an hour, after which you need to wash it off.

How often and for how long to use burdock oil?

There are rare cases when burdock oil causes harm, but if it is used too much, this can happen. Below are instructions on the frequency of its use and the length of the entire course. So, the most important thing is the condition of the hair. If they:

  1. If you are exhausted, you can apply the product no more often than every two days.
  2. If they are overdried, then use the oil no more often than every three days.
  3. Fatty, then use the composition no more than once a week.

Treatment should be carried out for 60 days. Afterwards you need to take a break of 60-80 days and resume the procedures. It is important to maintain cyclical treatment, otherwise it may not bring results.

Having considered the properties of burdock oil, we can give a clearly positive the answer to the question: “Does burdock oil help hair?” It really has a beneficial effect on the hair: it gives it volume, makes the hair thicker, healthier and stronger, and gets rid of split ends. Burdock oil also activates intensive hair growth. However, like any other remedy, it needs to be used correctly. By following the recommendations for its use proposed in this article, it will be easy to make your hair beautiful and healthy.

Burdock oil is a proven method for treating damaged hair, preventing hair loss and stimulating curl growth. It is important to use the natural composition correctly so as not to increase the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Burdock oil - a natural remedy for rapid hair growth

Burdock oil – miracle cure, which you can buy for pennies and still get a dizzying effect on your hair. This is a universal remedy for those who have long dreamed of growing long hair, but cannot do it. Burdock oil also eliminates problems with the skin of the face, scalp, and strands.

Burdock is another name for burdock, an infusion of crushed roots with the addition of dry-pressed olive or sunflower oil.

When preparing at home, essential extracts of lavender, sage, rosemary, rose hips, and mint can be added to the composition to nourish the scalp tissues and improve the patient’s overall well-being.

Burdock oil activates the activity of follicles, lengthens the active growth phase, contains vitamins, proteins, fatty acids and other useful elements.

Burdock oil is an inexpensive natural remedy for those who have long wanted to grow their hair! To avoid addiction, you need to take breaks and do not use the product for more than 3 weeks in a row.

Masks and other nourishing compositions with burdock oil help maintain beautiful hair, accelerate growth and stop hair loss. The oil can be used once a week as a stand-alone product or as part of medicinal masks.

The oil performs positive functions for hair:

  1. Stimulates bulb growth;
  2. Increases the thickness of strands;
  3. Eliminates dry scalp;
  4. Nourishes follicles at the cellular level;
  5. Makes strands smooth and elastic;
  6. Gives hair a healthy shine.

Burdock oil is recommended for use on any type of hair, but if there is increased greasiness, you need to carefully use the product, only for medicinal purposes, on the recommendation of a trichologist.

Cooking at home

You can buy burdock oil at a pharmacy or prepare it at home.

For this:

  1. chop 150 g burdock root,
  2. pour 2 cups olive oil,
  3. leave in a dark place for 14-20 days, then strain and use as intended,
  4. store in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

How to use burdock oil?

A simple and effective method of using burdock oil is to wrap yourself once a week with a nourishing composition before washing your hair for about an hour.

For this:

  1. Before using the composition, warm the oil to room temperature.
  2. take the heated oil and apply with rubbing movements along the partings, then comb your hair with a wooden comb. This will improve blood circulation to the scalp and distribute the nutritional composition along the entire length of the hair.
  3. hair is wrapped in a towel for 60 minutes,
  4. Afterwards, the hair is thoroughly washed with running water.

To restore damaged strands, it is recommended to rub oil into the root part of the head, and when rinsing, use chamomile infusions for light hair or oak bark for dark hair.

Attention! If your hair is dry and brittle, then it is recommended to add oil to hair care cosmetics - shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, masks. A few drops before use.

Be sure to rinse thoroughly with the addition of detergent to get rid of the greasiness effect on the hair (especially if we are talking about homemade burdock oil).

Burdock oil with extracts

Burdock oil is now on sale with all sorts of different additives. For example, burdock is widespread red pepper extract oil, to stimulate nerve endings and improve hair growth. When applied to the scalp, it will pleasantly warm the skin and activate cellular blood circulation. In case of severe burning, it is recommended to dilute the composition with almond, sunflower or olive oil.

  1. Nettle extract oil used to restore strands, helps get rid of dandruff and dry scalp.
  2. Horsetail extract oil strengthens the hair structure, used to treat weak split ends.
  3. Oil with hop cone extract has a stimulating effect, enhances tissue nutrition due to natural phytoestrogens of hops.

Attention! Burdock oil with pepper extract is not used for hypertension, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Each element of the nutritional composition enhances the effect of natural ingredients, allowing you to obtain the desired effect in a short course of use - 3-5 procedures. You can use burdock oil for 2-3 weeks, then take a break for a week and continue treatment if necessary.

5 most effective masks with burdock oil

Thanks to the unique properties of burdock oil, masks prepared on its basis give a stunning effect: stimulating hair growth, awakening dormant hair follicles, adding shine and silkiness to hair. If you regularly use masks based on this folk remedy, your hair will become much longer, grow faster, be easier to style, and will need to be washed less often.

So, thanks to burdock, you can grow your hair by 5-6 cm in a month.

The easiest way to mask – apply heated burdock oil to the entire length of your hair and keep it on all night.

Hair mask with burdock oil and mustard for fast hair growth

What gives: one of the most effective folk remedies today for hair loss, baldness and hair growth. Recommended for use in case of severe uncontrolled hair loss. The oil, combined with hot mustard, causes blood to rush to the scalp, thereby awakening the follicles and accelerating hair growth. In addition, the mask combats split ends by sealing them.


  1. two tbsp. Pour hot water over spoons of mustard, add a pinch of sugar and mix well;
  2. add 1 chicken yolk to the resulting mixture and grind thoroughly until the mixture is homogeneous;
  3. If desired, add honey, 1 ampoule of vitamin B or vitamin A to the mask.

Prepare a syringe (without a needle), a brush, a comb and a towel. In order to more accurately apply the mixture to the roots of your hair, divide your hair into partings and use a syringe to squeeze the mixture onto your hair, distributing it only to the roots! The mask should not be applied to the remaining length, so as not to dry out the hair! To nourish your strands, apply pure burdock oil to the entire length of your hair. Then cover your head well with a hat, towel or plastic bag.

At first, the mask can severely burn the scalp, so keeping it on for more than 15 minutes is not recommended. Over time, the skin will adapt to the action of the mask and it will be possible to increase the time, but not more than 30-40 minutes. After use, you need to wash off the mask using shampoo.

Burdock mask with pepper for hair loss

What gives: An incredibly effective mask that gives an effect comparable to the first mask. Eliminates hair loss, fragility, gives thickness to hair.


  1. heat the burdock oil in a water bath or in a microwave;
  2. add a pinch of red pepper
  3. Distribute the mixture over your hair and wrap it well.

The pepper mask also has a burning effect, so keeping it on your head for more than 30 minutes is not recommended. If the scalp begins to burn strongly, you need to wash off the mixture without waiting for the set time.

Burdock mask with yolk and honey to restore damaged hair

What gives: The mask effectively fights for hair restoration and health. The master strongly recommends using it on a regular basis to soften the hair, accelerate its growth, and give the strands a healthy appearance. Zhelto, combined with the metabolic effect of honey, strengthens the hair shaft and fights dandruff.


  1. heat the burdock oil and combine with two yolks;
  2. add 15 g to the mixture. honey and mix thoroughly;
  3. Apply the mask to the hair roots, lightly massaging them. Distribute pure burdock oil over the remaining length.
  4. keep the composition for 15-30 minutes, then rinse.

Yeast mask with burdock oil to nourish and restore dry hair

What gives: The mask perfectly nourishes dead and brittle hair. Gives smoothness to strands while accelerating their growth.


  1. Dilute half a pack of yeast with warm water, cover and place in a warm place;
  2. after the yeast has risen, add burdock oil and 10 drops of rosemary essential oil.
  3. distribute the mask over your hair, cover your head with a cap or towel and leave for an hour. Then rinse with shampoo.

Vitamin mask with burdock oil

What gives: By combining, retinol and tocopherol fill the hair with life-giving force, accelerate the growth of hair follicles, and make the hair smoother, shiny and silky.


  1. add the necessary vitamins A and E to the heated burdock oil, one ampoule at a time;
  2. Mix well and apply to the entire length of the hair. Keep for about an hour. Then wash it off.

So, burdock root oil can be added to any mask. It goes well with clay (having a drying effect), egg yolk, onion juice, vitamins E and A in capsules, honey, henna, basma.

When buying burdock oil, carefully look at the expiration date of the product. Since it can be stored open for no more than 2 months, and overstaying it will not give any visible effect.

User reviews

Most reviews on the use of store-bought or homemade burdock oil for hair are positive. Users note the affordability in the price range, the quick effect after use, an excellent product for nourishing strands, eliminating split ends and hair loss.

I have been using burdock oil for a very long time. He just saved me from baldness. After use, my hair became thicker, thicker and finally began to grow. Cheap, reliable and effective. I recommend it to anyone who has problems with hair loss.

Tamara, 34 years old Omsk.

After dyeing it blonde for a long time, my hair literally turned into straw. I decided to finally return to my color and grow healthy long hair. Professional remedies didn’t help, and even if they did, they didn’t help for long. And I really wanted the result. After reading reviews on the Internet, I decided to buy burdock oil at the pharmacy. To say that I was surprised by the effect is an understatement!! My hair came to life, it began to grow before my eyes! A shine appeared that was not there before, I began to wash my hair less often. The main thing is to carry out masks regularly, 1-2 times a week., Take additional multivitamin complexes.

Victoria, 25 years old, Volgograd.

In a month the hair has grown by 3 cm!! I will continue to make masks. Girls who want to grow their hair, don’t hesitate and buy it!

Margarita, 28 years old, Penza.

Additionally, it is recommended to apply the oil to the skin of the face and décolleté, lubricating deep and expression wrinkles. Thanks to such procedures, dull skin is revived and regenerated.

Take care of your natural curls and pamper them with natural ingredients.

Recommended for use in the following cases:
for hair loss
to accelerate hair growth
for baldness
for dandruff, dry and itchy scalp
to restore damaged hair structure
splitting hair at the ends
loss of shine

Directions for use:
Pre-wash your hair with warm water and dry it with a towel.
Rub burdock oil into the hair roots for at least 15 minutes, dividing them into partings.
Then distribute the oil evenly over the entire length of your hair.
Avoid sudden and intense movements, as this will break and pull out hair.
Put a special shower cap or bag on your head and wrap a terry towel around your head.
Wait 1 hour.
Wash off the burdock oil with shampoo.
To complete the procedure, use a conditioner.