Resection of the Knee Joint According to Volkovich

Resection of the knee joint according to Volkovich is an operation to remove part of the meniscus or cartilage tissue of the knee joint. This is done to reduce pain and improve joint function.

Typically, surgery is performed for severe knee pain that is not relieved with medication or other treatment methods. Sometimes a knee resection may be performed to reduce complications associated with chronic knee pain, such as osteoarthritis and degenerative bone changes.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, which means the doctor injects an anesthetic directly into the area around the knee. The operation lasts about 40-60 minutes. During the operation, the surgeon removes part of the meniscus and cartilage tissue using a special tool - a cutter. The removed tissue is placed in a special container and then removed from the patient's body.

After surgery, the knee is iced to reduce blood flow and reduce the risk of bleeding. To reduce pain and prevent infectious complications, you should take antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. After the operation, a plaster cast is applied to the knee, which will need to be worn for about a month.

For several days after joint resection, pain and swelling in the knee area may occur. However, if pain and swelling persist for more than 2 weeks, you should see a doctor to evaluate the condition. Additional measures may be needed to speed up healing.

The main benefit of knee resection is the reduction of pain and improved functionality of the knee. This procedure can reduce symptoms associated with chronic pain and prevent complications from developing.