
Respirators: respiratory protection from harmful substances

Respirators are devices designed to protect the human respiratory system from dust and harmful substances contained in the air. They can be used in various conditions, including increased dustiness and air pollution, as well as in wartime conditions to protect the respiratory system from radioactive dust and airborne pathogens.

Respirators are divided into two groups: isolating and filtering. Self-contained respirators are used in cases where the concentrations of harmful impurities in the air are very high and the oxygen content in the air is insufficient. They are used during emergency rescue operations at national economic facilities. The design of isolating respirators is based on a system of autonomous regeneration of exhaled air, cleaning it from carbon dioxide and replenishing inhaled air with oxygen from cylinders. This entire system is mounted in a single complex with a mask that protects the face, and is carried in a special package designed for one person.

Filtering respirators, in turn, are designed to protect the respiratory system from harmful impurities in the air under normal conditions. The simplest types of filtering respirators are the PTM-1 anti-dust fabric mask and a cotton-gauze bandage.

The mask and bandage can be made at home. The body of the mask is sewn from several layers of fabric, including a top layer of calico, percale, tartan, calico and other materials, inner layers of flannel, cotton wool, flannel and other materials, as well as a bottom layer of satin, calico and other materials. The mask fastening is made of one layer of cotton fabric. The fabric is cut according to patterns made according to the size of the face. Glass, plexiglass or celluloid plates are inserted into the inspection holes.

A cotton-gauze bandage is made of gauze, outer and inner layers, as well as a layer of cotton wool 1-2 cm thick, measuring 30x20 cm. Leaks that form between the bandage, the wings of the nose and the cheeks must be filled with cotton wool.

To protect your eyes, it is recommended to wear dust glasses. Industrially manufactured respirators include ShB-1 "Lepestok", R-2, R-2d and other models.

When using filtering respirators, their main advantage is their lightness and portability, as well as low breathing resistance. They are 15-20 times lighter than self-containing respirators.

However, when protecting the head, neck and face from dust, respirators can be used in combination with a hood.

It is important to note that the correct choice of a respirator depends on many factors, such as the type of harmful substances, their concentration in the air, as well as the duration of work in conditions of increased dust and gas pollution. Therefore, before using a respirator, you must read the instructions for its use and follow all safety precautions.

In conclusion, we can say that respirators are an important means of individual protection of the human respiratory system in conditions of increased dustiness and air pollution. Choosing the right respirator and using it in accordance with the instructions will help provide effective protection against harmful substances and preserve the health of working people.