Respiratory-Cerebral Coma

Respiratory-cerebral coma is a severe complication of influenza and respiratory diseases that causes difficulty breathing and has a negative impact on brain function. It can lead to dysfunction of vital organs and systems, including breathing, circulation, digestion, as well as complications that can be fatal. This article will discuss the concept of respiratory-cerebral coma and methods of its treatment and prevention.

Causes of development of respiratory-cerebrovascular coma

Respiratory-cerebrovular coma occurs as a result of insufficiency of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The following changes occur:

Decreased blood pressure Depression of the heart Insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain and its outflow Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system As a result of these changes, psychotic and behavioral disorders and hallucinations occur. Breathing disorders also develop, such as apnea - cessation of breathing due to decreased ventilation of the lungs. Circulatory disorders and damage to brain cells develop, which leads to loss of consciousness and coma.

Treatment methods

Treatment of respiratory-cerebral coma begins with establishing the cause of development. If coma occurs due to impaired ventilation of the lungs, it is necessary to carry out respiratory therapy, including the installation of a laryngeal tube and the introduction of a foreign body. After stabilization of the condition, the second stage of treatment begins, including restoration of respiratory and cardiac function. If other factors are the cause of the coma, appropriate treatment should be carried out. But it is worth remembering that in any case, respiratory-cerebral coma is a dangerous condition and requires urgent medical intervention.

**Cerebral respiratory coma (Alice syndrome)** is a serious condition in which a person loses consciousness and cannot breathe due to impaired functioning of the respiratory and nervous systems. It is caused by various reasons: disorders in the respiratory system, infectious diseases, diseases of the nervous system, as well as taking certain