Respiratory Failure Hemic

Hemic respiratory failure: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemic respiratory failure, also known as hemic hypoxemia, is a serious condition in which the body does not obtain enough oxygen from the air, resulting in a decrease in its concentration in the blood. The term hemic comes from the Greek word haima, meaning blood. This condition can occur due to various reasons and requires immediate medical intervention.

The causes of hemic respiratory failure can be varied. One of the main reasons is a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the inhaled air. This can occur as a result of atmospheric conditions such as high altitude or air pollution. In addition, hemic respiratory failure can be caused by lung diseases such as pneumonia, obstructive pulmonary disease (OPPD), or asthma. In addition, heart failure, thromboembolism and other cardiovascular diseases can also lead to the development of hemic respiratory failure.

Symptoms of hemic respiratory failure may vary depending on the severity of the disorder. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, decreased physical endurance, weakness and increased fatigue. Patients may also experience cyanosis (blueness of the skin and mucous membranes), arterial hypoxemia (decreased oxygen levels in the blood) and hypocapnia (decreased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood).

Diagnosis of hemic respiratory failure includes various clinical and laboratory tests. Your doctor may order blood tests to evaluate oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, perform a physical examination, and order additional tests such as a chest x-ray or spirometry.

Treatment of hemic respiratory failure is aimed at eliminating the cause and improving the supply of oxygen to the body. In some cases, immediate medical attention may be required, including maintaining breathing and using a ventilator. Treatment of the underlying disease causing the deficiency is also an integral part of the treatment strategy. This may include the use of antibiotics for pneumonia, bronchodilators for obstructive pulmonary disease, or drug therapy to improve cardiac function for heart failure.

In addition to drug treatment, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important aspect of managing hemic respiratory failure. This includes quitting smoking, regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and avoiding risk factors such as air pollution or high altitudes if possible.

Preventative measures also play an important role in preventing hemic respiratory failure. This includes vaccinations against infections that can cause pneumonia and regular health checkups to detect and monitor conditions such as OBSTIL or heart failure.

In conclusion, hemic respiratory failure is a serious condition that requires medical intervention. It can be caused by various reasons, including atmospheric conditions, lung and heart disease. Early diagnosis and treatment play a critical role in improving the prognosis and quality of life of patients. If you experience breathing-related symptoms, it is important to contact your doctor for professional help and advice.

Respiratory failure often occurs with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The main causes of tissue hypoxia are associated with disruption of the heart and, in some cases, coronary vessels. There are more than two hundred reasons for the development of heart failure, the main ones can be divided into acquired and congenital diseases. Congenital heart failure is called congenital heart disease, that is, heart disease. Acquired - IHD, or coronary heart disease, according to the generally accepted classification, is divided into stable angina, unstable, acutely occurring or newly occurring and chronic IHD.

Respiratory and heart failure are symptoms of a large group of diseases - cardiovascular. Hypertension (chronic increase in blood pressure) - during its development, blood vessels are constantly