Retinoic ointment for wrinkles instructions for use price reviews


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Retinoic ointment is an effective drug with dermatoprotective, keratolytic, antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effects.

The main purpose of this drug is to combat various forms of acne, however, this product is also successfully used for cosmetic purposes.

More than one generation of women has been using retinoic ointment for the purpose of rejuvenation, since its unique properties allow it to slow down the process of skin aging. Read more: Delex Acne lotion and gel – cosmetologist reviews, instructions, price.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Retinoic ointment, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies.

Composition and release form

The drug is contained in aluminum tubes placed in cardboard packs.

The main active ingredient included in this product is isotretinoin.

Pharmacological action: the medicine has dermatoprotective, keratolytic, antiseborrheic and anti-inflammatory effects.

What does Retinoic ointment help with?

Based on these instructions, retinoic ointment is intended to get rid of blackheads and acne, but it is also often used for age-related skin changes.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, the use of this anti-wrinkle ointment is due to the fact that it helps to activate blood circulation in the dermis, which leads to increased production of collagen, a substance that affects the condition of the epidermis.

Pharmacological properties


Isotretinoin, which is the main active component of Retinoic ointment, is a biologically active form of vitamin A (retinoic acid), which is involved in the process of regulating the proliferation (division activity) of skin cells.

The drug also has keratolytic (reduces the activity of the process of keratinization of the upper layer of skin), anti-inflammatory (reduces the inflammatory reaction around the sebaceous glands), antiseborrheic (reduces the severity of sebum production by the sebaceous glands) and dermatoprotective (protects skin cells from various adverse effects, prevents their damage) therapeutic action.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, retinoic ointment is applied twice a day to clean skin in a thin layer. Duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

After washing, the skin should be completely dry. If there are only a few pimples on the skin, then it is better to use the ointment pointwise, and if they are localized, the medicine should be applied in a thin layer in the evening and in the morning.

For wrinkles, retinoic ointment should be used with extreme caution, as it can provoke the emergence of new problems in the form of peeling and redness of the skin.

The product can be used for 1-2 weeks. Apply the ointment in a thin layer once a day. Moreover, it is important to do this only in the evening - between 21.00 and 22.00.

The ointment should not be used during the day, as it increases the skin's sensitivity to UV rays.

In addition, there is a taboo on applying this product to the skin around the eyes and mucous membranes.


The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  1. period of pregnancy planning, pregnancy and lactation (applying ointment to large areas);
  2. combined use with other drugs from the retinoid group;
  3. hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the ointment.

Caution is required when using Retinoic ointment in the presence of the following diseases/conditions:

  1. chronic pancreatitis;
  2. chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  3. cardiac decompensation.

How do wrinkles appear?

Wrinkles are visible folds of the skin that arise as a result of loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, as well as excessive activity of facial muscles.

Today, cosmetic companies offer many different creams, lotions and gels that help reduce wrinkles on the face and neck.

However, such products do not always help restore aging skin. Therefore, many people use medications that contain more effective components. One of them is retinoic ointment (for wrinkles).

Tips and indications for the use of this product, reviews from experts and analogues are presented below.

Does retinoic ointment work effectively against wrinkles? Reviews from doctors report that this remedy is intended to eliminate other problems.

However, representatives of the fairer sex often use it specifically to smooth out wrinkles.

The main active substance of the drug in question is isotretinoin.

It also contains the following additional components: emulsion wax, dibunol, butyloxyanisole, glycerin, petroleum jelly, purified water and ethyl alcohol (95%).

The ointment goes on sale in aluminum tubes, which are enclosed in cardboard packages.

Features of the drug

Does retinoic ointment help with wrinkles? Reviews from doctors claim that the drug in question is positioned as an effective remedy intended for the treatment of acne.

It is very popular among women who want to quickly and inexpensively improve the condition of their skin.

However, it should be noted that many years of experience in using this medication have revealed another beneficial effect.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles under the eyes (reviews of the drug are presented below) is used by women very often. What is this connected with? We'll talk about this a little later.


How does retinoic ointment for wrinkles work? Instructions and reviews indicate that this medicine has keratolytic, dermatoprotective, antiseborrheic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Retinoic acid is the active form of vitamin A. It is known to be involved in the regulation of cell differentiation.

The instructions say that this product is good for acne.

The ointment normalizes terminal cell differentiation, impedes the formation of detritus and slows down the hyperproliferation of the epithelium. This effect helps to reduce sebum production, and the skin condition is normalized.

Moreover, after using this drug, inflammation around the sebaceous glands is significantly reduced.

Properties of the drug


What properties does retinoic ointment have for wrinkles? Reviews from cosmetologists report that there have been frequent cases of unsuccessful use of this drug.

With prolonged contact with the skin, the medication often caused redness and peeling.

When applying the ointment for a short period of time and following all the doctor’s recommendations, this drug stimulated blood circulation and increased collagen production.

It should be recalled that it is the lack of this substance that causes the formation of early wrinkles.

Thus, the use of the product in question helps to smooth out small wrinkles that have not had time to take root.

However, for a better therapeutic effect, the course of treatment with this drug should be practiced for a short period of time.

How often is retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment used? Reviews from cosmetologists report that this medication should be used twice a year.

The first course of treatment is carried out in the spring, and the second in the autumn. In this case, the duration of use of the ointment should be no more than 2-4 weeks.

The effect of vitamin A on wrinkles

Does retinoic ointment really help against wrinkles? Customer reviews claim that this drug works well to smooth out facial and age-related folds on the face and neck. What is this connected with?

It’s no secret that after puberty, a person’s skin begins to age. It is supported by a decrease in the number of collagen fibers and the percentage of moisture in the integument.

As a result, the elasticity of the skin decreases.

Upon reaching 40 years of age, a person experiences a significant decline in collagen content. During this period it becomes 1/3 less.

To smooth out wrinkles and restore aging skin, many people use products with vitamin A. It is this component that retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment contains.

Reviews from doctors say that many women have already tried this remedy on themselves.

What happens after applying the ointment? The process of proliferation in the skin begins to be regulated.

In other words, active cell division begins to form new ones.

It was also noted that the use of this drug promotes the activation of intercellular communication. Thanks to the substances contained in retinoic ointment, the pigmentation process is regulated, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands returns to normal.



The main indication for the use of this drug is the presence of acne. But, as mentioned above, this is far from the only problem that the medication in question copes with.

When is retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment used? Reviews (analogues of this product are listed below) report that this drug is used for aging skin (after 30-40 years), as well as at a young age with many facial folds.

In addition, this medication can be prescribed for seborrhea, rosacea, perioral dermatitis and papulopustular acne.

Mode of application

How should I use retinoic ointment? To smooth out wrinkles, the drug in question is applied in exactly the same way as a night cream.

However, before carrying out this procedure, the skin should first be cleaned.

Apply a light layer of ointment over the face, excluding the areas around the eyes.

At the very beginning of therapy, the drug should be used with two-day breaks.

If no side effects are observed, then switch to daily use of the medication.

Tips for use

This drug should not be used without medical supervision. This is due to the fact that retinoic ointment is a medicine and not a cosmetic product.

The danger is that the topical effects of retinoids on the skin have not been fully studied.

During therapy with this drug, you should always use sunscreen.

Also, while using the ointment, you should avoid cosmetics that have a drying and exfoliating effect (that is, you should not use scrubs and alcohol-containing lotions).

In order to exclude photosensitivity, the medication in question is applied immediately before bedtime (for example, at 9-10 pm). Such procedures will contribute to deeper skin nutrition.

If the patient's body reacts abnormally to the ointment, it should be discarded and consult a doctor.

Side effects

Using this drug may cause the following side effects:

  1. the appearance of headache;
  2. neutropenia, decreased night vision, conjunctivitis, anemia;
  3. dermatitis, itching, dry mucous membranes, erythema, cheilitis, sweating, palmoplantar peeling, proliferation of granulation tissue, paronychia, skin rash, nail dystrophy;
  4. pain in the muscles;
  5. changes in platelet count, corneal clouding, increased ESR, decreased hearing, photophobia;
  6. increase in glucose and TG concentration in the blood;
  7. nausea;
  8. the appearance of nosebleeds.

Sometimes, while using this drug, patients may experience hair thinning, vasculitis, photosensitivity, suicidal tendencies, depression, intracranial hypertension, seizures, hyperostosis and hepatitis.

Side effects

In the second week of using the drug, an exacerbation may occur in the form of itching, new rashes, peeling/redness of the skin.

In cases of severe reactions, it is recommended to interrupt treatment for several days (until they subside).

With prolonged use, symptoms of chronic hypervitaminosis A may occur (in the form of cheilitis, conjunctivitis, dry/flaky skin).

Similar products and cost of the drug


What can replace retinoic ointment? It doesn't have many analogues.

According to experts, this drug is similar to the following drugs:

  1. "Roaccutane"
  2. "Dermoretin"
  3. "13-cis-Retinoic acid"
  4. "Isotretinoin"
  5. "Retasol"
  6. "Erases"

In addition, doctors often recommend medications to their patients such as

The price of this product is about 250 rubles.

Reviews from doctors

Reviews from doctors report that the drug in question is one of the most effective. It not only eliminates acne well, but also fights other skin problems well.

As for consumers, they completely agree with the opinion of experts.

However, it should be noted that most patients use this drug off-label. Despite the fact that it is designed to fight acne, it is very often used to smooth out wrinkles.

The medication copes with this cosmetic problem in the best possible way.

According to consumers, with proper use of retinoic ointment, the skin on the face and neck becomes firmer, more elastic and younger.

However, patients are confused by the fact that this drug cannot be used during pregnancy and during pregnancy planning.

Customer Reviews


The effect of retinoic ointment is amazing. I have very problematic skin. The drug was prescribed by a dermatologist. The first two months were something terrible.

I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. Then improvements began. After 4 months, the skin became smooth and clean. Acne does not bother me for six months. There are no special acne. Sometimes a couple of pieces go by quickly.

A very effective remedy! Thank you doctor for the good advice!


I've heard a lot about how retinoic ointment can be used as an anti-aging cream. According to reviews on the Internet, it fights wrinkles well and smoothes the skin. Read more: Retinol for facial skin - reviews, how to use correctly.

I decided to test its effect on myself. After the first application, I felt a slight burning sensation, but did not attach much importance to it.

The next day the reaction was more pronounced, the skin turned red and soon became covered in a rash.

Some reviews from cosmetologists said that such manifestations do occur. You just need to be patient and as you continue to use the ointment, the skin will get used to it and everything will pass.

But I didn’t tempt fate and refused to use the drug.

Thirty-year-old girls are already noticing the appearance of the first wrinkles. While the root cause is moving facial expressions, the aging process has already begun. Cosmetology and, oddly enough, medicine help fight to preserve youth. Now we are not talking about plastic surgery, as one might think. Not every woman will agree to surgical plastic surgery, but many are happy to pay salons for hardware cosmetic procedures, implantation of fillers and Botox injections. Everyone strives to retain youth, at least visually. Therefore, today we will talk about a product that can be bought at the pharmacy. In fact, this is a medicinal drug; the side effect is a visible cosmetic effect. Retinoic ointment for wrinkles - reviews and recommendations from experts, as well as indications for use and composition - this is what we will talk about.

Medical purpose and side effect

Initially, the ointment was created to combat acne. Reviews from doctors were overwhelmingly positive, because the ointment helped:

  1. For acne;
  2. From the formation of comedones;
  3. From seborrhea;
  4. For small rosacea on the skin.

When using the drug as directed, a high anti-aging effect was noted. The composition of the ointment successfully regenerated and restored the epidermis, and had anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. It was these factors that cosmetologists liked and they began to prescribe the use of ointment to their visitors. How does this cosmetic treatment work?

  1. Retinoic ointment for wrinkles: real reviews from cosmetologists No. 1

The main active substance in the ointment is isotretinoin. A unique synthetic analogue of retinol (vitamin A) accelerates regeneration processes inside cells. Intracellular metabolism is also activated, the production of natural collagen is accelerated, which forms the subcutaneous framework and tightens the skin, smoothing out wrinkles.

  1. Retinoic ointment for wrinkles: real reviews from cosmetologists No. 2

The cosmetic effect of using the ointment is impressive; in just a couple of weeks you can see favorable changes in the skin:

  1. Pigmentation will be reduced, skin tone and color will become even;
  2. Pores will become smaller, as regeneration of the epidermis is enhanced due to deep processes;
  3. Blood circulation will become more intense, which will better supply cells with oxygen;
  4. The top layer of skin will become thicker and stronger as fresh cells grow;
  5. The glands will speed up the removal of sebaceous secretions and it can be removed without difficulty. This will clear the skin of acne and rashes in a short time.

Reviews from doctors about the composition of the ointment

The effectiveness of the medicinal ointment is due to its constituent ingredients. For skin damaged by acne, the use of a medically verified drug is very useful. Pay attention to which components revitalize the skin:

  1. Glycerin, which actively moisturizes the epidermis;
  2. Vaseline oil, which increases the number of surface cells and quickly smoothes wrinkles;
  3. Dibunol is a product that renews the skin at a deep level. An additional bonus is that it is both an antioxidant and an anti-carcinogenic component;
  4. Ethyl alcohol – it is used for disinfection and drying of the skin (to combat acne and emerging irritation areas);
  5. Emulsion wax harmlessly and maximally combines all active components, being a hypoallergenic ointment base;
  6. Several more components with complex chemical names moisturize the skin, soften and disinfect.

Synthesized retinol (vitamin A) is quite aggressive, but maintains and restores skin elasticity. All other components are designed to soften its effect on the skin and add pleasant “special effects”.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles: instructions for use

Reviews from doctors cannot be ignored, and since retinoic ointment is a medical product, it must be taken seriously. Be sure to remember a few basic rules:

  1. During treatment, you should not visit a solarium or be in an open sunny place without protection;
  2. The best time to apply the ointment is in the evening, before going to bed;
  3. You cannot use scrubs and peels, as they damage the epidermis. In general, chemical and mechanical damage to the skin is prohibited;
  4. It is better to put alcohol-containing lotions, masks with fruit acids and even tonics aside for a two-week period (then you need to look at the condition of the skin, if you continue the course using ointment, then for a longer period).

We will tell you how to use the drug so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition of the epidermis (upper layer of skin).

  1. During the treatment procedure, you should cleanse the skin only with water, without using cosmetics;
  2. After rinsing your face several times, pat it dry with a clean cotton napkin. A towel that is familiar in everyday life is not recommended, since microorganisms begin to live in the fibers due to the humidity in the bathroom;
  3. The ointment is applied to the skin, but does not affect the eye area. The drying effect will negatively affect the delicate skin under the eyes, because there are no sebaceous glands in the subcutaneous space (by the way, this is the first reason for the formation of “crow’s feet” and age wrinkles);
  4. For greater effect and quick results, apply the ointment to the places where facial folds and wrinkles form;
  5. Wait 20-25 minutes until it is completely absorbed;
  6. Remove the remaining ointment with a napkin, and you can wash with water at a comfortable temperature;
  7. Finally, apply your favorite cream, nourishing or moisturizing.

If you feel a burning or itching sensation when applying the medicinal ointment, wash off the cream. Most likely, this is an individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug.

The minimum time of use is 14 days; if the situation improves to the required state, you can continue the course for up to 25 days. Then a break and consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Contraindications and warnings

It has already been said that you need to beware of the sun and UV radiation in general. Pay attention to this aspect: while using the ointment, you should not take vitamin complexes saturated with vitamin A.

  1. Firstly, this can provoke hypervitaminosis, the consequences of which are unpredictable even for a healthy body;
  2. Secondly, an excess of even one vitamin negatively affects the hormonal system;
  3. Thirdly, it is better to consult with a specialist before purchasing the cream. Perhaps the causes of damaged skin and the early appearance of wrinkles lie in systemic disorders of the body.

There are also direct contraindications, and you need to pay attention to them:

  1. During periods of ongoing pregnancy and intensive lactation, you should not use the ointment;
  2. In case of individual intolerance to the components, as may be evidenced by a rash on the skin;
  3. For unhealthy liver and kidneys;
  4. For diagnosed pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  5. When using other retinoids, so as not to create an excess of the vitamin in the body;
  6. When using hormonal drugs;
  7. You should not smear your face if a course of tetracycline antibiotics is prescribed.

As you can see, this is a serious medical product adopted by cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Side effects

Uncontrolled use of the drug leads to disastrous consequences; it is the same as drinking handfuls of drugs without a significant reason. Experts observe such manifestations as:

  1. Increased headaches;
  2. Increased pressure inside the skull;
  3. Depression and nausea;
  4. Increased nosebleeds;
  5. Anemia and general changes in blood counts;
  6. Increased sweating and photosensitivity;
  7. Dermatitis, dry skin and flaking;
  8. Muscle pain.

Therefore, even for cosmetic purposes, the drug should be used with caution. Follow all the rules specified in the instructions, and most importantly, do not exceed the time limit allotted for the procedure.

Price policy

Despite all the effectiveness of the product, its price is low. You can buy it without a prescription at a regular pharmacy. Most likely, the pharmacist will draw your attention to the percentage of active substance in the ointment tube. Border values ​​are from 0.05 to 0.1 percent. Anyone is suitable for cosmetic care. The cost from 150 to 270 rubles makes the product affordable for any income level. Even if peeling appears during the first procedure, this does not mean that there is an allergy. The skin is simply rebuilt and dead cells are actively removed from its surface. You can talk about allergies and intolerance if the dryness does not disappear after the third manipulation.

At the end of the course, it can be noted that the complexion has changed and become healthier, wrinkles have smoothed out, and pigment spots have disappeared. The effect can be enhanced by a correct and healthy lifestyle and constant skin care.

From this article you will learn:

  1. Is retinoic ointment effective for wrinkles?
  2. retinoic ointment for wrinkles - reviews from doctors and patients.

Retinoic ointment belongs to the group of topical retinoids. Its main active ingredient is Isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid), which is, in principle, one of the most effective forms of vitamin A for reducing the depth of wrinkles.

Thus, the effectiveness of Isotretinoin significantly exceeds the effects of using most other forms of vitamin A. Everyone has heard about cosmetics with retinol, retinaldehyde, as well as retinol acetate - all of these are forms of vitamin A that are different in effectiveness. Compared with isotretinoin, a stronger anti-aging effect on The skin is treated only with a retinoid such as Tretinoin (retinoic acid).




Retinoic ointment: composition and release forms

This is a homogeneous yellowish ointment in tubes of 10, 15, 20 or 35 g. Intended for external use only. Retinoic ointment can be produced with isotretinoin concentrations of 0.05% or 0.1%.

As excipients, the ointment contains: dibunol, butyloxyanisole, emulsion wax, petroleum jelly, glycerin, ethyl alcohol 95%, purified water - up to 100 g. Considering that this is an ointment (contains petroleum jelly and emulsion wax) - this drug after application will not be absorbed very well, leaving a greasy feeling on the skin.

Composition analysis
despite the fact that Isotretinoin itself reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands (which allows the use of this active substance in the treatment of acne), petroleum jelly and emulsion wax in the ointment will, on the contrary, clog the pores with a fatty substance.

Thus, it is not advisable to use the drug Retinoic ointment for acne and pimples, or if you have oily skin. For oily skin, it is optimal to use retinoids only in the form of gels, lotions or creams. Retinoic ointment is suitable only for people with dry skin.

Retinoic ointment: price, analogues

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles - the average price will be 250-350 rubles per 10 g tube. Such a low price in comparison with other retinoid-based drugs is explained by the fact that the drug is produced in the form of a not very effective form (oily ointment), and not in the form lotion, cream or aqueous gel, which are a priori more effective forms of drugs for external use.

Analogues for the treatment of wrinkles –


On the Russian market, among products for external use, there are no analogues of retinoic ointment (based on the retinoid Isotretinoin) that could be used against wrinkles. But on the Internet you can buy Retin-A cream made in the USA (Fig. 4) - based on an even more effective retinoid than Isotretinoin. This gel contains the retinoid Tretinoin, and costs about $50 at the current rate (for a 20 g tube).

Analogues for the treatment of acne –

  1. Gel “Isotrexin” (Fig. 4) –
    This is a combination drug based on Isotretinoin and the antibiotic Erythrimycin.
  1. Lotion “Retasol” (Fig. 5) –
    contains a 0.025% concentration of Isotretinoina that is weak enough to eliminate wrinkles, but is quite suitable for the treatment of acne in people with oily skin.
  1. "Roaccutane", "Acnecutane" (Fig. 6) -
    These are tablet forms of isotretinoin. It is these drugs that are most often prescribed abroad for the complex treatment of acne (blackheads and pimples). They are very, very effective, but they have a strict prescription and should be used only after consulting a dermatologist.




Retinoic ointment for wrinkles - reviews from dermatologists

Using drugs from the retinoid group to treat skin diseases, dermatologists found that the skin also became firmer, smoother, and the depth of wrinkles decreased. These effects were studied, and it turned out that Isotretinoin, which is part of the retinoic ointment, can significantly rejuvenate facial skin with long-term use.

Main effects of Isotretinoin

  1. improves skin texture (by exfoliating dead skin cells),
  2. improves skin color,
  3. increases skin thickness and elasticity,
  4. reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands,
  5. stimulates the activity of fibroblasts in the dermal layer of the skin, which leads to stimulation of the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. As a result, skin elasticity increases, the depth of wrinkles and fine lines on the face decreases.

Optimal concentration and timing of use of Isotretinoin to reduce wrinkles -

In the article devoted to Isotretinoin, we analyzed in detail all clinical studies that studied the optimal concentration and timing of isotretinoin use for the treatment of skin photoaging and reduction of wrinkle depth.

Conclusions from clinical studies –
firstly, the optimal treatment period is at least 36 weeks. Secondly, the choice of concentration will depend on your goals: it can be either only the prevention of skin photoaging, or the need for significant changes in the skin (reducing the depth of wrinkles, increasing its thickness and elasticity).

If you only need to prevent photoaging, then it is best to use Retinoic ointment with a 0.05% concentration of Isotretinoin. Moreover, this must be done in combination with sunscreens that have a protection factor of at least SPF 30. As a result, you will get an improvement in skin color and texture, plus excellent prevention of wrinkles.

If your skin already has signs of photodamage, fine lines and wrinkles, then you need to use Retinoic ointment with a 0.1% concentration of Isotretinoin. However, during the first few weeks, doctors still recommend using 0.05% retinoic ointment first. This is due to the fact that lower concentrations at the initial stage will allow the skin to get used to the action of retinoids, and significantly reduce redness and irritation of the skin.

Keep in mind that you will see the first positive changes only after 8-12 weeks. Before this, you will definitely go through a short period of deterioration of the skin, when it will be flaking, dry, red, itchy and sensitive. Therefore, you should be patient. If you dare to use Retinoic ointment to treat acne and pimples, which, in our opinion, is unacceptable (the fatty components of the ointment, on the contrary, clog the pores) - prepare for a sharp worsening of acne in the first weeks.

Important : Isotretinoin-based preparations (including retinoic ointment) can indeed be used to reduce the depth of wrinkles, but it is still best to use them only in patients with sensitive or dry skin. This is due to the fact that Isotretinoin is significantly inferior in its effect on collagen synthesis to a retinoid such as Tretinoin.

But Tretinoin has significant side effects associated with severe redness and dry skin, which allows it to be prescribed only to patients with oily or normal skin. Therefore, for patients with dry and sensitive skin, it is customary to prescribe products with isotretinoin, because Although they are weaker, they have significantly fewer side effects (

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles - instructions for use

Be sure to read the instructions for use included in the ointment package. Below we list a few of the most important points when using the drug...

  1. Sun protection –
    retinoic ointment for wrinkles - reviews from doctors confirm that the use of retinoic ointment requires the mandatory use of sunscreen for the entire period of use. Keep in mind that Isotretinoin in the ointment makes the skin very sensitive to the sun and provokes not only burns, but also the appearance of age spots.

Therefore, try to avoid sun exposure to the skin and be sure to use sunscreen with a protection level of at least 30 SPF. And during periods of high solar activity, it is also worth covering your face with wide-brimmed hats or Panama hats.

  1. Application scheme –
    despite the fact that the instructions for retinoic ointment say that you need to apply the ointment 2 times a day, under no circumstances should you do this. Any retinoids are applied exclusively once a day (preferably at night) - to well-cleansed and dry facial skin. In this case, you should avoid getting the ointment on the mucous membranes of the eyes, lips or nose.

Moreover, if at the initial stage the redness, peeling and dryness of the skin are too pronounced, it is recommended to use the drug only every other day for some time. And after the skin gets used to it, go back to daily use.

  1. Application on the skin around the eyes –
    These areas are usually very sensitive, so you need to be careful when applying retinoids to these areas of the skin. If you notice that the skin in sensitive areas is very inflamed, then you should either reduce the frequency of application of the ointment in these areas, or even stop using it on these areas of the skin.
  1. Effect onset time –
    The first obvious results of reducing wrinkles and overall improvement in the condition of aging skin can be expected after 6-12 weeks of daily use of retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment. Keep in mind that with the simultaneous use of corticosteroids or tetracycline antibiotics, the effect of Retinoic ointment is weakened.

Retinoic ointment - contraindications and side effects

Most doctors believe that Isotretinoin (including retinoic ointment) is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so be sure to consult your doctor.

Common side effects –

  1. redness, itching of the skin,
  2. dry skin,
  3. exacerbation of acne (which goes away after a couple of weeks),
  4. a brief sensation of warmth or burning after applying the drug.



These symptoms may appear within the first 2-4 weeks after starting use of the drug, and they usually decrease with continued use. Reviews from patients noted that the parallel use of a non-greasy, water-based moisturizer reduces dryness and irritation of the skin.

Rare side effects -

  1. swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyelids and lips,
  2. redness and watery eyes (conjunctivitis),
  3. skin pigmentation,
  4. allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching, swelling of the face, throat, tongue, dizziness and breathing problems (in these cases you should immediately consult a doctor).

We hope that our article: Retinoic ointment for wrinkles, reviews from doctors and patients, was useful to you!