Retinoic yellow facial peeling

Retinoic peeling is a universal cosmetic procedure that can be used at any age (except for children), for both women and men. Unlike many other variations of peels, which are carried out by a qualified specialist and can be painful and traumatic for the delicate skin, retinol (yellow) does not require injections with anesthetic, because it does not cause discomfort to the patient.

What is retinoic peeling

Retinoic peeling is a cleansing and scrubbing cosmetic procedure that allows you to get rid of many dermatological problems. Thanks to its exfoliating properties, it effectively removes the stratum corneum and dead cells. After the manipulations, the face becomes cleaner, the risk of acne and inflammation is minimized, and the color of the dermis becomes uniform and healthy. It is also excellent as a skin care measure in the process of skin rejuvenation in adulthood for women and men.

Yellow peeling helps smooth out shallow wrinkles, remove age-related swelling (associated mainly with kidney problems), and also lighten (up to complete removal) pigmentation.


This procedure has found wide application in modern cosmetology. Its name speaks for itself. The formulation of the substance for retinoic peeling is based on retinoic acid, which has many beneficial properties:

  1. increases mitotic activity of cells;
  2. normalizes the production of melanin and has a gentle effect on age spots of any origin (age-related pigmentation and freckles, which can normally be present in a person of any age);
  3. activates and stimulates regeneration and production of new cells;
    reduces the number of atypical dermal cells.

Properties of retinoic acid for skin

By its origin, retinoic acid is a derivative of vitamin A. It is an organic product of animal and plant origin, and can affect all cells of the body. Retinol exposure to the skin at the correct frequency does not have any traumatic effect.


On the contrary, their beneficial and gentle influence has the following benefits:

  1. slows down skin aging and all negative accompanying processes;
  2. improves and evens out the relief and texture of the skin (especially useful for those who struggle with post-acne, enlarged pores, wrinkles and shallow scars);
  3. brightens and makes the complexion even and healthy;
  4. removes toxins.

On average, the effect of one retinoic peeling procedure is observed within 3-4 months.

In addition to the long-term effect, it has the following advantages:

  1. safe and universal for use;
  2. short-term effect of adaptation and enhanced care after treatment;
  3. absence of serious contraindications;
  4. there is a low probability of complications and consequences, therefore peeling can be used at any time of the year, including in summer.

Indications for peeling

The main cosmetic indications for retinoic yellow peeling are the following dermatological problems:

  1. Slow process of natural collagen production;
  2. lack of the required amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin, dryness and tightness of the skin;
  3. the appearance of small and deep facial wrinkles;
  4. poor elasticity and reduced firmness of the dermis;
  5. uneven skin color or any other problem associated with skin whitening;
  6. increased pigmentation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  7. acne;
  8. skin aging: age and photoaging;
  9. increased pigmentation;
  10. hyperkeratosis.


Retinol peeling, if necessary, can be used not only for the face, but also for the neck, chest and arms. However, despite its advantages, this procedure has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to refrain from carrying out manipulations:

  1. tendency to allergies. If the patient's skin is extremely sensitive to any external and internal influences, there is a high probability that the procedure may cause a negative response in the body. It is especially worth considering the fact that retinol, by its properties, causes increased reactivity of dermal cells;
  2. viral infections (mainly herpes and others that cause rashes), since under the influence of retinoids and acids it can enlarge the lesion or spread the infection to uninfected and healthy areas of the skin;
  3. warts, because, as in the previous point, they can spread over the entire face;
  4. photosensitivity, which is due to the acid origin of the peeling. This means that it is better not to carry out the procedure for people whose skin reacts sensitively to any ultraviolet radiation (sun, solariums, etc.);
  5. taking medications. Most often, this contraindication applies to taking Roaccutane, since after completing the course of this drug, almost all types of peelings are not carried out for six months or longer;
  6. any liver diseases, including liver failure and hepatitis of all types;
  7. pregnancy, lactation, as well as planning to conceive in the coming year, since vitamin A is toxic to embryos and can cause complications with pregnancy, including miscarriages.

How to peel in the salon and at home


The general procedure consists of three main stages:

  1. Preparing for the procedure.
  2. Yellow peeling.
  3. Care after peeling.

Each stage requires serious consideration and implementation in strict accordance with the instructions of doctors and cosmetologists.

Professional retinoic peeling in the salon

It is advisable to carry out the retinoic peeling procedure in a salon setting. Only a qualified specialist will be able to accurately determine the areas and areas of the skin that need acid exposure and minimize the risk of skin injury. The peeling itself from start to finish looks like this:


  1. A mass is squeezed out from a tube with a mask that contains from 5% to 10% of retinolic acid.
  2. The product is applied to the desired areas, including the upper and lower eyelids, skirting the area where eyelashes and eyebrows grow. The mild effect of the drug allows it to be used even on the most sensitive areas.
  3. But if the mask contains components that have depigmenting properties, applying it to the eyelids is strictly prohibited.
  4. After this, you need to wait for the mask to harden. This happens after 15-20 minutes from the moment of application.
  5. As soon as the mask has completely thickened, it must be removed (methods for removing the product differ, since there is no single correct technology).
  6. The last stage is the use of special photoprotective agents to create a barrier against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

In standard cases, a course of retinoic peels lasts four procedures at different time intervals. After the first application, a pause of two weeks is taken, and subsequent ones are carried out at intervals of 1 month.

Retinoic peeling at home

The preparation stage involves a serious medical examination, which includes an in-depth diagnosis followed by a general history. The skin is examined by a dermatologist, after which he consults with the patient about the feasibility and safety of the procedure.

The first visit to the doctor consists of an external examination of the dermis to determine the type of skin, its current condition (scars and scars, pigmentation, inflammation, diseases, elastosis), as well as detection of signs of photoaging.


Particular attention should be paid to the patient’s past medical experience, namely, whether he has previously taken medications containing retinol, what effect (positive and negative) they had on the body’s condition, whether they caused allergies, and how easily they were tolerated. If an allergic reaction does occur, then there is a possibility that retinol peeling will increase the reactivity of the cells, and the procedure will not give the expected effect.

However, this is not an absolute contraindication for the procedure, but only indicates the need to change the mechanism of action according to the gradual principle, carrying out peelings with a reduced amount of retinolic acid and an overall reduced time of manipulation.

A qualified cosmetologist should also check with (female) patients about plans for pregnancy, since, as already indicated early, retinol has a temporary negative effect on reproductive function, especially on the fetus. In addition, when studying the anamnesis, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence (in the present or past) of viral infections, hepatitis and liver diseases.

For normal skin type without any special cosmetic or dermatological problems, the preparation procedure takes only two weeks. But dark skin or problematic dermis needs careful pre-peeling adaptation for a period of half a month or more. The process of home care itself consists of moderate use of drugs and products containing ANAs. This is necessary to weaken the intercellular connections so that the stratum corneum of the skin comes off easier, faster and less painfully during subsequent interventions.


The best effect can be achieved with the advance use of cosmetics based on retinoids with a mass fraction of 0.025%. To prevent the formation of pigmentation after exposure to acids, it is advisable to additionally apply special tyrannosis-inhibiting products to the area of ​​application. You can purchase them in specialized stores or pharmacies.

Many cosmetologists also advise the use of hepatoprotective agents orally before, during and after the procedure, such as:


  1. ornithine;
  2. ademeteonine;
  3. phospholipids;
  4. methionine;
  5. thioctic acid.

Another important stage that will confirm the cosmetologist’s qualifications is the signing of information awareness and an agreement to carry out the procedure. This will help avoid misunderstandings and conflict situations regarding the main nuances of cosmetic surgery.

Peeling mass with retinoids can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores. This is necessary for carrying out the procedure at home. The ideal option would be the pharmaceutical product Differin.

Step-by-step recipe for retinoic peeling

The mask itself is sold ready-made, but you can prepare the mixture yourself at home. It is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. 3 ml of clean distilled cool water;
  2. 3 ml of pharmaceutical retinoic acid 20%.

The mixing order is also important. Acid must be added to WATER, and not vice versa. It is strictly forbidden to use any metal utensils for cooking. It is better to give preference to products made of ceramics or plastic. Hands must be protected with cellophane gloves, and the mixture must be applied with a special cosmetic brush.

How to make retinoic peeling at home

The retinol peeling procedure at home is carried out as follows:

  1. Using a cosmetic brush, apply the resulting mixture to the face in an even layer, avoiding the area of ​​the eyelids and under the eyes.
  2. The product must be left overnight until it dries completely.
  3. In the morning, acid peeling is washed off with plenty of water. To achieve complete removal of the drug, it is additionally recommended to wipe the entire face and hard-to-reach areas (wings of the nose, corners of the mouth) with makeup remover liquid.
  4. The final manipulations are external protection of the skin. To do this, you will need a special post-peeling cream or its equivalent - Rosa Moschetta oil. After it is completely absorbed (this takes about half an hour), a product with an SPF factor is applied to the skin.
  5. When removing mass from the face, it is important to make sure that it does not remain on the skin, and only then apply skincare cosmetics.

Care after retinoic peeling, peeling after the procedure

The following symptoms are normal after a yellow peel:


  1. dryness;
  2. tightness;
  3. photosensitivity;
  4. peeling;
  5. redness.

In order not to cause serious harm to the dermis, the following measures must be taken in the first week after the procedure:

  1. Drink plenty of water regularly.
  2. Protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and apply sunscreen before going outside.
  3. Relieve swelling with anti-inflammatory and regenerating cosmetic products with panthenol and herbal ingredients.
  4. During the period of maximum peeling (day 3-4), use masks with lactic acid and cranberry.

A procedure performed in a salon will cost much more than a home peel. On average, the price of a master ranges from 4 to 10 thousand, depending on the region. You will also need to spend money on post-peeling care. Clients who regularly do yellow peeling note that after use, the skin becomes smooth and velvety, has an even color, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is cleansed, and the pores are significantly narrowed. The procedure is also indicated for skin problems of various types, with the exception of viral infections.

We'll tell you what retinoic peeling is, what makes it unique, why it's called yellow, and why those who are under eighteen love it.

  1. What is retinoic peeling
  2. Types of retinoic peeling for the face
  3. How is peeling done?
  4. How to care for your skin after a retinoic peel
  5. Precautionary measures
  6. Tips and reviews from cosmetologists

What is retinoic peeling

Like any peeling, retinoic peeling is aimed at renewing the skin and improving the appearance of the skin. But it has a number of features that fundamentally distinguish it from its “colleagues”, be it acid, mechanical or hardware versions of peeling. What is its unusualness and why is it called “peeling from the inside”?

Composition and mechanism of action

The main component is retinoic acid. It stimulates the growth and proliferation of keratinocytes, accelerates cellular renewal. It also turns the product yellow. To make it easier to understand how retinoids work with skin cells, let's compare them with their main competitors - fruit acids, for example, glycolic acid. Its goal is to damage the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in the exfoliation of old cells and their replacement with new ones. Retinoids act differently: they do not destroy anything, moreover, they do not work directly at all either with the cells of the stratum corneum or with intercellular structures.

Retinoic peel is a yellow mask © Getty Images

The target of retinoids is not the surface of the epidermis, but the deeper basal layer in which cells originate. Being small lipophilic molecules, retinoids easily reach their destination and significantly accelerate the division of keratinocytes, or, more simply, the formation of new cells. Young keratinocytes en masse begin to move upward, to the surface of the skin, and literally push out the overlying layers. Hence the effect of exfoliation and renewal.

Retinoic peeling does not destroy dead structures, but stimulates living ones by contacting cell nuclei through special receptors. Moreover, retinoic acid interacts not only with keratinocytes, but also with fibroblasts and melanocytes, improving the condition of the skin in several indicators, including density, elasticity and uniformity of pigmentation.

In addition to retinoic acid itself, the peeling preparation includes auxiliary components, mainly acids, that can enhance one or another cosmetic effect. For example:

whitening: Fetinic, kojic, azeloic acids;

exfoliation: salicylic acid;

fight against free radicals: vitamin C;

calming and anti-stress effect: allantoin, aloe and chamomile extracts.

Indications for use: who will need it and when?

The abilities of retinoic peeling are multifaceted. In addition to standard indications for peelings, including dullness, increased greasiness, uneven surface, retinoic acid works with age-related skin changes, such as:

thickening of the stratum corneum.

Therefore, the majority of fans of retinoic peeling are women who have crossed the forty-year mark.

Skin with acne (not in the inflammatory stage!) and post-acne phenomena also respond well to the effects of retinoids.


Like any peeling, retinoic peeling is done in a course. Although the result in the form of fresh, renewed, radiant, smooth skin can be noticed after the first session. The final effect depends on the number of procedures, the concentration of the chemical agent, and the peeling application regimen. As a result, you can achieve:

smoothing superficial wrinkles and reducing deep ones;

lightening or complete disappearance of age spots;

even out skin texture and tone;

skin tightening and light lifting.

How often can you do it

Types of retinoic peeling for the face

Among cosmetologists and patients, retinoic peeling is known as “Yellow Peel”. The fact is that retinoic acid, like all synthetic analogues of vitamin A, has a bright yellow or orange color - hence the name.

The composition of the peel and the concentration of the main substance vary depending on the specific preparation and manufacturer. Typically, professional Yellow Peel contains 5-10% retinoic acid.

Retinoic acid gives the peel its yellow color © Getty Images

As for the usual classification of peelings (superficial, medium, deep), in the case of retinoids it is very arbitrary. Strictly speaking, retinoic peeling cannot be superficial, since it only works in the deep basal layer of the epidermis. However, with Yellow Peel you can achieve:

medium and medium-deep peeling, renewing all layers of the epidermis.

There is a type of retinoic peeling that works only to tighten the skin turgor and does not cause peeling at all.

How is peeling done?


Two weeks before the “yellow peeling”, start using products with acids in your home care. This will help your skin clear the way for retinoids to penetrate into the deeper layers. Usually, special cosmetics are recommended by a cosmetologist. We provide examples of products that meet the requirements of pre-peeling preparation.

Two-stage peeling Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme consists of two parts, each of which is designed for two weeks of use. The first phase, just the preparatory phase, includes a low concentration of fruit acids and quinoa husk extract. These substances provide easy exfoliation and accustom the skin to the active action of peeling agents.

Cleansing toner for mature skin against imperfections Blemish & Age Solution, SkinCeuticals Suitable for preparing skin for salon peeling. Contains glycolic, salicylic and capryloyl-salicylic acids for gradual gentle exfoliation.

Night peeling that activates skin radiance, Idéalia, Vichy The formula contains glycolic acid 4% + Hepes 5%, as well as antioxidant blueberry extract. Renews skin and enhances its radiance with fermented black tea extract.

Carrying out the procedure

Before applying the yellow peel, the skin is cleansed and treated with an acid-based lotion to loosen the stratum corneum and facilitate the penetration of retinoic acid.

The peeling itself is a yellow cream mask, which is applied in a thin layer to the entire face (including the skin around the eyes) or to individual areas using rubbing movements. This ends the mandatory stages of the protocol - further options are possible.

Peeling can be tolerated on the face 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with a solution with neutral pH.

Maybe repeated (and repeated) application and rinsing of retinoic peeling during one session.

Another option: leave the mask on for six hours, and then the “yellow-faced” patient goes home and washes off the composition on his own.

The procedure is painless, the maximum discomfort is a slight tingling sensation and a feeling of warmth.

Retinoic peeling solves the problems of aging and young skin © Getty Images

How to care for your skin after a retinoic peel

The rehabilitation period after a procedure with a moderate effect (that is, causing active peeling and renewal of the skin) takes an average of a week.

A feeling of tightness occurs on the 2nd day.

Peeling begins on the 4th day after peeling.

Please note: superficial peeling does not cause discomfort and violent peeling, but the effect of such peeling is less expressive.

During the post-peeling period, you will need cosmetics that meet special requirements. The main one is the complete absence of acids in the composition.

Rules for skin care after peeling

Washing with gel-like products that do not contain aggressive surfactants and oils. Our recommendation - cleaning micellar gel for face and eyelids Rosaliac Gel, La Roche-Posay, , which contains hyaluronic acid in its composition, provides comfort and freshness when washing.

Care including products with the function of protecting and restoring the skin barrier. They need to be applied several times a day for 3–5 days after peeling.

Mandatory sun protection with maximum SPF.

We recommend a restorative soothing agent La Roche-Posay - Cicaplast balm SPF 50 with madecassoside for better skin regeneration and panthenol for a calming effect and restoration of the protective mantle. The solar screen and the prokerad component provide prevention of post-peeling pigmentation.

Precautionary measures

Yellow peeling reduces the skin's immunity, making it susceptible to infections. Often, an exacerbation of herpes occurs as a side effect. Usually cosmetologists prescribe special medications before peeling to prevent this reaction.

Retinoids in high concentrations cause large-plate peeling. Plus, the manifestation of retinoic dermatitis in certain areas of the skin is considered normal, which manifests itself:

Usually these troubles go away on their own after the rehabilitation period.

Tips and reviews from cosmetologists

Medical expert Vichy Elena Eliseeva believes: “Retinoic peeling is a safe and effective procedure.” Below we list its main advantages.

Relatively fast recovery period. Cosmetologists often call it a weekend procedure: if you peel on Friday, your face will return to normal by Monday.

Retinoic peeling is optimal not only for general skin renewal and rejuvenation, but also for targeted correction of hyperpigmentation.

It is carried out in a shorter course, on average 4–5 procedures are enough.

This procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation; for liver diseases; during the season of active ultraviolet radiation (and in the case of already developed tanning). Contraindications also include damage to the epidermis (due to dermatological diseases or as a result of banal squeezing of pimples).

Peeling is rightfully considered an integral element of complete skin care.

After all, this procedure helps to get rid of small wrinkles in a short time.

Let's figure out what this procedure is, how and how many times retinoic peeling can be done, and whether it is possible to use yellow cleansing when planning a pregnancy.

general information

Retinoic peeling can be called one of the most popular chemical peels due to its high efficiency and low trauma; the results of the procedure are comparable to the effects of expensive injection techniques. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to use retinol at home?

Let's look at the pros and cons of peeling, and what results can be achieved with it.

Retinol cleansing - what is it?

Retinoic peels are sometimes called yellow peels due to their ability to stain the skin. The procedure is aimed at exfoliating dead skin cells.

After peeling, the skin takes on a “renewed” appearance, as young cells appear on the surface, undamaged by the negative effects of the environment.

Retinoic peeling can be classified as superficial-medium peeling; exfoliation affects not only the stratum corneum, but also part of the epidermis and the capillaries that supply it with blood.

The active substance used during the procedure stimulates cells to divide, helping to restore skin density. In addition, retinol counteracts the influence of enzymes that destroy elastin and collagen molecules.


The very name of the procedure suggests that it is based on the use of retinoic acid, that is, an artificial analogue of vitamin A.

In addition, auxiliary acids are used in peeling:

In the complex, the acids have a pronounced rejuvenating effect:

  1. exfoliate the skin, stimulating the launch of regenerative processes;
  2. protect cells from the adverse effects of free radicals;
  3. restore the density and elasticity of the epidermis.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is the numerous benefits that make yellow peeling with retinoic acid such a popular procedure:

  1. high efficiency, superior to the achievements of softer peelings;
  2. painlessness;
  3. fast recovery period;
  4. absence of unpleasant complications;
  5. the ability to perform the procedure in the summer without the risk of skin damage.

The disadvantage is that after exposure to retinol, the skin acquires a yellow tint, which, coupled with severe peeling, does not allow one to lead a normal lifestyle.

In addition, a high concentration of retinol has an ambiguous effect on the human body, so the procedure has many contraindications.

Indications and contraindications for retinoic resurfacing

Yellow peeling is most often used to rejuvenate the face, neck, décolleté and hands. The procedure is recommended for mature ladies, but it is not contraindicated at a young age – with excessive formation of freckles or keratosis.

Good results can be obtained in the following cases:

  1. facial wrinkles;
  2. excessive pigmentation;
  3. photoaging;
  4. keratosis;
  5. acne marks or scars;
  6. blackheads

The procedure is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those planning a pregnancy in the next year - this is due to the teratogenic effect of retinol on the fetus.

Those who are prone to allergies should also be careful.

Preparation and stages of the procedure

To achieve a noticeable result, a fairly long preparatory period is required - from two to four weeks. First of all, it depends on the skin type you have. For example, the Asian type has increased sensitivity to the drug, and in this case long-term preparation is simply necessary.

A doctor will help you assess the condition of your skin and determine whether it belongs to one type or another during a preliminary examination.

The specialist prescribes home use of creams and masks with low concentrations of vitamin A to soften the skin and prepare it for peeling.

In addition, the doctor must ask what medications you are taking and whether you are planning to conceive a child in the near future.

If it turns out that the patient suffers from herpes, then to prevent rashes it will be necessary to take an antiviral drug even before the procedure itself.

During peeling, the specialist carefully removes makeup from the face and applies a mixture of salicylic and glycolic acid, which help quickly exfoliate dead skin cells. Then retinoic acid is applied - even such a sensitive area as the area around the eyes is covered with the composition.

Further, depending on the concentration of the mixture, the active substance is either washed off after twenty minutes or remains on the face for several hours. After removing the acid, the skin must be moisturized with a product prescribed by a specialist.

Darsonvalization of the face: how to do it and how many procedures are needed for a good result, you can read here.

How many myostimulation procedures are needed and how this technique works for weight loss and eliminating the “orange peel”, read here.

Restoration and care of facial skin after

Before the procedure, be sure to ask your doctor how to care for your face after yellow peeling. For several days after peeling, the epidermis intensively peels off, disappearing into transparent films. At this time, slight itching and discomfort are possible.

The skin may differ in shade in those places where the old layer has not yet come off. You should not speed up the process on your own; let the keratinized scales come off gradually. In the post-peeling period after yellow peeling, it is extremely important to use care products recommended by a specialist.

Therefore, the first weeks after the procedure, the use of sunscreen is simply necessary. It is also advisable to change your regular foundation to one that can withstand ultraviolet radiation.

It is not recommended to use other abrasive procedures until the end of the course; washing is allowed only with products for sensitive skin. During the procedure, it is not advisable to resort to hair coloring or perm, and you should not use cosmetics containing vitamin A or its analogues.

Look at the photo to see how the skin peeling stage goes after yellow peeling:


Even at the stage of peeling, the difference between aging and young skin is clearly noticeable:

  1. healthy color is restored;
  2. wrinkles are smoothed out;
  3. deep folds become less pronounced;
  4. Freckles and age spots disappear;
  5. acne spots or scars become less noticeable;
  6. dryness and flaking are eliminated.

To better understand what results chemical yellow facial peeling gives, you should read the reviews of those who have tried the method (they are presented at the end of the article) and look at the before and after photos:

Possible complications and consequences

After peeling, many people experience a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin; cosmetic products prescribed by a doctor will help cope with these problems.

There may be slight swelling or redness - these phenomena are temporary and will go away in a few days. Most often, complications arise when yellow peeling is performed at home. Incorrectly calculated concentration of the active substance, lack of a proper preparatory period - all this can lead to burns, inflammation and severe itching.

It is possible that the body may have a negative reaction to the combination of retinol and the medication you are taking. To minimize the risk of possible complications, entrust the delicate procedure to a qualified specialist.

Duration of the course and prices in salons

Many people are interested in the question: how often can retinoic peeling be done and how expensive will yellow peeling be? Let's figure it out together.

The required course usually includes from 3 to 5 procedures, with an average interval of two weeks. If peeling is intended more for the prevention of aging, then you can get by with one procedure.

The results last for at least five months; the course can be repeated only after six months. The average price for one retinoic peeling procedure ranges from 3 to 5 thousand.

But when calculating the full cost of the yellow cleansing course, do not forget to take into account the cost of care products during the recovery period - they usually cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

In pursuit of beauty, women sometimes decide to make the most unimaginable sacrifices. If you are not afraid of the prospect of peeling skin and the inability to leave the house for several days, yellow peeling is suitable for you. And the reward for temporary inconvenience will be youthful, rosy skin and a feeling of irresistibility.

How often you can do cavitation and why this technique is needed, you will find out here.

The effect of Darsonval on hair is undeniable, you can find out how this happens by clicking here.

Customers' opinions

“I took a retinol peeling course about a year ago. My face, of course, itched a lot, but moisturizing creams helped. The result is excellent - the freckles are gone, the complexion is perfectly even. The wrinkles around the eyes and above the upper lip have become almost invisible! It’s good that I was on maternity leave at the time; I could calmly take care of myself and not frighten those around me (except my husband) with the peeling yellow film.”

“My friend had a procedure done at the salon. She herself is happy, but if I evaluate the result from the outside, I didn’t notice any special changes.

The complexion, of course, became smoother, but the wrinkles remained. “In my opinion, it’s better to spend that kind of money for more effective procedures.”
Ella, 29 years old:

“I used to often visit solariums. As a result, many pigment spots appeared on the cheeks and nose. Homemade scrubs did little to help solve the problem. I decided to resort to peeling, especially since my favorite salon was just holding a promotion. The process is, of course, long, but the result is simply excellent! My complexion is perfectly even, I’ve practically stopped using foundation.”
Marina, 31 years old:

“My husband gave me a certificate for the services of a cosmetologist for my birthday. I thought about it and decided to try retinol peeling. I made my household laugh a lot with my yellow face, but I liked the result. It feels like I’ve lost five years.”

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video of how the retinoic (yellow) peeling procedure goes: