Retinol Palmitate Solution (Vitamin A) 100,000 IU/ML In Oil

Vitamin A solution is one of the most important for maintaining health and proper functioning of the body. However, like any drug, it may have side effects and contraindications. In this article we will look at

Main indications for the use of vitamin A:

* Hypovitaminosis and vitamin A deficiencies, which occur in the absence or insufficient intake of this vitamin in the body. * infectious diseases such as measles, diphtheria, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.

syndromes of stomach and intestinal ulcers, rickets and retinal diseases colds and viral infections diseases of the skin and eyes An overdose of vitamin A can lead to the following side effects: headaches nausea vomiting fever peeling of the skin necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes gait disorder convulsions The most common side effects were observed after use of high doses. However, they are more easily tolerated compared to an overdose. On average, the disease lasts from two