Retinol Palmitate

Retinol Palmoatta is a natural vitamin A (or retinol) that helps support healthy eyes, skin and immune system. This drug is also used to treat various diseases such as infectious diseases, skin diseases, eye diseases, rickets and other health problems.

The production of Retinol Palmoatta in Russia, Ukraine and Russia is carried out by Meligen, Retinovid and Umany HFZ, respectively. Retinal Palmiasta is a vitamin A group and has a large number of indications for use.

However, it is worth noting that Retinolapalmiuate has many side effects, such as headache, nausea, dry skin, insomnia and others. Therefore, before starting to use it, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible problems. In addition, you should not start using this drug during pregnancy or lactation as it may adversely affect the development of the fetus. It is also worth considering that an overdose of Retinal Palmiosta is often accompanied by severe symptoms, including headache, weakness and even death. Finally, to achieve maximum benefits from using Retinolaparmaite, you must follow your doctor's instructions and take the drug according to the dosage.