
Retrotranslation is the process of transferring data from one place to another. It can be used to move files, folders, programs and other items between computers or devices.

Retrocasting can be done using a variety of tools and techniques. For example, you can use an FTP server to transfer files between computers, or use cloud services to store data and access it from different devices.

The retrotranslation process can be automated using special programs that allow you to quickly and conveniently move data between different devices. For example, programs like Dropbox or Google Drive allow you to sync files between computers and mobile devices, making it easier to work with your data.

Overall, retrotransposition is an important tool for working with and exchanging data between different devices and computers.


Retrotransposition is the transfer of dUp units to the middle of the molecule following the formation of dup units at the edges of a duplex molecule. Perhaps the duplication of dUp “links” as a result of the “ruin” of a neighboring dup unit is accompanied by the transfer (extraction) of the replication fork. The phenomenon is called “excirculation”.

Excirculation occurs during multiple restarts of eukaryotic genome replication and the development of genomic implant infection under the influence of viruses. It involves the creation and movement of viral double copies of a new (“additional”) chain, which is accompanied by the transfer of double units between heteroduplexes in affected and neighboring unaffected chromosome sites. In this way, new sections of abnormal daughter DNA are formed. As a result