Resection of the Knee Joint According to Kornev

Resection is an operation to excise part of the tissue in order to release it for maturation. In relation to surgical practice - excision of a part of an organ, followed by removal and replacement. Historically, resections were performed in cases where the patient was unable to undergo the full operation. This approach gave rise to the concept of “smaller operation”. Using these diagnostic methods, the doctor sought to optimize surgical intervention, avoiding wasting the patient’s time conducting a diagnostic study, preparing the surgical field and, if possible, the intervention itself, sacrificing one or more analytical components to obtain a result. Over time, surgery has significantly increased in its degree of complexity and, as a consequence, morbidity. In the 21st century, we operate on the patient in a more comprehensive manner, without leaving any pathological formations. “Large-volume” resections have practically ceased to be performed. There are exceptions, of course. Thus, resection can be considered as a therapeutic intervention of a lesser degree of integrity of an organ, tissue or formation.

Resection is the removal of part of a structure, tissue or organ during a single surgical procedure in order to normalize its functioning. The purpose of removal is most often to rid the body of the manifestations of advanced chronic pathology. Such operations are usually performed on organs, tissues, cortex, cerebral cortex, and surrounding tissues. Today, resection has become widespread, in which the affected part of the knee is removed and at the same time the intact knee joint is preserved. Less commonly, with this pathology, a procedure is performed to completely remove (arthrotomy) the knee joint, followed by replacing the defect with a partial endoprosthesis.

The operation procedure consists of opening the affected tissues and excision of pathologically changed areas. The knee is straightened, the wounds are connected with soft material for careful fixation. Tight fastening of the resulting parts allows the patient to immediately abandon the restriction of activity, and in the future - to completely return to their normal life without surgical intervention and prosthetic sleeves. Functionality after such an operation is usually at the level of a healthy knee. However, the absence of contraindications to this type of surgical intervention is determined only by doctors, and patients, listening to their advice, receive qualified medical care and are freed from chronic pain and discomfort for a long time. The Kornev resection arthrotomy method is being developed and introduced into widespread medical practice.

Excision of tissue occurs at the time of performing root resection of the knee. Used as special suture materials (Polysorb