Causes of sudden breakout of acne on the face

Not every person can boast of naturally clean and healthy skin, which is why different lotions and creams are often used. These cosmetic substances allow you to keep your skin looking flawless for a long time. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, we still encounter acne from time to time. Some people simply ignore them, continuing to lead their previous lifestyle, while others, on the contrary, panic and crush them, treating them with aggressive antiseptics. You can understand one or the other, but I would like to note that if acne breaks out instantly, it is better to go to the doctor.

Types of rash on the face

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While pimples on the temples or above the lip may not be noticeable, a rash on the forehead is almost impossible to ignore. If you notice a rash on your forehead, it can be assumed that you have stomach problems, or, more precisely, low acidity. If the rash is marked close to the hairline, a bladder problem may be diagnosed. Chinese scientists claim that red spots on the left side of the forehead, closer to the temples, indicate problems with the rectum; a rash on the left side indicates a malfunction of the sigmoid colon.

Acne and comedones that are located clearly between the eyebrows are liver dysfunction. A painful rash above the left eyebrow is a signal of dysfunction in the left adrenal gland, respectively, on the right side, a rash above the eyebrow indicates a decrease in the functioning of the right adrenal gland.

It will be interesting to know that severe inflammation and acne, which is concentrated clearly in the upper right part of the forehead, is a sign of appendicitis. A person needs to get diagnosed as quickly as possible, especially if acne appears suddenly.

Hormonal imbalances can also manifest themselves specifically on the forehead; increased production of testosterone is characterized by pustules on the central part of the forehead in men. Women may develop a rash before the onset of menstruation, but this is a normal situation and does not require medication correction.

Pimples on cheeks
