Rhododendron Rusty

Rhododendron ferrugineum is an evergreen shrub from the Ericaceae family.

It has other popular names: alpine rose, mountain datura. In pharmacology, the leaves are used under the Latin name Rhododendri ferruginei folium.

Botanical description:

  1. Shrub height up to 1 m
  2. The leaves are lanceolate, light green below, with glandular dots.
  3. The flowers are bright, rusty red.
  4. Grows in the mountains (Alps, Pyrenees)

Contains tannins, essential oil (lowers blood pressure), andromedotoxin.


  1. To cleanse the blood
  2. As a diuretic
  3. For gout and rheumatism

Poisonous plant, protected by the state.