Rissa Symptom

Rissa symptom

Rissa symptom is a clinical and radiological symptom complex indicating pneumonia of the upper lobe on the right - the most common localization of chronic obstructive bronchitis. It is essential in the diagnosis of acute pneumonia, as well as during additional examination of patients with clinical signs of “pneumonia”. The occurrence of this symptom was described by A.P. Sergeev in 1977 (Fig. 1), but the cause of its occurrence was unknown. Riesz's symptoms consist of the occurrence of intermittent small and large bubble moist rales and crackling over the area of ​​the right lower quadrant with compression of the edge of the chest and intercostal spaces. Thus, the immediate symptoms that manifest themselves when the vocal cords are compressed disappear, but intermittent crepitus and pleural sound appear synchronously due to the penetration of air into the missing airway section of the lung.