Zombie face drawings

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When choosing an image for Halloween, many people choose the image of the living dead. It’s very easy to make a costume for this character; you just need to tear and stain the clothes; for added effect, you can sprinkle them with artificial blood.


However, the look won't be complete without proper zombie makeup for Halloween. To create this look, it will not be enough to simply whiten your face and draw bruises under your eyes. You will need to do something more repulsive. As you can see in the photo, good makeup can create a feeling of horror.

Another significant advantage of the image is that it is suitable for both boys and girls. For a couple, you can do makeup in the same style.

Of course, it will be difficult for beginners who have no experience to recreate the makeup that was created by professional makeup artists at home. But even simple zombie makeup, which you can easily do yourself, can look extremely impressive.

Where to begin?

It’s worth starting preparations for the holiday in advance, so that you have time not only to think through the image well, but also to conduct a rehearsal for creating makeup. It will be very disappointing if, an hour before the holiday, it turns out that the idea cannot be realized, or the chosen makeup option is not entirely successful.


This is especially true for girls who, even creating the image of a zombie, do not want to make a repulsive impression on others. If you conduct a rehearsal in advance, you can choose the makeup that will not greatly disfigure your appearance.

We must remember that when creating an image, there are no trifles. If possible, it is worth purchasing special colored lenses, as this element creates an unsurpassed effect that even the most complex makeup cannot achieve. You can wear white lenses or choose a luminous option.

Another important detail is the teeth. Zombies cannot have healthy white teeth; to achieve the desired effect, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of dark food coloring before the holiday. And after the party, you will need to brush your teeth by dipping a brush in baking soda. This cleaning will remove traces of dye, and the teeth will regain their natural color.


To create an image, you will definitely need blood, artificial, of course. You can buy fake blood, but if this is not available, then a substance of suitable structure and color can easily be brewed at home yourself.

To do this, you will need starch and food coloring in two colors - blue and red. Cooking method:

  1. put a saucepan of water on the fire;
  2. dilute starch in a glass of cold water;
  3. Pour the prepared solution into the boiling water, stirring vigorously. The more starch there is, the thicker the “jelly” will turn out. Add red dye to the hot mass, and just a little blue so that the “blood” acquires a more natural color. But the blue dye must be added carefully, drop by drop, otherwise the substance will acquire a purple tint.

How to create makeup?

To create makeup zombies for Halloween, we need:

  1. achieve a deathly pale complexion;
  2. draw corpse spots;
  3. make artificial wounds and damage.


To do makeup zombies for Halloween, we need:

  1. theatrical makeup or light-colored foundation;
  2. shades of gray or gray-green, you can also use purple, blue, crimson tones.

To create homemade artificial wounds, it is most convenient to use theatrical wax. If you couldn’t get the product, you can take regular paper napkins and PVA glue. Also, at home you can “construct” artificial wounds from gelatin.

Here are step-by-step instructions to quickly create a light zombie makeup that is suitable for both girls and men:


  1. Apply a light tone to a cleansed face. If possible, you can use theatrical makeup by adding a little blue or green to the white paint. But it is important not to overdo it, so as not to become like the hero of the movie “Avatar”;
  1. Now you need to draw dark circles around the eyes, for this you should use dark shades of shadow and shade them well. You can put some red shadows along the edge of the dark circle and also blur the boundaries of the color transitions well with a brush. This creates the impression of bruises. You can put dark gray shadows on the upper eyelids, and dark red ones on the lower eyelids. If you also highlight the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a red pencil, the eyes will look sunken and inflamed;
  1. Next, you need to draw in your cheeks and apply a blush brush to the areas where “pits” have formed, having first applied gray-green shadows to it. You can add a little burgundy or purple color and blend well;


But the image will be incomplete without damage to the skin. Of course, we won’t inflict real wounds, we’ll make do with artificial ones.

It's quite easy to make makeup from napkins. You need to use regular white or beige paper napkins, tear them into pieces and stick them on the skin using eyelash glue. You need to glue in several layers, without trying to do it particularly carefully. Our goal is to achieve an uneven, bumpy surface.

After the glue has dried, you need to apply the foundation that was used on the face onto the napkins. Then, using shadows, we create an imitation of corpse spots. In some places you can carefully tear the napkins using a toothpick. You need to act carefully so as not to scratch the skin. Additionally, “tatter” the tear with your fingers so that the layers of napkins stick out like peeling skin.


Around the gap we have made we apply crimson, violet and gray shadows in spots, and inside the gap we paint with red paint using a brush. Artificial blood should be sprinkled around the wound; you can make a couple of picturesque smudges.

So, to create spectacular zombie makeup, you will need a lot of imagination and a little effort. But the result will allow you to become a real star of the Halloween carnival.

Each of us has an idea of ​​what zombies look like, but at the same time we understand that they can be very different. Therefore, the makeup can turn out to be unexpected and original. We have put together a collection of makeup looks that you can do yourself.

it will take 4 minutes to read

Text: Editorial staff of Makeup.ru September 8, 2018



Whatever your goal for All Saints Day - to scare away or, on the contrary, to attract attention, the image of a zombie will be suitable for achieving it in any case. After all, zombie-style makeup cannot be called the same type - judging by horror films and cartoon horror stories, there is no one recognizable zombie character. Therefore, you can create your own, one of a kind. The material contains more details on how to create zombie makeup at home with step-by-step instructions and photos.


What do you need for zombie makeup for Halloween?

The basis of zombie makeup is a sickly blue-green complexion, so first of all you will need makeup that can be used to “tint” the skin. An ordinary cream from a basic cosmetic bag will not help - only a professional product that has increased durability will do the job, because it needs to last until the end of the party.


Basic products can also come in handy: we are talking about eye pencils, mascara, eyebrow gel, lipstick. However, they can only be used if the transformation into a zombie is planned only partially - while maintaining the “human” accents on the eyes or, for example, on the lips.


Additionally, you will need red or burgundy makeup in case you plan to make your zombie makeup for Halloween scary, with traces of blood. It is better if it is paint in the form of a thick paste: this makes it easier to create an imitation of a “voluminous” wound, a zombie bite.


You can also stock up on bandages and scraps of torn fabric. This look is often complemented with white lenses, creating the effect of a “absent” look. By the way, you can take the idea from the video below as a basis for eye makeup. Thanks to the dark shade, you will get the effect of sunken eyes.

If you haven't decided yet that you want to transform into a zombie this coming Halloween, other ideas are suggested in one of these instructions:

You will find useful tricks in this video.

Zombie image options for a girl

Zombie makeup for Halloween is not exactly the most “girlish” choice. But it all depends on how you approach the question: turning yourself into a monster is not at all necessary. How to do zombie makeup and at the same time maintain at least a hint of femininity?


  1. Make up in pop art style. Let the zombie's face, with its skull exposed in some places, teeth bared, wounds and cuts, be designed in a cartoonish manner, as if you stepped out of the pages of a comic book. Such an image will be difficult to take seriously - but you will look impressive, attracting attention with the bright colors of the makeup.


  1. Combine your usual feminine makeup, which emphasizes the eyes and lips, with a zombie-horror-inspired green-blue or earthy gray tone. This technique will allow you to partially remain “yourself”, while gaining similarities with the heroes of horror films.


  1. Light zombie makeup consists of swamp brown streaks that give the impression of stained skin, plus a few bruises and wounds painted on using cream makeup or lipstick. You can complement the look with lenses with white pupils. This detail will add completeness to the look, so you can immediately launch a zombie attack on the occasion of Halloween.


As a basis for your look, you can take the traditional Halloween make-up, which we talked about in this video, and complement it with frightening details. For the same purpose, you can use a video about doll makeup.

Zombie makeup options for a guy

Young people tend to find it more exciting to turn into a zombie at Halloween. They are not afraid to stop being like themselves - and easily get used to the image of the chosen character.


The most terrible make-up options are enthusiastically accepted - with imitation of wounds, bites of other zombies that caused infection, with hints of mutation. Any horrors in this case will be more than appropriate.


What can guys include in their zombie look?

  1. Don't skimp on makeup to create tone. Mix green paint with blue and apply not only to the face, but also to the neck, so that the makeup does not end up looking like a mask.


  1. Add a few careless strokes over the face with brown foundation, which girls usually use as a sculptor when contouring. You will end up with “dirty” spots, which will make the makeup look more sinister.


  1. Create the effect of “crumbling” skin - a regular cleansing face mask with clay will help you with this. Apply it in places directly on top of the makeup and wait until it dries so that the texture of the mask begins to crack.


  1. To make the look of “empty” eyes even more frightening after you put on light lenses, make sure that the result is contrasting: blend black shadows over your eyelids.


You can find even more tips to help you create a Halloween look for your guy here.

Life hacks for creating a harmonious zombie look

A harmonious result, even if we are talking about the image of a zombie for Halloween, will be guaranteed to you only if you think through your appearance to the smallest detail.

  1. If you look at the photos of people with different versions of zombie makeup, which makeup artists, makeup experts and beauty bloggers suggest repeating, you will notice that they always choose a hairstyle to go along with the makeup. This is usually disheveled, tangled hair that looks dusty. To achieve this effect, spray gray-brown powder onto the strands treated with a transparent gel.


  1. Another component of the zombie image is the “smile”: crooked teeth with stains and stains, appearing “rotten”. Some people use false teeth from zombie makeup kits, while others use another trick: rinsing with brown food coloring, which is easily washed off with water.


  1. The outfit is a mandatory element of the zombie image. The basis of the costume should be rags - any worn things with holes, torn patches, stains (including “bloody” stains: it’s easy to stain clothes properly with paint).


  1. To ensure everything turns out just as you planned on the appointed evening, try on a “test” zombie look a few days before Halloween. Look at the photo examples below and try to repeat your favorite option yourself - at home. Once you see the result, you can evaluate whether it meets your expectations or whether something needs to be adjusted.


Different ideas for zombie style makeup:







Not ready for such a provocative image yet? Then it might be worth starting with one of these.

Would you like to do zombie makeup this Halloween? Write a comment.