
Rivotril (quetiazene) is a benzodiazepine tranquilizer. 1.5 times more active than diazepam, but less toxic. Indications are the same as for diazepam. It is a diazepine derivative that has anxiolytic, sedative, central muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effects.

The sedative effect persists for 5-10 hours, the anxiolytic effect appears after 2 hours and continues to be expressed for about 3-4 hours, the amnestic effect does not differ significantly from the effect of chlorpromazine. Some benzodiazepines are less likely to disrupt thinking than others, such as phenazepam.

The main manifestations of central muscle relaxation are a decrease in the tone of skeletal muscles (especially respiratory muscles), a suppressive effect on the activity of clonic and tonic convulsions; manifests itself