A mole on the head is a sign

Red moles on the face. Especially if they are small in size, they indicate excessive pride of their owner.

Brown moles on the face. Especially if they are small in size, they indicate a highly developed sense of self-esteem.

Black moles on the face. Indicate an aggressive, scandalous character.

Pale moles on the face. People who are cheerful, sociable and charming.

Lower part of the face. Moles of various shades of brown promise love and a happy personal life. If the moles are red, then they indicate irritability and aggression of their owner.

Mole on the right eyebrow. People who are lucky and lucky. With good material well-being. Moreover, they do not need to put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals.

Mole on left eyebrow. Men are indecisive and prone to illness. Women are happy in marriage.

Mole in the middle of the eyebrow. Men are rich, successful, wealthy. The women are elegant and graceful. They get married early, but their marriage is successful.

Mole above the eyebrow. Indicates chronic fatigue. It is necessary to give yourself rest so that fatigue does not turn into nervous tension. Also, great love awaits the owners of this sign.

Mole between eyebrows. On the bridge of the nose. People with well-developed intuition. Also, a person with this sign is endowed with a clear mind, wisdom and the ability to clairvoyance.

On the right temple. Their owner will be a rich, successful person. At the same time, relationships with others will not be easy. Therefore, such people are often lonely.

On the left temple. Romantic people and big dreamers.

Two moles on the temple. Especially if they are located nearby and are small in size. Found in passionate people who are capable of strong feelings. As a rule, their owner has a happy marriage.

A large mole on the temple in the center. Indicates a hard life full of difficulties. Often these people are lonely. To achieve any goals, they have to make enormous efforts.

A mole on the temple closer to the eyebrow. A happy life awaits their owner. Such people are called lucky, lucky.

Moles on both temples. They promise their owner health, luck, and material wealth. But at the same time, such people are absent-minded and forgetful.

To the right of the left eye. The owner will achieve success subject to determination and perseverance.

To the left of the left eye. Such people easily fall under the influence of their environment. They do not reach great heights. If it is black, then it means financial difficulties and poor health.

To the right of the right eye. Such people have leadership qualities. Energetic and inquisitive.

To the left of the right eye. If red, it indicates a hot temper. And high intelligence. If it is a different color it means good health, stability, material well-being

In the inner corner of any eye. Indicates high sexuality and a tendency to cheat.

Mole on the eyeball:

On the right side for men it portends good luck and prosperity. For a woman, poor health, especially in adulthood, also leads to difficulties in her personal life.

On the left side for women and men it promises prosperity. Owners of this sign are purposeful individuals who achieve any goals they set.

Bottom right speaks of love and sexuality.

Bottom left promises good prosperity. And for women it promises to receive a large amount of money with easy work.

Moles on the eyelids:

Right upper eyelid. Women are sad and depressed. As a rule, they are silent and prone to asceticism. Men are charming and loving. But at the same time they are flighty and prone to betrayal.

Left upper eyelid. Women strive for knowledge and are usually very erudite and versatile. Men are hardworking and purposeful.

Right lower eyelid. People with this sign are cheerful and friendly. As a rule, they are surrounded by many friends and acquaintances.

Left lower eyelid. People with a purposeful, strong-willed character. This is not to say that they are the darlings of fate. On the contrary, everything is given to them with great difficulty. But nevertheless, they achieve great heights overcoming various obstacles.

Everyone knows that a mole located near the lips denotes a person’s high sexuality and sensuality.
In addition to this feature, we can say that a mole near the upper lip means that its owner, in addition to sexuality, is a very ambitious and sociable person. Also, its owner is a born speaker and prone to leadership. And a mole near the lower lip, in addition to sensuality and sexuality, also speaks of the courage, determination and prudence of its owner. People with such a mole, as a rule, have wisdom and prudence in their character.

In the center of the forehead. People with complex characters. They are intractable, stubborn, and conflictual. They never compromise. Their personal life is not going well. At the same time, thanks to perseverance and work, they achieve any goals they set, achieving high material wealth.

Right side of forehead. It is better for a woman with this sign to avoid any temptations. Because they can ruin her life. Men with this sign are successful and live a bright, rich life.

Left side of forehead. Restless people who like to worry about little things. If they can overcome their excessive anxiety, then a happy life awaits them.

In general, moles on the forehead can be considered a good sign; their owners, as a rule, are successful people. Their personal life is going well, they are loved and know how to love.

On the bridge of the nose. Between the eyebrows. Indicates highly developed intuition. Also, a person with this sign is endowed with a clear mind, wisdom, and the ability to clairvoyance.

On the nose or nostrils. Owners of such a mole have an excellent sense of humor. They are sociable and sociable. Energetic, active people who are always on the move.

Near the nostril. And no matter from which side. People with such a mole are sociable and sociable. They try to lead in the family. Their marriage, as a rule, goes well.

On the cheek at the base of the nose. Its owners will have difficulties with their careers before the age of 30. In adulthood, they live a stable, measured life, but, as a rule, they do not reach great heights, therefore they often have average income.

On the tip of the nose. Owners of such a mole are endowed with determination and fortitude. They set goals and achieve them. They have an iron will. They don’t give in to other people’s opinions at all. But if this mole is black. This portends to its owner sadness, difficulties in his personal life and a tendency to alcohol.

Under your nose. Owners of such a mole are inquisitive. Excellent careerists, strive for material well-being. Usually reach great heights.

In the middle of the chin. Men with such a mole are ambitious, powerful people. They strive for independence. Those who are able to work, as a rule, are successful in business. In relationships, they like to dominate. They often become tyrants in the family. Women are passionate and sensual. Adventurers are not afraid to take risks. But sometimes they can be a little windy.

Lower part of the chin. People are resilient and determined. But at the same time, they are very arrogant and arrogant. They have a highly developed sense of self-esteem. They are very easy to offend, and once offended, they will stop any contact with the person who offended them.

At the base of the chin. The location of moles at the base of the chin indicates the possibility of achieving success in various areas of life without serious effort on the part of their owners. Such people do not experience a shortage of material resources throughout their lives, have loyal friends, have excellent physical properties by nature and succeed in business thanks to their professionalism and business acumen.

Right side of the chin. The owners of such a mole are faithful family men. Very calm and reasonable. But a little lazy. For harmony and a happy family life, they need an energetic, active, sociable life partner.

Left side of the chin. Men have a flighty character. They are sociable and love to flirt with the opposite sex. They strive for an idle lifestyle. Women, on the contrary, are calm and reasonable. Hardworking and not demanding. They will be absolutely happy with average income.

Right cheekbone. The owners of such a mole are very vulnerable and touchy. They cannot tolerate criticism. Men are purposeful and persistent in achieving their goals. Women are reserved. They find it difficult to get along with people and are touchy.

Left cheekbone. Men are indecisive and easily influenced by others. They are withdrawn and prefer to spend time alone. Women love to command and manage. They show despotism in the family.

Right side of the jaw. Owners of such a mole have poor health. Their life is full of obstacles and worries. If they learn to overcome difficulties without becoming discouraged, they will achieve success.

Left side of the jaw. Owners of such moles are prone to depression. But they are also creative people, and are happy doing art.

On the tongue. People with such a mole are smart, educated, intelligent. They are interested in exact sciences. They are not sociable and even withdrawn.

Root of the tongue. The owners of such a mole have poor health and are constantly sick. But at the same time they have a good heart.

Tip of the tongue. People are cheerful and positive. They love to communicate and are constantly expanding their circle of acquaintances and friends.

Border of the scalp:

The owners of such a mole are usually very modest and shy. They don’t like to communicate and are withdrawn. But at the same time very decent and honest. And, by nature, they are very lucky. Their wishes are fulfilled, and their goals are realized by themselves. Unless the mole is black, in which case the meaning will be the opposite.

Hair part of the head:

In general, moles on the head promise their owner wisdom and high intelligence. Such people are often great philosophers, geniuses, scientists. But they do not strive for material well-being at all. They prefer spiritual wealth over material wealth.

Back of the head. Owners of such a mole strive for financial well-being and receive it. They often engage in entrepreneurial activities or achieve great heights in their careers.

Not everyone has a mole on their head in their hair. This is a relatively rare sign that marks the owners of extraordinary talents, people who face an unusual fate. In the old days, such signs were considered marks of the Devil.

A mole on the head in the hair - what does it mean?

A birthmark or mole on the head in the hair, which looks like a cross, warns of big troubles. Marks on the body are considered karmic signs that remind each person of the good and bad deeds that he committed in a past life. If there is a cross-shaped sign on your head, it means you have received personal "cross".


It means difficulties in relationships. You will have many enemies. In relationships with relatives, friends and other half, constant misunderstanding is expected. Starting a family will be difficult. The only way to correct the mistake of a past incarnation is to learn to look at the situation through the eyes of others, to try to understand any point of view. A small or large mole on the head does not matter. Any mark on the head, be it a birthmark or a convex mark, has an impact on a person’s life.

A birthmark or mole on the head under the hair, if it has a round or any other shape, speaks of the ability to manipulate others. Close people especially suffer from this. There is no pronounced desire to manipulate people, but such a person will do this involuntarily, without noticing how his relationships with others who let such a person get close enough suffer. In addition, if you had a bad experience in creating relationships in your youth, it will last for the rest of your life and will interfere with starting a family or making friends.

Despite many shortcomings, you have a lively mind and developed intellect, you know how to make non-standard decisions, and do not give in when you need to act quickly. The determination of such people allows us to believe that they will achieve noticeable success, although closer to adulthood. They rarely strive to increase their income, preferring spiritual wealth to material wealth. A suitable profession is a scientist, teacher, author of books and textbooks.

There is another interesting feature in people who have moles and birthmarks on their heads. They look at the world through the eyes of a philosopher and are often religious. Passion for various spiritual movements, esotericism and religion can lead to denial of the pleasures of worldly life. Some go to a monastery or, as they say, “to work with their heads.” It is not surprising, because the lives of such people often pass in complete solitude. The desire for asceticism usually appears in adulthood.

Moles and birthmarks on the head - parietal region


The meaning of a mole on the head, which is located in the crown area, lies in extraordinary intelligence. Holders of such marks are smart and resourceful. They may be interested in philosophy, esotericism, as well as other sciences that imply a tendency to think. As a rule, we are talking about thinkers deeply immersed in their own world.

At the same time, a person can be quite sociable; he often tries to convey a certain thought or idea to others. If he has oratorical talents, he succeeds. Success depends only on the person himself - if there is a desire to devote time to promoting ideas and spend effort on it, everything will work out.

Owners of such markings on the head usually do not go unnoticed. They almost always manage to bring something new into our world. The area of ​​activity that turns out to be to your liking does not matter much. The main thing is whether you dare to put your innovative ideas on display. You will bring something to our world, but whether it will harm or benefit people is unknown.

Mole or birthmark on the back of the head - meaning


The meaning of a mole or birthmark on the head may vary depending on the location of the mark. If it is on the back of the head, it indicates an inability to trust people. Most likely, the owner of such a mark is a loner who is not used to the company of close people. Perhaps he doesn't have any.

Such people are accustomed to relying only on themselves. They do not take into account the aspirations of other people and do not pay special attention to colleagues or acquaintances. Those with birthmarks and moles in such a place hidden from prying eyes are able to think only about themselves and achieve only those goals that bring them benefit. The motivation for such an employee can only be personal, for example, a bonus or salary increase. He is unlikely to work for the sake of good relationships in the team or some abstract “common cause.”

The meaning of a mole on the back of the head is a mystery. Not in the sense that no one can know it, but in the sense that the owner of such a mark carefully keeps his secrets. He has something to compromise himself with; on the conscience of such individuals there is more than one bad deed, committed for his own good without taking into account the consequences for others. However, due to distrust of people, even the closest relatives may not know everything about this person. Even if such a person has someone to share his problems with, he will not do this. This does not bring relief, since the burden of unfavorable karma lies on their souls.


In the old days, there was such a sign that called such birthmarks or moles the seals of the Devil, marks of evil spirits, signs of witches. If you consider what a birthmark on the back of the head means, you can understand why in the old days they thought this way. We are talking about truly selfish individuals who are capable of committing any meanness and carefully “covering up” its traces. Now some esotericists who study the influence of marks on the body on life call such moles marks of sinners, which indicate that in a past life a person’s behavior also differed from ideal.

In general, the meaning of signs about marks on a person’s head can be useful for people who have such features. Only you can decide whether to correct the mistakes of past lives or use your existing talents for good, which a mole can tell you about.

Moles can determine a person's fate. If you have a lot of moles that you are not able to see for yourself (without the help of a mirror), rejoice: according to the signs about moles, you are lucky.

In the old days, when witch hunts were gaining momentum, a mole was considered the mark of the devil. People suspected of witchcraft were given the following test: they pricked a birthmark with a needle and if the person did not feel pain (by the way, this can happen with severe psychological shock), such behavior was considered a sure sign of a connection with evil spirits, and the person with They were rightfully accused of witchcraft, condemned to a terrible and painful death.

Thank God, the terrible times of witch hunts have long since sunk into the past and now moles are not considered marks of the devil, but with their help, or rather, by the way they are located on the body, you can determine the character of a person, which we propose to check for own experience or the experience of relatives and friends.

Signs about a mole on the head

Let's start from the very beginning, that is, from the head.

  1. So, if you have a mole on your right eyebrow, it marks an early and happy marriage.
  2. If such a mark is present on the left eyebrow, the marriage will be late, but whether it is successful or not depends only on you.
  3. What does a mole located in the corner of the eye mean? It speaks of the calm and balanced character of its owner.
  4. If the mole is located under the left eye, this is considered a sure sign of frivolity and frivolity in relationships with the opposite sex. Such people, as a rule, get married more than once - they are too amorous. Keep in mind that it is quite dangerous to associate your life with such a person, it is very difficult to keep him close to you, you shun this type of all sorts of shackles, so at one point he may simply disappear from your life, and you will only guess about the reasons.
  5. A folk sign about a mole on the left cheek. If you have it, then develop fighting qualities in yourself in advance, since to achieve what you want you will have to overcome many obstacles and it is up to you whether you will be able to successfully overcome them or go with the flow.
  6. But if the mole is located on the right cheek, you cannot avoid violent love experiences. However, you can make your fate easier by not taking every hobby you have to heart; after all, parting with a loved one does not mean that your life ends there. Who knows, maybe next time you will meet your ideal.
  7. We can sincerely congratulate the owner of a mole on the nose - success awaits this person in all his plans and endeavors.

Signs about a mole on the lip

  1. A birthmark on the lips looks very sexy, doesn't it? Just remember Cindy Crawford, who became a supermodel thanks to her birthmark. By the way, a mole located on the upper lip speaks of a fiery temperament and enormous sexual potential. So take a closer look at your friends and acquaintances, maybe one of them is the dream of your life.
  2. A birthmark on the lips also indicates a person’s cheerful disposition and the fact that he does not shy away from carnal pleasures. This person loves and appreciates beauty, but he pays too much attention to material things, while he does not care about the spiritual at all. Such people love to live in luxury and surround themselves with works of art, and often become collectors, if, of course, funds allow.
  3. But if the mole is located under the lip, its owner is a person capable of the most selfless, most selfless and at the same time passionate love. Unfortunately, such individuals are extremely rare in our lives today, but in the times of chivalry only such love was recognized.

Signs about a mole on the chin

  1. A birthmark on the upper part of the chin predicts a happy marriage and success in all matters.
  2. If the mole is located in the lower part of the chin on the right side, this is a sure sign of a traveler. Such people do not like to sit still, they are constantly in search, which, however, does not affect their well-being, since they can always count on the patronage of high-ranking officials. Their eternal stay on the road is always beneficial for them, since it is on the road that they manage to make useful acquaintances.
  3. But a mole on the lower part of the chin, but only on the left side, promises a person great wealth. Do you have just such a mole, and you are still not rich? Don't be upset, you will receive a big inheritance in the very near future!

Signs about moles on the ear

  1. The folk sign about a mole on the right ear, in its upper part, as well as inside or outside is a sure sign of Fortune’s favorites. These people are lucky in literally everything: they win all kinds of lotteries, while other, less fortunate fellow citizens, squander their last money; They are the ones who get the easiest tickets in exams.
  2. If the mole is in the middle of the right ear, try to avoid such a person: he has very unpleasant character traits - hot temper and aggressiveness. Of course, you yourself may be the owner of just such a mole; in this case, try to restrain your inclinations, otherwise they can cause harm not only to others, but also to you.
  3. Owners of moles located at the bottom of the right ear are, as a rule, quick-tempered and flighty people, but their easy-going nature fully compensates for the first two qualities.
  4. According to folk signs, a mole at the top or in the middle of the left ear speaks of the adventurism of its owner. These people cannot live in peace and be content with a comfortable life and a quiet family life; give them adventures and thrills, and the more acute the sensations, the more pleasure they will get from life.
  5. If you are constantly unlucky and want to break this vicious circle, try to meet a person whose hands are decorated with moles or age spots. Such people are happy and lucky. But most importantly, their happiness extends to literally everyone who is near them - truly an irreplaceable and very valuable quality. So when meeting a person, first look carefully at his hands, what if you get lucky?

Signs about moles on the neck

  1. A mole on the left side of the neck speaks of the romanticism of its owner, while a right-sided mole indicates a purely rationalistic persona. Such people are alien to having their head in the clouds; they stand with both feet, and quite firmly, on the ground. They are strong enough to withstand various troubles, but if the problem turns out to be beyond their strength, terrible things can happen: lacking flexibility, they will break and never recover from this fall.
  2. A mole located on the neck under the hair indicates a person’s secretive character, shyness and vulnerability. So, be kind, show such a person as much warmth and understanding as possible, and in response to your sincere interest, he will open up like a bud, and you will witness the best manifestations of this nature.
  3. You have probably met people who are popularly called yakalkas. It is difficult to determine what a person is like until he opens his mouth, and in the first conversation it is almost impossible to form an objective opinion about him. But if you see that there is a mole on the front of your interlocutor’s neck, you should know that this is just such a case. The owners of such moles are terrible egoists; they don’t see anything but themselves, and frankly speaking, they don’t want to see anyone. This behavior often dooms these unfortunate people to complete loneliness, which, however, does not really upset them.

What does a mole on the shoulders mean?

  1. According to popular beliefs, moles on both shoulders portend great luck to their owner in life, the main thing is not to miss your chance when he persistently knocks on the door of your house.
  2. If the mole is on the left shoulder, you will sometimes have to experience financial difficulties in life, but who has it easy now?
  3. But the mole on the right shoulder says otherwise. Its owner will be happy in marriage thanks to his stable financial situation, which will not shake even once in his life. Girls, marry the owners of just such moles: your love boat will never break in everyday life. And you, young people, also think about the candidacy of your future wife, what if it’s worth looking for an alternative?

Signs about a mole on the chest

  1. Agree, a mole on a woman’s chest looks piquant; moreover, being on the right breast, she says that a lady with such a sign often rushes from one extreme to another, sometimes not knowing what she wants. Her fate fully corresponds to her character: in life this woman always lacks stability - dizzying ups alternate with no less dizzying and at the same time absolutely unpredictable falls.
  2. If a mole flaunts on the left chest, this is a sure sign of a magnanimous, generous character, but at the same time somewhat frivolous.

Signs about moles on the body

  1. A mole on the waist indicates numerous offspring, and the larger this mark, the greater the number of offspring in your family. But if the mole is located on the right side of the waist, you are a born teacher and you will have excellent friendly relations with both your own and other people’s children.
  2. According to popular belief, moles on the thigh indicate a person’s sensuality and sexual liberation. Such people love to experiment in everything and, I must say, their experiments are always successful and bring a lot of joy not only to them, but also to those around them.
  3. Moles on the legs indicate a somewhat down-to-earth nature, which, however, is compensated by a strong will and determination. Such people always achieve their goal, but they are not shy about their means.
  4. If moles are located on the soles of the feet, then the person has a base nature: he is cruel, but weak-willed; He sometimes cannot control his actions, but his material well-being is always stable.

The meaning of hair on a mole

Moles with hair are a separate article. By themselves, they do not carry a specific energy load: it all depends on the location.

  1. According to popular beliefs, if such jewelry is on the left side of the body or head, it means the person is prone to negative actions. It is not at all necessary that he will become a serial killer, but caution when communicating with such an individual will not hurt. For example, a hairy mole located on the left hand says that a person may well be a plagiarist, but such a person, you see, can hardly be called a role model.
  2. If a mole with hair is on the right side, its owner has completely gone into the spiritual world and nothing earthly or vain disturbs him. It is also very difficult to communicate with such a person. But there is a guarantee that he will never do anything bad to anyone.
  3. A hairy mole can also be located on the watershed line, that is, on the border of the left and right sides. Such a person is constantly faced with a choice. He is capable of both the greatest meanness and real feat, and only God knows what he chooses. In general, such people are no less dangerous, since they are capable of literally anything. It is from them that mercenaries and agents of various intelligence services emerge.